Woman Doesn't Understand How A Stop Sign Works

Oh, I feel stupid now lol 😩

My thoughts exactly.

Why not?
Because they want to deny the existence of Christ.

"Anno Domini" (used for at least 1600-ish years) means "Year of our Lord" in Latin.

They had to do away with that; So they changed "A.D." to "A.C.E." which means "After the Common Era". (which just happens to be the life of Christ)

They just can't call Christ their Lord, yannow? 1650+ years it was OK, though; But these assholes think they know better. :rolleyes-41:

They started that bullshit just as I was leaving school and I bucked the hell out of it, so yeah, I damn sure know about it.

Last semester and they start this crap. They changed "B.C." (Before Christ) to "B.C.E." (Before Common Era)

Leftists are always changing words and making things overly complicated for nothing. Well it's to deny Christ in this case; True Story.
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Because they want to deny the existence of Christ.

"Anno Domini" (used for at least 1600-ish years) means "Year of our Lord" in Latin.

They had to do away with that.

Oh I thought that you were saying that we couldn't call it British Columbia anymore.
Stop signs are more complicated in BC?
When you come to a stop, don’t you have to wait until it’s clear before you accelerate again?
Fault or blame involving the use of a stop sign. yes I was asking.. or is that also more complicated in B. C.?
Oh, I feel stupid now lol 😩

My thoughts exactly.

Why not?
Don't feel stupid. I 68 years old and been taking a rock music tutorial from Basque today, after a Rock is Dead thread. He's right. Not even close to dead, just not played in West Tennessee.
When she kept repeating that he didnt stop I wanted to reach through my laptop and slap the shit out of her.

That would be exactly the same thing if she was jogging towards a group of joggers and just ran into them and accused them of not stopping.
Why is it that it's never "their fault"?
It's pretty cut and dried,the guy didnt have a stop sign and she did.
I fail to see the confusion here.
Not ever taking responsibility for obvious Fkups is very popular in American these days. Look at our politicians.
I can pretty much guarantee that women has never jogged a day in her whole life.

True, but my point being if the stop sign was facing towards her that obviously meant for her to STOP!!! Good lord somebody snoozed through kindergarten as a girl. 🙄
When she kept repeating that he didnt stop I wanted to reach through my laptop and slap the shit out of her.

Sure he might have anticipated her bad move, and slowed, but it wasnt his responsibility. She simply needed to admit she misjudged the speed of the oncoming car.... speed and distance that is.

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