Woman speeds then resists arrest and the officer is at fault!?

She tried to evade,she had no license and she refused to put her feet back into her vehicle.

All the indicators of a criminal.
The following is excerpted from the Washington Post article linked in Message #1:


Yes, ma’am,” he says. “I’m not joking. Can I see your driver’s license? You’re being stopped for speeding.”

“But I’m already stopped, so technically can you stop me?” King asks as she removes her license. “‘Cause you didn’t pull me over because I’m parked.”


If you have more current information please provide a credible link. Also, please describe her attempt to evade.

Pretty sure I heard the cop say "you arent going shopping because you dont have your wallet"
She claimed she was going shopping after she tried to hide in the parking lot.
The resisting comes first, smarty. Then the throwing starts.

Not in this case. Watch the video with better quality in post #8.

She tried to evade him,didnt have her drivers license or wallet so you know she wasnt going shopping.Then she refused repeated requests to put her feet back in the car so he could close the door.
That is suspicious behavior and frequently leads to running.
Do as requested and none of this would have happened.

I am going to jump in here:

1. I agree with you on the part she was going to evade the officer by jumping from the car and heading into the establishment but was caught before she ran inside.

2. She was told to get back into the vehicle and was told a few times to allow him to close the door and she was refusing.

3. When he was attempting to arrest her she was resisting arrest at the time.

Now where the officer messed up was the conversation while heading to lock her up, and admitting his opinion on the Black race. If you watch the video further and during the conversation he should have sat quietly and let her rant on and on and not much could have been done, but what he said will be used against him in the court of public opinion.

Also let me add that her screaming she wanted a Black Officer was stupid on her part because the Black officers I know would have told her to shut the fuck up and she is being arrested.
Pretty sure I heard the cop say "you arent going shopping because you dont have your wallet"

She claimed she was going shopping after she tried to hide in the parking lot.
I read that as well, but it's entirely presumptive. How did he know where she was going shopping, and for what, if she intended to make an immediate purchase and how she intended to pay for it? So regardless of how correct his Sherlock Holmes observation might be it's merely a speculation and it has no weight.

What is relevant is she already had exited her vehicle when the cop accosted her and when he asked her to produce her driver license she complied. Based on what I read in the Washington Post report the woman did all she was required to do under the circumstances. What the cop should have done was tell her not to leave, do his computer run and issue a summons for speeding. I believe his intention to confine her to her car on a hot day without some reasonable suspicion she might try to flee was his first mistake.
She tried to evade,she had no license and she refused to put her feet back into her vehicle.

All the indicators of a criminal.
The following is excerpted from the Washington Post article linked in Message #1:


Yes, ma’am,” he says. “I’m not joking. Can I see your driver’s license? You’re being stopped for speeding.”

“But I’m already stopped, so technically can you stop me?” King asks as she removes her license. “‘Cause you didn’t pull me over because I’m parked.”


If you have more current information please provide a credible link. Also, please describe her attempt to evade.

Pretty sure I heard the cop say "you arent going shopping because you dont have your wallet"
She claimed she was going shopping after she tried to hide in the parking lot.

Her purse was in her vehicle and she handed him the license.
She tried to evade,she had no license and she refused to put her feet back into her vehicle.

All the indicators of a criminal.
The following is excerpted from the Washington Post article linked in Message #1:


Yes, ma’am,” he says. “I’m not joking. Can I see your driver’s license? You’re being stopped for speeding.”

“But I’m already stopped, so technically can you stop me?” King asks as she removes her license. “‘Cause you didn’t pull me over because I’m parked.”


If you have more current information please provide a credible link. Also, please describe her attempt to evade.

Her attempt to evade the officer was when she jumped from her vehicle and pretended she was going into the establishment to shop, but did not bring her purse from her vehicle...
Pretty sure I heard the cop say "you arent going shopping because you dont have your wallet"

She claimed she was going shopping after she tried to hide in the parking lot.
I read that as well, but it's entirely presumptive. How did he know where she was going shopping, and for what, if she intended to make an immediate purchase and how she intended to pay for it? So regardless of how correct his Sherlock Holmes observation might be it's merely a speculation and it has no weight.

What is relevant is she already had exited her vehicle when the cop accosted her and when he asked her to produce her driver license she complied. Based on what I read in the Washington Post report the woman did all she was required to do under the circumstances. What the cop should have done was tell her not to leave, do his computer run and issue a summons for speeding. I believe his intention to confine her to her car on a hot day without some reasonable suspicion she might try to flee was his first mistake.

I can understand his suspicion that she might try and make a run for it.
She tried to evade right off the bat and refused to get back in her car.
Like I said respect law enforcement n things like this will seldom happen
Most people do. But some cops find it hard to understand the extreme difference between a benign traffic offense and a serious felony.

With the exception of servile authoritarian sycophants, no one likes being pulled over by a cop for speeding even though they know the practice is necessary to preserve the rules of order and safety. The situation is analogous to something I'm recalling from my grade-school days -- the hallway monitors.

I don't know if they had them in public schools but in the Catholic school I attended the nuns and brothers would appoint a student to act as monitor when they left the room or during movement in the corridors. The purpose of these monitors was to inform on students who misbehaved in the teacher's absence. Even though we knew these monitors served a necessary purpose most resented their authority and held them in quiet contempt. And while we would comply with a monitor's order to keep quiet or stop horsing around our disposition toward them was casually disrespectful.

Although very few are aware of it, except for the issuance of threats or personal insults there is no law against behaving disrespectfully toward a traffic cop. As long as one complies with the required and necessary instructions there is no existing protocol concerning one's verbal transaction with the officiating police officer. You produce your documentation, the cop does a computer run and issues a summons or a warning. That's it.

In this example, as in the Sandra Bland example, the cop stepped way over the line and tried to justify it with the usual contrived bullshit. But the video will sink him.
U finally said it, as long as u comply with the officers instructions. Why is this so hard. I agree there r officers who deserve the title of "pig" but not every cop who uses force is wrong, come on people. I also agree it's human nature to want to rebel, but when I became a man I put away childish things.
What if the cop was being a tyrant?
Isn't it her constitutional right to pull out her gun and shoot him...or something...I'm not sure.

How do you identify tyranny anyway...and when is it legitimate authority?

Follow instructions.
That's probably exactly what King George III said.

Nazi comparison in three,two.....
One of the arguments for retaining the right to bear arms is to defend against tyranny.
How do you recognise it?

Is it only when the President rides into town on his black steed with his army of minions laying waste to everything?
At what point should it be your right to say "No, I'm a free citizen and what you're doing infringes my rights"?

So you think people should be able to ignore the police when they give a command?
You an Anarchist?
Did I say that?
I'm asking the question...how do you identify tyranny?
After all, that's why tens of thousands of people own guns so surely it's important to know when it's OK to use them.
Follow instructions.
That's probably exactly what King George III said.

Nazi comparison in three,two.....
One of the arguments for retaining the right to bear arms is to defend against tyranny.
How do you recognise it?

Is it only when the President rides into town on his black steed with his army of minions laying waste to everything?
At what point should it be your right to say "No, I'm a free citizen and what you're doing infringes my rights"?

So you think people should be able to ignore the police when they give a command?
You an Anarchist?
Did I say that?
I'm asking the question...how do you identify tyranny?
After all, that's why tens of thousands of people own guns so surely it's important to know when it's OK to use them.

I'll say this. When you've broken the law and know damn well you did?
That ain't the time.

Now where the officer messed up was the conversation while heading to lock her up, and admitting his opinion on the Black race.

Where the officer messed up is failing to properly weigh the potential outcome of allowing his personal feelings to create a shit-storm out of a minor breeze.

The image of him tossing that diminutive Black woman around like a rag-doll and slamming her to the pavement totally transforms public perception of what in reality was a slick pickaninny trying to evade a speeding ticket into a major example of White-on-Black police brutality -- at the worst possible time in the history of American race relations.

All that cop had to do was tell King to wait while he wrote a summons and be on his way. But his authoritarian ego took control.

Now where the officer messed up was the conversation while heading to lock her up, and admitting his opinion on the Black race.

Where the officer messed up is failing to properly weigh the potential outcome of allowing his personal feelings to create a shit-storm out of a minor breeze.

The image of him tossing that diminutive Black woman around like a rag-doll and slamming her to the pavement totally transforms public perception of what in reality was a slick pickaninny trying to evade a speeding ticket into a major example of White-on-Black police brutality -- at the worst possible time in the history of American race relations.

All that cop had to do was tell King to wait while he wrote a summons and be on his way. But his authoritarian ego took control.
Bruce_T, it was the second officer that had the conversation with her in the squad car.
All I can do is keep telling you poor, pathetic, cop whores this...

We do NOT have to genuflect any time they demand we do so, just because they are cops. You morons do the same thing with the SCOTUS. Somewhere you've gotten the impression that they are our fucking masters, and there's nothing we can do except EXACTLY as they say, exactly when they say we should do it...and if we argue or fail or criticize, then it's okay for them to shoot us, beat us up, throw us in prison, take our property, whatever.

Wake the fuck up, you poor pathetic sheep.
The problem isn't the police arresting her. The problem is what the police officer said when arresting her. You can't start spouting racial slurs when arresting someone.

This is the thing that many of you conservatives don't get. Police do not have carte blanche to do whatever they want when arresting people.

Yes they should have arrested her but they had no right to start hurling racial slurs her way.
Like I said respect law enforcement n things like this will seldom happen
Most people do. But some cops find it hard to understand the extreme difference between a benign traffic offense and a serious felony.

With the exception of servile authoritarian sycophants, no one likes being pulled over by a cop for speeding even though they know the practice is necessary to preserve the rules of order and safety. The situation is analogous to something I'm recalling from my grade-school days -- the hallway monitors.

I don't know if they had them in public schools but in the Catholic school I attended the nuns and brothers would appoint a student to act as monitor when they left the room or during movement in the corridors. The purpose of these monitors was to inform on students who misbehaved in the teacher's absence. Even though we knew these monitors served a necessary purpose most resented their authority and held them in quiet contempt. And while we would comply with a monitor's order to keep quiet or stop horsing around our disposition toward them was casually disrespectful.

Although very few are aware of it, except for the issuance of threats or personal insults there is no law against behaving disrespectfully toward a traffic cop. As long as one complies with the required and necessary instructions there is no existing protocol concerning one's verbal transaction with the officiating police officer. You produce your documentation, the cop does a computer run and issues a summons or a warning. That's it.

In this example, as in the Sandra Bland example, the cop stepped way over the line and tried to justify it with the usual contrived bullshit. But the video will sink him.
U finally said it, as long as u comply with the officers instructions. Why is this so hard. I agree there r officers who deserve the title of "pig" but not every cop who uses force is wrong, come on people. I also agree it's human nature to want to rebel, but when I became a man I put away childish things.
Read it again. I said, ". . . required and necessary instructions."

If a cop pulls you over for speeding and instructs you to drop your pants and prepare for a rectal cavity search (don't think it hasn't happened Video shows white cops performing roadside cavity search of black man ) what would you do?
The problem isn't the police arresting her. The problem is what the police officer said when arresting her. You can't start spouting racial slurs when arresting someone.

This is the thing that many of you conservatives don't get. Police do not have carte blanche to do whatever they want when arresting people.

Yes they should have arrested her but they had no right to start hurling racial slurs her way.
I'm a conservative.
Conservatives, the real ones, are not fans of huge, federally funded, militarized police forces.
Unfortunately about half of the people who claim to be conservatives are so gaga for cops that they've forgotten that. They think that because cops have guns, they're on the same side. Retards.
The problem isn't the police arresting her. The problem is what the police officer said when arresting her. You can't start spouting racial slurs when arresting someone.

This is the thing that many of you conservatives don't get. Police do not have carte blanche to do whatever they want when arresting people.

Yes they should have arrested her but they had no right to start hurling racial slurs her way.
I think there is a problem with arresting her. The bottom line of the incident was a goddam speeding ticket, not a mass homicide. That cop should have exercised better judgment in the interest of avoiding exactly what has happened as the result of his escalating the situation.

Like the other ego-driven asshole who created the Sandra Bland shit-storm, this jerk should have told King to wait while he wrote her a ticket, returned her license and said goodbye. This is not the time to be pissing people off with the kind of videos we've seen.
What the cops are doing is forcing confrontations, then beating up, arresting, shooting people who resist.

It's criminal, and it needs to stop.
I can understand his suspicion that she might try and make a run for it.

If she did in fact commit the offense of running from him, then it's time for him to pursue and arrest her -- not before she commits the offense. He has no business detaining people on the basis of his presumptive suspicions. Just because a lot of cops are exceeding their authority and getting away with it doesn't mean it's legal.
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All I can do is keep telling you poor, pathetic, cop whores this...

We do NOT have to genuflect any time they demand we do so, just because they are cops. You morons do the same thing with the SCOTUS. Somewhere you've gotten the impression that they are our fucking masters, and there's nothing we can do except EXACTLY as they say, exactly when they say we should do it...and if we argue or fail or criticize, then it's okay for them to shoot us, beat us up, throw us in prison, take our property, whatever.

Wake the fuck up, you poor pathetic sheep.

Oh, an anarchist.
All I can do is keep telling you poor, pathetic, cop whores this...

We do NOT have to genuflect any time they demand we do so, just because they are cops. You morons do the same thing with the SCOTUS. Somewhere you've gotten the impression that they are our fucking masters, and there's nothing we can do except EXACTLY as they say, exactly when they say we should do it...and if we argue or fail or criticize, then it's okay for them to shoot us, beat us up, throw us in prison, take our property, whatever.

Wake the fuck up, you poor pathetic sheep.

Oh, an anarchist.
Understanding one's rights and liberties does not make one an anarchist.
All I can do is keep telling you poor, pathetic, cop whores this...

We do NOT have to genuflect any time they demand we do so, just because they are cops. You morons do the same thing with the SCOTUS. Somewhere you've gotten the impression that they are our fucking masters, and there's nothing we can do except EXACTLY as they say, exactly when they say we should do it...and if we argue or fail or criticize, then it's okay for them to shoot us, beat us up, throw us in prison, take our property, whatever.

Wake the fuck up, you poor pathetic sheep.

Oh, an anarchist.

Bullshit. I BELIEVE in the law, as it is defined in the CONSTITUTION of this country, and cops are not abiding by it. And you morons who think that anything a cop does is *ok* cuz he's a cop, and who think it's okay for them to be FEDERALLY funded and militarized, are the ones who are spitting on the law. Not me.

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