Woman rapes teen, gets probation

You could not make up a farce like this.

In the interest of political correctness, we pretend to treat this as though it were "the same as" a 43-year-old man assaulting a 13-year-old girl.


The unspoken NBA "foul" rule is apropos: "No harm, no foul."
5 years probation?

Sounds about right to me AND to the "victim",too.

But its not harsh enough for some of you, right?
He was only 13 when it started. She was his babysitter. She should get a longer sentence.
If a man did this to a girl you would be calling for life in prison
To me what she got was a slap on the wrist.

God bless you and the boy always!!!

He was only 13 when it started. She was his babysitter. She should get a longer sentence.

Scum are scum whether they wear a bra or not.

She volunteered to babysit the child while the mother, HER FRIEND, was hospitalized!

Yeah, she should be breaking rocks with the other perverts.
Was there even a victim here?

When Novasteve creates a thread --- we're all victims.

I say we all chip in and buy him a hooker so he can lose that cherry. It's backed up to the brain at this point.
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If a man did this to a girl you would be calling for life in prison

We know you get upset when its not 2 men involved. I'm pretty sure you can find a story about some gay guy to get you all hot and bothered.
Was there even a victim here?

When Novasteve creates a thread --- we're all victims.

I say we all chip in and buy him a hooker so he can lose that cherry. It's backed up to the brain at this point.

Typical brainless, off-topic and offensive statement post by the proud relative of Strom Thurmond's bastard child.
He was only 13 when it started. She was his babysitter. She should get a longer sentence.

Wow. A coherent argument in a Tranny Steve episode.

Yes, the fact this started when he was 17 and she was his babysitter makes it a bit worse.

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