Woman Confronts Scott Pruitt in Resturant

Actually, I think she is a POS teaching her child to be a rude twit like herself.
I am sure you relate.

How "true".....After all, Pruitt spending $50K of tax payers' money for a sound-proofed phone booth in his office is the paragon of decency and the American way......don't you think?
Yeah, she "did something" alright. She gave more fuel to the Trumptards' bonfire about being abused and misunderstood. This is unacceptable behavior, violating an official's personal space. Leave it for the appropriate forum.

How "true"....I mean, after all, a public servant like Pruitt would readily allow critics into his office to vent what the fuck he is doing to the EPA.....don't you think?
When my government officials need a tongue lashing, I either call their office and leave a message or I email them. I could, I suppose, also write a letter to the editor of my local paper. Or Tweet.
There are myriad ways to vent. I hate what he is doing to the EPA, but how she went about it only hurts the effort.
She is an idiot that used a child as a shield... Took talking points with her to make her look like she knew what she was doing...

You're "correct" about using the "child as shield"....Who knows if that pansy, Pruitt would otherwise have gotten up, grabbing her privates???.....
I mean, isn't that a dictum and M.O. of our current leadership?

You should join anifta...

She is an idiot that used a child as a shield... Took talking points with her to make her look like she knew what she was doing...

You're "correct" about using the "child as shield"....Who knows if that pansy, Pruitt would otherwise have gotten up, grabbing her privates???.....
I mean, isn't that a dictum and M.O. of our current leadership?

You should join anifta

That would be hilarious

Yeah, she "did something" alright. She gave more fuel to the Trumptards' bonfire about being abused and misunderstood. This is unacceptable behavior, violating an official's personal space. Leave it for the appropriate forum.

How "true"....I mean, after all, a public servant like Pruitt would readily allow critics into his office to vent what the fuck he is doing to the EPA.....don't you think?
When my government officials need a tongue lashing, I either call their office and leave a message or I email them. I could, I suppose, also write a letter to the editor of my local paper. Or Tweet.
There are myriad ways to vent. I hate what he is doing to the EPA, but how she went about it only hurts the effort.

But the entire thing is you have the silent majority you can't convince them. We can argue all day long, but they see this and they don't like it.
I’ll say it again... it’s time for Republicans and Conservatives to start arming ourselves any time we’re in a public place to combat (on multiple levels) these morons.

Additionally, public officials need too start asking for private seating or a guarantee of privacy from the restaurant ownership when eating out.

Talking points in hand, Child in arms, Camera followed.... And she doesn't have a damn clue about the crap she is spewing... Now that is priceless... CNN trying to become relevant again by setting up Bull Shit Propaganda....

actually, this was filmed by a friend with her cell phone, not a CNN Crew.

Shut up, sit back down, mind your own business, and let people dine without Maxine-ing them. If this happened in my business, a fight would be coming. You don't get to harass my customers. Out the door you'd go, with or without my help...

"All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing". -Edmund Burke

Sounds like this woman decided to do something. Good for her.

No she was an actor, she was paid to do it.

Proof of this?

I know cameras , microphone's and I know CNN hatered of scott.., I read body language and she was to calm...

Watch it again..

So you got nothing, thank you.
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search feature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.

Reminds me of a quip I've recently heard, Trump has all the right enemies.
Yeah, she "did something" alright. She gave more fuel to the Trumptards' bonfire about being abused and misunderstood. This is unacceptable behavior, violating an official's personal space. Leave it for the appropriate forum.

How "true"....I mean, after all, a public servant like Pruitt would readily allow critics into his office to vent what the fuck he is doing to the EPA.....don't you think?

He was doing the job he was hired to do, so this makes three now.. this is the fourth of July and you can't even let people have their private space..?

They are doing the best they can, just vote them out...
Reminds me of a quip I've recently heard, Trump has all the right enemies.

How "true"....Enemies include:

2/3 of the American electorate

All our neighboring countries

Our allies in Europe and Aisia

Most of the district courts
When you have 60% of American's who see this crap you will lose everytime they can't stand it..

It's just the facts. You can't bully us to vote your way ,that's how you lost in 2016, 2014, 2010..

Democrats are so screwing up.
He was doing the job he was hired to do,

"true".........among the tasks that Pruitt was "hired to do," we have:

Pruitt drew criticism from the moment President Donald Trump installed him at the helm of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, since the former Oklahoma attorney general had built his career challenging EPA rules. But that was nothing compared with the deluge of damaging revelations that have emerged in recent months. At last count, there were more than a dozen open investigations of Pruitt, not counting some informal and non-public inquiries. Here’s a guide to who’s investigating Pruitt and what’s under the microscope:

  • The EPA’s inspector general, an internal watchdog, is auditing Pruitt’s travel amid questions about frequent trips to his home state of Oklahoma at taxpayer expense and reliance on first-class seats on commercial airplanes. This line of inquiry has twice been expanded to cover longer time frames. The current window, through the end of 2017, permits scrutiny of Pruitt’s December trip to Morocco to promote U.S. liquefied natural gas.
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is scrutinizing Pruitt’s frequent first-class seats, marking House Republicans’ first formal investigation of a member of Trump’s cabinet. The panel broadened its investigation in April to seek more information about Pruitt’s trips to Morocco and Italy, his security protection and his lease of a Capitol Hill condominium from a lobbyist.
  • The EPA inspector general is probing Pruitt’s round-the-clock security protection, including the possibility that bodyguards accompanied him on trips to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl.
  • Separately, the inspector general is auditing the administrator’s protective service detail in response to an anonymous complaint lodged before Pruitt was nominated. In September, the inspector general released an interim report saying it had discovered an unauthorized $23,413 pay adjustment for an unnamed agent.
  • The inspector general says it is conducting preliminary research on how the EPA’s criminal enforcement office reports "availability pay" awarded to officers who frequently work extra, unscheduled time beyond their regular workdays.
  • The Government Accountability Office already concluded the EPA violated an appropriations law by failing to notify Congress in advance of plans to spend more than $43,000 installing a secure phone booth in Pruitt’s office. The GAO said the EPA ran afoul of another law, the Antideficiency Act, by effectively spending government funds that hadn’t yet been appropriated or exceeded the appropriate amount. Federal employees who violate the law are subject to suspension from duty without pay or removal from office, as well as fines and imprisonment.
  • The White House Office of Management and Budget is examining the purchase of that soundproof phone booth, which morphed from a no-more-than $13,500 project into a $43,000 booth with silenced ventilation and "noise-lock" paneling.
$50 Condo Rental
  • The EPA’s inspector general is probing Pruitt’s rental of a Capitol Hill bedroom from a lobbyist under favorableterms that allowed him to pay $50 per day, just for the days used. Lawmakers and the U.S. government’s top ethics official had prodded the IG to launch the inquiry.
Pay Raises
  • The EPA inspector general is studying how Pruitt’s office used special legal authority to fill up to 30 "administratively determined" positions and award pay raises to some political appointees. Two of Pruitt’s top aides were given raises worth tens of thousands of dollars over White House objections, using special authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The authority, which was also used by Pruitt’s predecessors, enables EPA administrators to swiftly bring on staff. Documents released as part of an interim report on April 16 showed that Pruitt’s chief of staff, Ryan Jackson, authorized the salary increases.
  • The GAO is examining whether the EPA violated lobbying laws because of Pruitt’s appearance in a videodescribing his opposition to a rule on water pollution enacted under former President Barack Obama. The National Cattleman’s Beef Association video urges ranchers to file public comments on the rule the EPA is now rewriting and features Pruitt explaining the importance of that input. House Democrats including Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey said Pruitt’s involvement in the video could run afoul of federal laws barring the use of taxpayer dollars for lobbying or propaganda purposes.
  • The EPA inspector general is compiling information about a meeting Pruitt had with the National Mining Association in April 2017, following a report the administrator urged the coal group to encourage Trump to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement. Pallone and other critics said that if true, Pruitt’s prodding would violate lobbying laws. Inspector General Arthur Elkins Jr. told Pallone he could submit the factual record to the GAO to investigate potential legal violations.
  • The U.S. Office of Special Counsel is probing claims Pruitt retaliated against staff members who challenged his decisions, according to Politico and the Washington Post.
  • The EPA inspector general has agreed to scrutinize reports that staff were reassigned or demoted after questioning Pruitt’s spending, but the office said it is not clear when or how it will launch the work.
  • The inspector general has agreed to examine how Pruitt used subordinates’ time, amid revelations he enlisted aides to help with personal errands, including contacting a Chick-fil-A Inc. executive and trying to buy a second-hand mattress from the Trump International Hotel in Washington. The IG’s office said it’s not clear when it will initiate that probe.
  • The EPA inspector general is auditing Pruitt’s use of multiple email accounts, amid concerns they are not all searched in response to Freedom of Information Act requests.
  • The Government Accountability Office is looking into the EPA’s shakeup of its science advisory committees, including the dismissal of members and the selectionof replacements from oil and power companies.
Terms of Service Violation
He was doing the job he was hired to do,

"true".........among the tasks that Pruitt was "hired to do," we have:

Pruitt drew criticism from the moment President Donald Trump installed him at the helm of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, since the former Oklahoma attorney general had built his career challenging EPA rules. But that was nothing compared with the deluge of damaging revelations that have emerged in recent months. At last count, there were more than a dozen open investigations of Pruitt, not counting some informal and non-public inquiries. Here’s a guide to who’s investigating Pruitt and what’s under the microscope:

  • The EPA’s inspector general, an internal watchdog, is auditing Pruitt’s travel amid questions about frequent trips to his home state of Oklahoma at taxpayer expense and reliance on first-class seats on commercial airplanes. This line of inquiry has twice been expanded to cover longer time frames. The current window, through the end of 2017, permits scrutiny of Pruitt’s December trip to Morocco to promote U.S. liquefied natural gas.
  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is scrutinizing Pruitt’s frequent first-class seats, marking House Republicans’ first formal investigation of a member of Trump’s cabinet. The panel broadened its investigation in April to seek more information about Pruitt’s trips to Morocco and Italy, his security protection and his lease of a Capitol Hill condominium from a lobbyist.
  • The EPA inspector general is probing Pruitt’s round-the-clock security protection, including the possibility that bodyguards accompanied him on trips to Disneyland and the Rose Bowl.
  • Separately, the inspector general is auditing the administrator’s protective service detail in response to an anonymous complaint lodged before Pruitt was nominated. In September, the inspector general released an interim report saying it had discovered an unauthorized $23,413 pay adjustment for an unnamed agent.
  • The inspector general says it is conducting preliminary research on how the EPA’s criminal enforcement office reports "availability pay" awarded to officers who frequently work extra, unscheduled time beyond their regular workdays.
  • The Government Accountability Office already concluded the EPA violated an appropriations law by failing to notify Congress in advance of plans to spend more than $43,000 installing a secure phone booth in Pruitt’s office. The GAO said the EPA ran afoul of another law, the Antideficiency Act, by effectively spending government funds that hadn’t yet been appropriated or exceeded the appropriate amount. Federal employees who violate the law are subject to suspension from duty without pay or removal from office, as well as fines and imprisonment.
  • The White House Office of Management and Budget is examining the purchase of that soundproof phone booth, which morphed from a no-more-than $13,500 project into a $43,000 booth with silenced ventilation and "noise-lock" paneling.
$50 Condo Rental
  • The EPA’s inspector general is probing Pruitt’s rental of a Capitol Hill bedroom from a lobbyist under favorableterms that allowed him to pay $50 per day, just for the days used. Lawmakers and the U.S. government’s top ethics official had prodded the IG to launch the inquiry.
Pay Raises
  • The EPA inspector general is studying how Pruitt’s office used special legal authority to fill up to 30 "administratively determined" positions and award pay raises to some political appointees. Two of Pruitt’s top aides were given raises worth tens of thousands of dollars over White House objections, using special authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act. The authority, which was also used by Pruitt’s predecessors, enables EPA administrators to swiftly bring on staff. Documents released as part of an interim report on April 16 showed that Pruitt’s chief of staff, Ryan Jackson, authorized the salary increases.
  • The GAO is examining whether the EPA violated lobbying laws because of Pruitt’s appearance in a videodescribing his opposition to a rule on water pollution enacted under former President Barack Obama. The National Cattleman’s Beef Association video urges ranchers to file public comments on the rule the EPA is now rewriting and features Pruitt explaining the importance of that input. House Democrats including Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey said Pruitt’s involvement in the video could run afoul of federal laws barring the use of taxpayer dollars for lobbying or propaganda purposes.
  • The EPA inspector general is compiling information about a meeting Pruitt had with the National Mining Association in April 2017, following a report the administrator urged the coal group to encourage Trump to pull the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement. Pallone and other critics said that if true, Pruitt’s prodding would violate lobbying laws. Inspector General Arthur Elkins Jr. told Pallone he could submit the factual record to the GAO to investigate potential legal violations.
  • The U.S. Office of Special Counsel is probing claims Pruitt retaliated against staff members who challenged his decisions, according to Politico and the Washington Post.
  • The EPA inspector general has agreed to scrutinize reports that staff were reassigned or demoted after questioning Pruitt’s spending, but the office said it is not clear when or how it will launch the work.
  • The inspector general has agreed to examine how Pruitt used subordinates’ time, amid revelations he enlisted aides to help with personal errands, including contacting a Chick-fil-A Inc. executive and trying to buy a second-hand mattress from the Trump International Hotel in Washington. The IG’s office said it’s not clear when it will initiate that probe.
  • The EPA inspector general is auditing Pruitt’s use of multiple email accounts, amid concerns they are not all searched in response to Freedom of Information Act requests.
  • The Government Accountability Office is looking into the EPA’s shakeup of its science advisory committees, including the dismissal of members and the selectionof replacements from oil and power companies.
Terms of Service Violation

Simple translation~ you are upset that Scott is over turning Obama's EPA regulation's..

Trump is tearing apart Obama's legacy like Reagan did to Jimmy and you guys can't handle it.

Obama was a pussy president who did nothing except copy off bush jr...
She is an idiot that used a child as a shield... Took talking points with her to make her look like she knew what she was doing...

You're "correct" about using the "child as shield"....Who knows if that pansy, Pruitt would otherwise have gotten up, grabbing her privates???.....
I mean, isn't that a dictum and M.O. of our current leadership?
When all else fails..... Jump to accusing him of being a person who commits sexual assault and no self control if the kid wasn't present...

Left wing bigotry and hate right there.....
Last edited:
My hero as well!
See, this lady is the reason he needs a full time staff of 20 body guards - She looks very scary!!
14 separate federal investigations into the head swamp creature. Tipping point Bay-Bee! :D

Official: Pruitt 'inching forward to the tipping point' - CNNPolitics
No one should be harassed on their personal time.

Sorry OL, but I just don't see any "harassment" there. She was calm, didn't yell, and kept it brief.
The Kirstjen Nielson incident - Yes, they were loud, obnoxious and inappropriate.
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search eature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.


Talking points in hand, Child in arms, Camera followed.... And she doesn't have a damn clue about the crap she is spewing... Now that is priceless... CNN trying to become relevant again by setting up Bull Shit Propaganda....

View attachment 202867

I don't watch Fox for the same reason (Shep Smith and Chris Wallace excepted)

These guys watch it for me!



Talking points in hand, Child in arms, Camera followed.... And she doesn't have a damn clue about the crap she is spewing... Now that is priceless... CNN trying to become relevant again by setting up Bull Shit Propaganda....

actually, this was filmed by a friend with her cell phone, not a CNN Crew.

Shut up, sit back down, mind your own business, and let people dine without Maxine-ing them. If this happened in my business, a fight would be coming. You don't get to harass my customers. Out the door you'd go, with or without my help...

"All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing". -Edmund Burke

Sounds like this woman decided to do something. Good for her.

No she was an actor, she was paid to do it.

Proof of this?

Trumplings: If we WANT something to be true ... Then DAMMIT, it's true! :)
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search feature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.

Someone should have kicked her ass

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