CDZ Woman charged with boyfriend's suicide

has to do with the degrees of guilt...the link to the rape of the kidlet is o the other thread about this....

how can this woman be charged for text messaging while the other guy was not charged when he knew a rape was in progress?
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has to do with the degrees of guilt...the link to the rape of the kidlet is o the other thread about this....

how can this woman be charged for text messaging while the other guy was not charged when he knew a rape was in progress?

Well, in this case, the "other guy" killed himself so he can't be charged with anything. I don't know where rape is playing a role in this story?
All I can guess, ( and it is definitely a guess), is Accessory before the fact.
But accessory to suicide would be assisting suicide which is legal there.

bit of a difference.

she didn't assist in the suicide, she helped drive him to it.
One could argue he sought an okay from here and it was granted. The key we need and don't have are the actual texts. Those would form intent.

freudian slip?
All I can guess, ( and it is definitely a guess), is Accessory before the fact.
But accessory to suicide would be assisting suicide which is legal there.

bit of a difference.

she didn't assist in the suicide, she helped drive him to it.
One could argue he sought an okay from here and it was granted. The key we need and don't have are the actual texts. Those would form intent.

freudian slip?
No. It's my tablet with spell check! Fixed!
again degrees of she being charged as a cyber bully...when things much worse go on daily without consequences
As someone who has both considered suicide in my life and who has been encouraged by others to do so in my youth (among a great amount of teasing and verbal abuse), maybe I have a little different mindset on this...

When someone talks about suicide, they're generally really asking for help and support. To not only deny them that support but to go ahead and suggest they carry out a terminal act is really beyond reasonable.

She was charged with manslaughter. I think that's reasonable. It wasn't murder but I think it falls in a criminal area beyond just a civil wrongful death suit.
Well, here is an example of just one of the text messages she sent to him.

Prosecutors released transcripts of text messages the then-17-year-old Carter sent to Roy. In one of the texts, she allegedly wrote: “The time is right and you're ready, you just need to do it!”
is encouraging someone to kill themselves a crime? have we gotten to the point that only written laws count? no moral laws?
Let's not forget that she was only 17 years old when she sent these texts. I imagine it is quite difficult for a 17-year-old to try to deal with someone's mental health issues. A 17-year-old is just a child in many ways, emotionally, mentally even in many cases. That is one reason why I won't be so hard on her. She was just a stupid kid at the time. She didn't lock him in the truck and force him to commit suicide. The ultimate decision to take his life was his own, as sad as that may be.
is encouraging someone to kill themselves a crime? have we gotten to the point that only written laws count? no moral laws?
Arguably, we have gotten to that point. That's what happens when morality is considered a matter of opinion and bringing it up means you are forcing your beliefs on somebody else.
Well, here is an example of just one of the text messages she sent to him.

Prosecutors released transcripts of text messages the then-17-year-old Carter sent to Roy. In one of the texts, she allegedly wrote: “The time is right and you're ready, you just need to do it!”
They was certainly not helping but it's no more illegal then the crowd that gathers awaiting a jumper to jump.
Carter also had mental health issues. There were previous texts where she asked him to get help so his suicidal ideation had been going on for a long time and 2 years before he had gone inpatient. The kid suffered from severe depression but was taking medication for impulse control.
These are the text messages.
Michelle Carter Texts

He had gone to her repeatedly talking about his desire for suicide.

The case they reference in the above link is about a husband that told his drunk wife how to pull the trigger and was standing right there.

In this case Carter met the boy in person 4 times during a 2 year period. Where they screw up is saying she did this for attention.

What she did was absolutely reckless. I am not sure she should go to prison over it.
She was definitely WRONG. No doubt about that, but should you face charges for just saying words to someone else? I don't know how comfortable I feel about that. So, if someone on the internet says, "go kill yourself" and you do, should that person face charges? Where do we draw the lines and who draws them? I also like to try to understand as best I can both sides of an issue, and I can understand that dealing with a person's mental health issues may put undue stress on a person who is only 17 years old and more than likely very inexperienced in dealing with and understanding mental health issues. There are a lot of reasons to be for and against it, and I'm pretty torn about it.
And does age matter?

Do we feel the same way when the kid is 10 or 13?
is encouraging someone to kill themselves a crime? have we gotten to the point that only written laws count? no moral laws?
You know full well if you were to write a thread start tomorrow titled....,
We need to regulate morality
There would not be enough of you left cyberwise to make a chicken nugget out of!
She was definitely WRONG. No doubt about that, but should you face charges for just saying words to someone else? I don't know how comfortable I feel about that. So, if someone on the internet says, "go kill yourself" and you do, should that person face charges? Where do we draw the lines and who draws them? I also like to try to understand as best I can both sides of an issue, and I can understand that dealing with a person's mental health issues may put undue stress on a person who is only 17 years old and more than likely very inexperienced in dealing with and understanding mental health issues. There are a lot of reasons to be for and against it, and I'm pretty torn about it.
So, if someone on the internet says, "go kill yourself"

Do it once?
off hand remark.

do it continuously?

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