Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

No sir she did what she wanted n for that she got what was needed, a little attitude adjustment. I've been arrested 7 times, resisted once, when i acted a fool I was tackled by three officers. Just do what the damn police ask when stopped n 99% of the time things will go a lot smoother for all parties.
Are you a man or a woman? If you're a man it's about time you realize and understand that in matters of conflict a woman is always going to have an attitude. That's the way women are wired. It is their nature. A man knows that and is prepared to deal with it like a man -- which does not include beating the hell out of her and treating her like a dangerous felon.

What was so important about having that woman close her car door?
So women should b allowed to act a fool whenever things don't go their way. Lmao. Having her close her door is procedure. just answer the cops questions n do what ur told, my kids understand this. Another case of no moral character.
No, you would not be so copacetic if it were about someone you loved.
Ol Jake, my people have suffered genocide. I don't feel sorry for some dumbass they can't follow the rules.
Mine too. NA?
Here is a novel idea. Don't speed. If you do get pulled over by a police officer, stay in your car, keep both hands on the steering wheel, show them your drivers license and insurance papers when they request to see them.

Show them the respect they deserve and comply with their orders. Do what they ask you to do and you shouldn't have any trouble.
Riot or throw a cop under the bus. Shit trickles down hill
ol chief is looking out for numero uno.
Wouldn't you?

Or would you take a chance on defending that loose cannon and risk being fired or reduced in rank (if that's an option)? Either way, the same thing will happen to the cop whether the Chief defends his misconduct or not.
Depends on the officers performance history.
Show them the respect they deserve and comply with their orders. Do what they ask you to do and you shouldn't have any trouble.
In this example the driver was already out of her car by the time the police officer accosted her. When he did address her she did not attempt to evade or elude him. Because his business with her was a speeding violation he asked for her documentation and she complied. At that point there is some question as to his reason for ordering her to get back in her car and close the door -- especially on a mid-July day in Texas.

Suppose by the time the officer caught up with her she had managed to cross a street or enter a store. Would that officer still have reason or cause to order her to return to her car, get in and close the door while he completes his business? His business with her was a traffic violation and she was complying with the necessary requirements in the transaction.

Did the officer have cause to suspect her of any more substantive offense than speeding? Her belligerent attitude was not relevant. She surrendered her documentation and was not refusing to comply with the required level of cooperation. Was there any reason to expect her to attempt escape? Does he suspect every motorist he stops of having felonious intention?

When this case gets into civil court the Texas taxpayers will be lucky to get away with no more than a $500k punitive damage award. Whichever lawyer is lucky enough to represent King will ask for a million or more.[/QUOTE]
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Riot or throw a cop under the bus. Shit trickles down hill n ol chief is looking out for numero uno.
Actually it is called enforcement of rules.

If that cop is "tossed under the bus" it is he who positioned himself for it by not having the sense to realize this is a new day -- thanks to video technology. So don't blame the Chief for not choosing to sacrifice himself by defending that cop's recklessly excessive behavior.

That incident could have been avoided with the exercise of a little tactful discretion. At the very most, all he needed to do is radio for supervisory assistance. But dwelling in his 1929 Mississippi fantasy he chose to act out his Mister Charlie role.

Unfortunately for him and the Austin taxpayers he will find out the hard way that today isn't yesterday.
Like I said respect law enforcement n things like this will seldom happen
Show them the respect they deserve and comply with their orders. Do what they ask you to do and you shouldn't have any trouble.
In this example the driver was already out of her car by the time the police officer accosted her. When he did address her she did not attempt to evade or elude him. Because his business with her was a speeding violation he asked for her documentation and she complied. At that point there is some question as to his reason for ordering her to get back in her car and close the door -- especially on a mid-July day in Texas.

Suppose by the time the officer caught up with her she had managed to cross a street or enter a store. Would that officer still have reason or cause to order her to return to her car, get in and close the door while he completes his business? His business with her was a traffic violation and she was complying with the necessary requirements in the transaction.

Did the officer have cause to suspect her of any more substantive offense than speeding? Her belligerent attitude was not relevant. She surrendered her documentation and was not refusing to comply with the required level of cooperation. Was there any reason to expect her to attempt escape? Does he suspect every motorist he stops of having felonious intention?

When this case gets into civil court the Texas taxpayers will be lucky to get away with no more than a $500k punitive damage award. Whichever lawyer is lucky enough to represent King will ask for a million or more.
Why did she get out of her car? Did he tell her to step out of the car? Why didn't she get back into the car when he told her to? This isn't Burger King. She doesn't get it her way. Neither do you. Obey law enforcement and do what they tell you to do.
Like I said respect law enforcement n things like this will seldom happen
Most people do. But some cops find it hard to understand the extreme difference between a benign traffic offense and a serious felony.

With the exception of servile authoritarian sycophants, no one likes being pulled over by a cop for speeding even though they know the practice is necessary to preserve the rules of order and safety. The situation is analogous to something I'm recalling from my grade-school days -- the hallway monitors.

I don't know if they had them in public schools but in the Catholic school I attended the nuns and brothers would appoint a student to act as monitor when they left the room or during movement in the corridors. The purpose of these monitors was to inform on students who misbehaved in the teacher's absence. Even though we knew these monitors served a necessary purpose most resented their authority and held them in quiet contempt. And while we would comply with a monitor's order to keep quiet or stop horsing around our disposition toward them was casually disrespectful.

Although very few are aware of it, except for the issuance of threats or personal insults there is no law against behaving disrespectfully toward a traffic cop. As long as one complies with the required and necessary instructions there is no existing protocol concerning one's verbal transaction with the officiating police officer. You produce your documentation, the cop does a computer run and issues a summons or a warning. That's it.

In this example, as in the Sandra Bland example, the cop stepped way over the line and tried to justify it with the usual contrived bullshit. But the video will sink him.
Why did she get out of her car? Did he tell her to step out of the car? Why didn't she get back into the car when he told her to? This isn't Burger King. She doesn't get it her way. Neither do you. Obey law enforcement and do what they tell you to do.
She got out of her car because she wanted to. When the cop informed her of his business with her and asked for her documentation she complied. He had no cause to suspect her of anything more serious than a minor traffic offense, but he came on like he did and she reacted -- and it escalated.

Everyone doesn't feel the way you do about authority, Jeremiah. I've seen some of your messages and I know you to be unusually receptive to religious dogma and symbolism, which translates to extraordinary observance of authority. Although I'm a confirmed Catholic and I attended Catholic school I've been an atheist for most of my life and so my orientation is to question authority, not automatically submit to it. And I'm far from alone in that disposition.
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Like I said respect law enforcement n things like this will seldom happen
Most people do. But some cops find it hard to understand the extreme difference between a benign traffic offense and a serious felony.

With the exception of servile authoritarian sycophants, no one likes being pulled over by a cop for speeding even though they know the practice is necessary to preserve the rules of order and safety. The situation is analogous to something I'm recalling from my grade-school days -- the hallway monitors.

I don't know if they had them in public schools but in the Catholic school I attended the nuns and brothers would appoint a student to act as monitor when they left the room or during movement in the corridors. The purpose of these monitors was to inform on students who misbehaved in the teacher's absence. Even though we knew these monitors served a necessary purpose most resented their authority and held them in quiet contempt. And while we would comply with a monitor's order to keep quiet or stop horsing around our disposition toward them was casually disrespectful.

Although very few are aware of it, except for the issuance of threats or personal insults there is no law against behaving disrespectfully toward a traffic cop. As long as one complies with the required and necessary instructions there is no existing protocol concerning one's verbal transaction with the officiating police officer. You produce your documentation, the cop does a computer run and issues a summons or a warning. That's it.

In this example, as in the Sandra Bland example, the cop stepped way over the line and tried to justify it with the usual contrived bullshit. But the video will sink him.
A law enforcement officer isn't a class room monitor, nor are they a nun or a priest. They are a law enforcement officer. If you are disrespectful to them and refuse to cooperate, you make it difficult for them to discern whether you are a lawless gun slinger or just a senseless idiot. Don't force them into that kind of decision.

I've been driving on the roads of America for over 30 years and I have never encountered a police officer who was a bully. Then again... I have never in my life been disrespectful to an officer who pulled me over! Perhaps there is a connection?
You racist pieces of shit disgust me.

I only posted here to let every see once more what racist pieces of shit you are.

All she had to do was follow instructions.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?
Why did she get out of her car? Did he tell her to step out of the car? Why didn't she get back into the car when he told her to? This isn't Burger King. She doesn't get it her way. Neither do you. Obey law enforcement and do what they tell you to do.

She got out of her car because she wanted to. When the cop informed her of his business with her and asked for her documentation she complied. He had no cause to suspect her of anything more serious than a minor traffic offense, but he came on like he did and she reacted -- and it escalated.

Everyone doesn't feel the way you do about authority, Jeremiah. I've seen some of your messages and I know you to be unusually receptive to religious dogma and symbolism, which translates to extraordinary observance of authority. Although I'm a confirmed Catholic and I attended Catholic school I've been an atheist for most of my life and so my orientation is to question authority, not automatically submit to it. And I'm far from alone in that disposition.

I'm a born again Christian, Mike. What you've been observing is my submission to God and His authority because no servant could call themselves a servant while disobeying the authority He put in place here on earth.

Before I became a Christian I was also a Catholic, I didn't believe in God either. I've never met a Catholic in my life who knew God or believed His Word so you are not alone in stating that you are a confirmed Catholic and atheist.

It's what that religion does to people. It keeps them from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

It's a religion that demands for it's church to be the go between - the mediator between God and man - when Jesus Christ clearly stated with His Own Words, Come unto me.... Jesus never said, Go to a Priest and confess your sins. We go directly to Jesus Christ and confess our sins...... not men!

Jesus never said, Change my commandments and pray to idols... We are to pray to Jesus Christ and keep away from every form of idolatry including praying to statues of dead people! Idolatry is a sin!

Jesus never said, the Pope will be speaking for me because I'm too busy! No, no, no. Jesus told us to come to Him! Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the Life, no man can come to the Father but by HIM.

You don't need a religion. You need a relationship with Jesus Christ! Here's the good news, Mike! God wants a relationship with you! I believe that day is coming!

Getting back to the subject of authority. You've hit upon the exact mindset of the atheist. I can do what I want because there are no eternal consequences.

If here and now is all that there is, if there is no heaven and hell, if there is no punishment for rebellion and no reward for obedience and if I am my own god....... I can do what I want!

Now for reality. There is a heaven, there is a hell, there is punishment for rebellion and there is a reward for obedience. God loves you. God is not a big stick in the sky waiting to slam you to the ground, Mike. That is the Catholic god, not the God of the KJV Holy Bible.

God is a loving, merciful, tender hearted Father seeking for his lost children to come to him through His Son Jesus Christ. God needs no mediators. He is quite capable of handling His Own relationship with His Own children. How would you feel if some scoundrel down the road started speaking to your little children telling them that they must go through him to talk to you! That it isn't safe to talk to you directly!

Would you not be absolutely enraged? Yes, you can be sure that the wrath of God is coming upon the Whore of Babylon for attempting to steal God's glory for themselves, even crowning themselves to be gods before the world! That day is coming......but let us get back to you.

What Jesus Christ wants to offer you is eternal life so that you may have a relationship with Him that will fulfill the empty place inside of you that is making life a meaningless existence.

You cannot earn your salvation. It's a free gift and when you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior believing on Him - that he died on the cross and God raised him from the dead - yes, believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, your name will be written in the Lamb's book of life and you are now on your way to a wonderful relationship with Him.

The Lord will give you a new heart that desires to obey Him and then you'll find you no longer desire to go your own way.
You racist pieces of shit disgust me.

I only posted here to let every see once more what racist pieces of shit you are.

All she had to do was follow instructions.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?

Follow instructions.
You racist pieces of shit disgust me.

I only posted here to let every see once more what racist pieces of shit you are.

All she had to do was follow instructions.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?

Follow instructions.
That's probably exactly what King George III said.
You racist pieces of shit disgust me.

I only posted here to let every see once more what racist pieces of shit you are.

All she had to do was follow instructions.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?

Follow instructions.
That's probably exactly what King George III said.

Nazi comparison in three,two.....
You racist pieces of shit disgust me.

I only posted here to let every see once more what racist pieces of shit you are.

All she had to do was follow instructions.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?

Follow instructions.
That's probably exactly what King George III said.

Nazi comparison in three,two.....
One of the arguments for retaining the right to bear arms is to defend against tyranny.
How do you recognise it?

Is it only when the President rides into town on his black steed with his army of minions laying waste to everything?
At what point should it be your right to say "No, I'm a free citizen and what you're doing infringes my rights"?
All she had to do was follow instructions.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?

Follow instructions.
That's probably exactly what King George III said.

Nazi comparison in three,two.....
One of the arguments for retaining the right to bear arms is to defend against tyranny.
How do you recognise it?

Is it only when the President rides into town on his black steed with his army of minions laying waste to everything?
At what point should it be your right to say "No, I'm a free citizen and what you're doing infringes my rights"?

So you think people should be able to ignore the police when they give a command?
You an Anarchist?
So you think people should be able to ignore the police when they give a command?

You an Anarchist?
When the command seems excessive or unnecessary? Yes.

King had done nothing to suggest she should be considered a suspect and confined to her car. She already had exited her car and had surrendered her documentation as required and there was no reason to expect her to flee from custody -- mainly because she was not in custody. The cop's business was to officiate in a simple traffic infraction and had he focused on doing that he could easily have completed the task and been on his way. But like the martinet in the Sandra Bland incident it was more important for this cop to violently assert his authority than to serve the interest of the public.

The War On Drugs has transformed the primary objective of this Nation's police from protection of and service to the general public to the detection of drug possession. Consequently the vast majority of today's police activity involves car stops during which every traffic offender is regarded as a potential felony arrest and is treated as such.
So you think people should be able to ignore the police when they give a command?

You an Anarchist?
When the command seems excessive or unnecessary? Yes.

King had done nothing to suggest she should be considered a suspect and confined to her car. She had surrendered her documentation and there was no reason to expect her to flee from custody -- mainly because she was not in custody. The cop's business was to officiate in a simple traffic infraction and had he focused on doing that he could easily have completed the task and been on his way. But like the martinet in the Sandra Bland incident it was more important for this cop to violently assert his authority than to serve the interest of the public.

The War On Drugs has transformed the primary objective of this Nation's police from protection of and service to the general public to the detection of drug possession. Consequently the vast majority of today's police activity involves car stops during which every traffic offender is regarded as a potential felony arrest and is treated as such.

She tried to evade,she had no license and she refused to put her feet back into her vehicle.
All the indicators of a criminal.
She tried to evade,she had no license and she refused to put her feet back into her vehicle.

All the indicators of a criminal.
The following is excerpted from the Washington Post article linked in Message #1:


Yes, ma’am,” he says. “I’m not joking. Can I see your driver’s license? You’re being stopped for speeding.”

“But I’m already stopped, so technically can you stop me?” King asks as she removes her license. “‘Cause you didn’t pull me over because I’m parked.”


If you have more current information please provide a credible link. Also, please describe her attempt to evade.

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