Woman Claims She Was Dead For 30 Minutes And Saw Angels

lizzie;4433661 It's hard to have any questions said:
I don't post boasting to have all the answers, lizzie, I even often say that I genuinely don't know... but I don't ever go along with someone condemning another's level of spirituality, regardles if it seems to be desperately sought out in such measures as some who are known to use substances, even, to gain spiritual wisdom and depth. I don't want to ever seem to be a know it all, but I also don't wanna be someone who stops thinking... I would rather provoke thought from within others, and I apologize, but sometimes that also means sometimes provoking them emotionally. :dunno: How devilish we all are... :D

I wasn't referring to you sweetie. It was the premise of the thread's op, which was basically making fun of someone reporting what they saw in a near-death experience. I often will play devil's advocate, and was doing just that toward the disdain shown in the opening post. :)
You people are not ignorant...you are brainwashed.

What do you think should be done about it?

For starters the law should prohibit the brainwashing of any child concerning the worship of ancient gods. If someone does it they should be prosecuted.

I don't bemoan folks for their beliefs, until they try to convert me or my family in person.

I baptized each of my 4 kids in the kitchen sink. At night I took them as babies outdoors, held them up to the stars and said "behold, the only thing greater than yourself".

That's the extent of their introduction to anything remotely associated with religion.
If heaven is so wonderful why are people afraid to die?
Aparently they have no real faith.

Not necesarily true.

Some have faith but still have a dread of dying and possibly ceasing to exist; doubts can do that.

Still more I think have others that depend on them and do not want to abandon them for the next life.

Then again, alot of Christians have no fear of death at all; so what about them? Do they prove anything like your claim that fear of death proves the Christian to be lacking in faith?
What do you think should be done about it?

For starters the law should prohibit the brainwashing of any child concerning the worship of ancient gods. If someone does it they should be prosecuted.
The First Amendment says you're full of shit, you fucking ignorant dumbass.

You lose. End of story. Your hate and intolerance will get you nothing except bitterness.

No one is giving up their faith to assuage your impotent butthurt. Deal with it.

Oh I think anyone reading this will know who's a dumbass. The constitution has been amended 27 times. For example the 21st amendment did away with prohibition and the last time was in 1992 and put limits on congressional pay increases and the way they are handled. I won't even go into the fact that the writers of the constitution put a specific value on a slave, 3-5 of a man...60%. They owned slaves...see any possible connection there.

Do you ever actually read anything or just choose to show your ignorance at discussion forums
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It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane......30 minutes. Hell, the last time this stuff happened a man was hung on a tree, bled like a hog and showed up two days later fit as a fiddle.
i see you still haven't found a brain yet. That man hung on a tree will one day be judging you, good luck with that.
I don't believe any of this as literal truth, campbell.

I've long since decided it's not very clear what you believe but it's definitely not the entire bible...by any stretch of one's imagination.

It's ok...the Jews wrote it and they don't even believe it.

The only thing in the Bible that really makes sense to me is to Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.

That alone is a profound and difficult enough practice without the rest of the nonsense.

I am and continue to be profoundly impressed by the warning that comes of the concept of original sin.

Back when I was young I truly didn't understand what those ancient thinkers were trying to tell me.

I thought it really was about the garden of Eden and so I dismissed it as foolish.

Now I understand what they were trying to tell us.

We're bad monkeys by nature, and it's our society which elevates us and teaches us to be something more than that.

Well...some of us, at least.

It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane.
And you know she didn't see Angels because...?

Because I wasn't the one with a rapidly diminishing blood supply to the brain. What a load of shit. Do you know what a hallucination is....................

"Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality — visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, equilibrioceptive, nociceptive, thermoceptive and chronoceptive."
You probably know a lot about hallucinations, drugs do that to you. Your brain was denied oxygen a long time ago.

It's unbelievable what the church will resort to when their membership and donations begin to wane......30 minutes. Hell, the last time this stuff happened a man was hung on a tree, bled like a hog and showed up two days later fit as a fiddle.
i see you still haven't found a brain yet. That man hung on a tree will one day be judging you, good luck with that.

You know what...fuck him and the jackass he rode in on. That's all Chrisitians know how to do...despise anyone who disagrees with their collection of fairy tales.

You evidently don't know very much about what you're instructed to do:

Turn The Other Cheek

Walk The Extra Mile

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You

Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thine Enemies

Pray For Those Who Curse And Despise You

If Sued In Court For Coat Voluntarily Give Cloak Also

Sell What You Have And Give It To The Poor

Take No Thought For Tomorrow(401K anyone?)

Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father Is Perfect

Add the tithe plus gifts for the church and VOILA!

Using those guidelines I've never met a Christian...'course I'm just 77 years old.
And you know she didn't see Angels because...?

Because I wasn't the one with a rapidly diminishing blood supply to the brain. What a load of shit. Do you know what a hallucination is....................

"Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality — visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, equilibrioceptive, nociceptive, thermoceptive and chronoceptive."

Hallucinations would explain any support for Obama 2012

That really depends on who the republicans end up with, though I guess that is not really support.
That's not Biblical. So, I suppose there is good reason to laugh at it. However, it's not good to identify that lunacy with the church. At least not a Bible-based church.

There are a few accounts of individuals that have been resurrected in the Bible. Lazarus being the most famous. There have been no accounts by any of the resurrected of seeing, hearing or experiencing anything after death. Furthermore, the Bible clearly defines death, which does not include what this "church lady" is claiming.

That's all for now.

Actually, I do know a lady personally who was pronounced dead, remained in that state for somewhere in the time period of 30-60 minutes, then revived spontaneously. She doesn't recall anything during that time. If I didn't know her and know her family, I wouldn't have believed it. She had very little residual damage.

30-60 minutes?

It must have been an error. She must have had some cardio-respiratory function. I don't think anyone can come back after being dead that long. You start to lose severe brain function after just a few minutes.
I've been in a coma after reading this thread.

I didn't see angels, but I did see some advocating for telling people what they should/shouldn't believe.

Live and let people. How does it affect YOUR life if someone believes in God, or Angels?
No one ever sees flames?

That's not Biblical. So, I suppose there is good reason to laugh at it. However, it's not good to identify that lunacy with the church. At least not a Bible-based church.

There are a few accounts of individuals that have been resurrected in the Bible. Lazarus being the most famous. There have been no accounts by any of the resurrected of seeing, hearing or experiencing anything after death. Furthermore, the Bible clearly defines death, which does not include what this "church lady" is claiming.

That's all for now.

Actually, I do know a lady personally who was pronounced dead, remained in that state for somewhere in the time period of 30-60 minutes, then revived spontaneously. She doesn't recall anything during that time. If I didn't know her and know her family, I wouldn't have believed it. She had very little residual damage.

30-60 minutes?

It must have been an error. She must have had some cardio-respiratory function. I don't think anyone can come back after being dead that long. You start to lose severe brain function after just a few minutes.


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