Woman Confronts Scott Pruitt in Resturant

This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search eature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.


Talking points in hand, Child in arms, Camera followed.... And she doesn't have a damn clue about the crap she is spewing... Now that is priceless... CNN trying to become relevant again by setting up Bull Shit Propaganda....

View attachment 202867

I don't watch Fox for the same reason (Shep Smith and Chris Wallace excepted)

These guys watch it for me!



That's why you don't know anything. You like the news that tells you only what you want to hear. I watch real news and fake news

Talking points in hand, Child in arms, Camera followed.... And she doesn't have a damn clue about the crap she is spewing... Now that is priceless... CNN trying to become relevant again by setting up Bull Shit Propaganda....

actually, this was filmed by a friend with her cell phone, not a CNN Crew.

Shut up, sit back down, mind your own business, and let people dine without Maxine-ing them. If this happened in my business, a fight would be coming. You don't get to harass my customers. Out the door you'd go, with or without my help...

"All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing". -Edmund Burke

Sounds like this woman decided to do something. Good for her.

No she was an actor, she was paid to do it.

Proof of this?

Trumplings: If we WANT something to be true ... Then DAMMIT, it's true! :)

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

But if you wish to pursue an agenda of annoying and harassing people into joining your cause, by all means, go for it. It's a surefire winning strategery....for Trump 2020!
When all else fails..... Jump to accusing him of being a person who commits sexual assault and no self control if the kid wasn't present...

Left wing bigotry and hate right there.....

No, NO, fuckhead.......it is NOT sexual assault or lack of self control to grab women's privates when you're a STAR .........After all, didn't Trump educate you as much from his Access Hollywood tape???
Her friend was a CNN REPORTER.... BWhaaaaa left wing idiots are so easily duped....

Proof? LInk? Or are you just making stuff up again.

CNN has a huge agenda against Scott you stupid propaganda fool

This was staged..

Trump is "looking into it." The WH staff don't like the smell of all this "rich guy" scandal. I personally don't see why he can't fly first class, though. Some of the rest of it is kinda unadvisable for a public servant, but that's what you get when you elect a Pres with no public servant experience and he appoints businessmen with no public service experience either. They act like rich businessmen. Big shocker.

Yes, and "rich businessmen" are entitled to their privacy at a public restaurant, after all, they are paying for that meal with their money. But public officials, not so much.

What is funny is this lady is much better informed than anyone posting in this thread. She merely asked for Pruitt to resign before he got kicked out. She is probably aware of the more than a DOZEN OPEN INVESTIGATIONS by the EPA Inspector General, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the Government Accountability Office, the White House Office of Management and Budget, and the US Office of Special Counsel. Hell, the EPA Inspector General can't get anything else done because of all the investigations into Pruitt. Smart money says Pruitt is going to be spending some time in a federal prison before the end of the Trump term unless he wises up and takes the advice of that smart young lady, and even then, well it probably still won't be enough. He will probably be at Fort Dix when that kid graduates from high school.

Analysis | Here’s a Scorecard of the Scott Pruitt Investigations
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search feature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.

A woman holding a baby bitch-slaps Pruitt. She was protecting an innocent life, how proud are 'pro-lifers' right now!
Her friend was a CNN REPORTER.... BWhaaaaa left wing idiots are so easily duped....

Proof? LInk? Or are you just making stuff up again.

CNN has a huge agenda against Scott you stupid propaganda fool

This was staged..

Well of COURSE they did Bear .. because Snotty Fluid is a Fascist THUG!! :D

You are so confused.

The Fascists are you and your henchthugs who attempt to intimidate people who don't agree with your politics into silence, and failing that, who then try to destroy the lives of the "heretics".
That woman is an uncivil rude moron.


sorry, man, I think that when you have corrupt government officials like Pruitt, regular folks SHOULD confront them.

She is an idiot that used a child as a shield... Took talking points with her to make her look like she knew what she was doing...

Joe you need a better class of hero...

sounded to me like she knew exactly what she was concerned about. She wants clean water and clean air. Hey, what a coincidence, I like those things, too!

Not surprising you cherish vile tactics.
No social or civil filter.
Incapability to shut off your idiology, making everything political.
Inability to address others without name calling and insults.
Following and harassing posters with parroted soundbites.

How many ignore you now JoeBile? A true sociopath.

Uh, guy, when you are sliding into Fascism, there's really no need for civility.

Civility is great when you can reason with people.
Civility is when you can reason with people. Lol, tell that to Kanye West. You guys are hilarious.
Her friend was a CNN REPORTER.... BWhaaaaa left wing idiots are so easily duped....

Proof? LInk? Or are you just making stuff up again.

CNN has a huge agenda against Scott you stupid propaganda fool

This was staged..

Trump is "looking into it." The WH staff don't like the smell of all this "rich guy" scandal. I personally don't see why he can't fly first class, though. Some of the rest of it is kinda unadvisable for a public servant, but that's what you get when you elect a Pres with no public servant experience and he appoints businessmen with no public service experience either. They act like rich businessmen. Big shocker.

Remember when Pelosi wanted us to buy her her own private plane?
Yeah, she "did something" alright. She gave more fuel to the Trumptards' bonfire about being abused and misunderstood. This is unacceptable behavior, violating an official's personal space. Leave it for the appropriate forum.

How "true"....I mean, after all, a public servant like Pruitt would readily allow critics into his office to vent what the fuck he is doing to the EPA.....don't you think?

He was doing the job he was hired to do, so this makes three now.. this is the fourth of July and you can't even let people have their private space..?

They are doing the best they can, just vote them out...

That has got to be the dumbest post of the day. He was hired as the EPA administrator after spending a career fighting the EPA. He has not been "administering" the EPA, he has been busy dismantling it's enforcement measures and collecting all the "loot" he can from polluters. Why else would he need a sound proof phone booth, have his office routinely swept for bugs, and keep a secret calendar? He is a cockroach that dwells in the dark and scurries away from the light. Not exactly the behavior of a public servant doing his job of serving the public.
That woman is an uncivil rude moron.


sorry, man, I think that when you have corrupt government officials like Pruitt, regular folks SHOULD confront them.

She is an idiot that used a child as a shield... Took talking points with her to make her look like she knew what she was doing...

Joe you need a better class of hero...

sounded to me like she knew exactly what she was concerned about. She wants clean water and clean air. Hey, what a coincidence, I like those things, too!

Not surprising you cherish vile tactics.
No social or civil filter.
Incapability to shut off your idiology, making everything political.
Inability to address others without name calling and insults.
Following and harassing posters with parroted soundbites.

How many ignore you now JoeBile? A true sociopath.

Uh, guy, when you are sliding into Fascism, there's really no need for civility.

Civility is great when you can reason with people.
Oh shit! If we had done this to bubba and Hillary, obama llama, Loretta Lynch you’d have had a fucking cow!

Indeed. And this is why it is important for Normal People to apply the Prog's New Rules to them. Behaving according to the norms of Civil Society towards them is a SUICIDE PACT. They are intent on intimidation and destruction of people who disagree with their politics. They deserve neither genteel responses nor mercy.

He should of got up ,bent over ,picked -up a napkin on the floor , and passed gas in her face.:9:

You just wanted to use that smiley and found an opportunity. Tell the truth and shame the devil!
We had a meeting last night and about 100 of us are going to start wearing MAGA hats everywhere
For you emotionally unhinged who want to dress in Burka like outfits and swing lead pipes at people-don’t try that
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search feature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.

Welp, and here my heroes are Superman and Matt Dillon, no not the faggy "Drugstore Cowboy" one, the "Gunsmoke" one. James Arness.

Aim high, cupcake.

"Truth, Justice, and the American Way" vs. Whatever that is you got going on there. :uhoh3:
This lady is my hero!

As an aside, to make sure I wasn't duplicating threads, I did use the search eature and couldn't find another thread on this issue.

Woman confronts Scott Pruitt at a restaurant, urges him to resign - CNNPolitics

Kristin Mink was having lunch with her son on Monday when she noticed Pruitt with a colleague at Teaism in Penn Quarter and decided to confront him, child in tow.

In a video of the encounter, Mink cites Pruitt's "slashing strong fuel standards for cars and trucks for the benefits of big corporations" and his "paying about 50 bucks a night to stay in a DC condo that's connected to an energy lobbying firm, while approving their dirty sands pipeline" as reasons for him to resign.

"We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, somebody who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all of us, including our children," Mink tells Pruitt in the video.


Talking points in hand, Child in arms, Camera followed.... And she doesn't have a damn clue about the crap she is spewing... Now that is priceless... CNN trying to become relevant again by setting up Bull Shit Propaganda....

View attachment 202867

I don't watch Fox for the same reason (Shep Smith and Chris Wallace excepted)

These guys watch it for me!



Whereas, I ask for a short summary of what FOX spews, from these reliable sources

That's why you don't know anything. You like the news that tells you only what you want to hear. I watch real news and fake news

Hate ta break it to ya kazzy, but Trump Central aka Fox is hardly "real news".

Fox has people of all ideologies on to speak for themselves. I don't really care what the network thinks.

On the other hand you just gulp down the fake news garbage

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