Woman declared 'dead' awakens just before doctors harvest her organs


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004


Imagine waking up to see operating room lights and doctors standing over you, armed with scalpels and other operating tools.

That’s exactly what happened to 41-year-old Colleen Burns, who had arrived at the emergency room at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center in Syracuse, N.Y., over a week earlier suffering from a drug overdose, Counsel and Heal reported. Mistakenly believing Burns to be dead, doctors at the center were about to harvest the woman’s organs for transplant, before she opened her eyes.

The 2009 incident is detailed in a recently revealed report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which also lists the series of mistakes by doctors that led to the terrible event

Read more: Woman declared 'dead' awakens just before doctors harvest her organs | Fox News

If it's true, but we are talking about Faux Noise here.
Burns eventually spent over a week at the hospital, with nothing being done to stop the drugs from being absorbed into her system. She started to suffer from seizures, though CT scans revealed her brain was normal.

Allegedly, nurses had also indicated improvement in Burns’ condition, noting that she was capable of curling her toes when touched. She could also move her mouth and tongue, as well as flare her nose, according to Counsel and Heal. And despite being on a respirator, Burns was starting to breathe on her own, the report said.

However, doctors still misdiagnosed Burns with irreversible brain damage. Believing her to be beyond help, Burns’ family decided to take her off life support and donate her organs to patients in need.

Read more: Woman declared 'dead' awakens just before doctors harvest her organs | Fox News


Talk about screwing up?
Screwing up by design. They wanted her organs. She was no doubt a match for several people whose lives were deemed more worthwhile than hers. What I find surprising is that they stopped harvesting when she woke up. She would have died quickly, if in agony, at having her organs removed without anesthesia and no one would have known the difference.
I always suspected that factions in the medical profession might hurry along the process of dying if they had a chance at harvesting some juicy valuable organs. Personally I'll never check that box on my drivers license
Screwing up by design. They wanted her organs. She was no doubt a match for several people whose lives were deemed more worthwhile than hers. What I find surprising is that they stopped harvesting when she woke up. She would have died quickly, if in agony, at having her organs removed without anesthesia and no one would have known the difference.

Well, good thing that she woke up and went on to live a healthy productive life....

Oh, no, wait. She tried to kill herself again two years later and succeeded.
Screwing up by design. They wanted her organs. She was no doubt a match for several people whose lives were deemed more worthwhile than hers. What I find surprising is that they stopped harvesting when she woke up. She would have died quickly, if in agony, at having her organs removed without anesthesia and no one would have known the difference.

What I find even more surprising is that this hospital was only fined $ 6,000 dollars for that error.

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