Wolff: 'The Party's House Network Lost' MSNBC Big Loser In Elections...

The right is so obsessed with MSNBC. Nobody watches it guys. Calm down :thup:
Kinda like the left is obsessed with Fox? Except their viewership is high.

Fox can definitely mobilize the moron segment. Not that that's very hard to do.
Jealousy is a terrible trait

Yeah, it's a very ugly trait for sure. Fox News is annihilating CNN & MSNBC. It has been for many years. And that's obviously very upsetting for Communists/Progressives. All CNN (Communist News Network) and MSNBC are known for now is their shameful Democrat bootlicking and 24/7 incitement of a Race War.

Do you own stock in Fox or are you using this as some kind of hooray-for-our-side validation?

Aw, quit being so pissy. You might just get your Race War. CNN (Communist News Network) and MSNBC are working round-the-clock to make it happen for ya. So stay tuned... Or do what most people do, and don't stay tuned. ;)
The right is so obsessed with MSNBC. Nobody watches it guys. Calm down :thup:
Kinda like the left is obsessed with Fox? Except their viewership is high.

Fox News is the ultimate tool for the GOP. The GOP has managed to find a network through which they can funnel whatever opinions they want directly into their constituents without ever having to deal with an opposing point of view. And then they claim to be the only balanced news network and their constituents will argue that there is no bias in coverage and take that to their graves.

Whereas MSNBC is a joke and any liberal on here will admit that.

So really it's not so much an obsession with Fox News as it is an obsession with how easily manipulated the rubes of the republican base can be.

I see the rubes of the republican base trying to change the way Washington runs.
I don't see the rubes of the democrat base doing anything at all other than staying home during mid term elections.
The OP is a good example of the failure of modern corporate American democracy; it is now measured in terms of cable news popularity, which seldom ever provides actual news or information without steering viewers into ideological purity.

Any discussion that includes FOX news or MSNBC is lowbrow.
MSNBC has to truly be what one could only call a circus of fools pretending to be journalists or serious political commentators.
Now I know how out of touch with reality you really are, my dear.
Remember, the right only gets deranged about things that hurt them. If they're whining about you, it's a sign you're doing well.

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