Woman's Breast Implant Explodes After Playing Game For 4 Hours on iPhone


"A Chinese woman's breast implant exploded after playing a game (Dragon Summon) on her iPhone while lying on her stomach for four hours." What the hell does her being Chinese, having an iPhone, or playing "Dragon Summon" have to do with her exploding breast. This is one of the funniest things I have read in a while.

Maybe Bruce Willis has the answers......

omg what a strange mammary gland!!!!!!:eek::lol::lol::lol:

"A Chinese woman's breast implant exploded after playing a game (Dragon Summon) on her iPhone while lying on her stomach for four hours." What the hell does her being Chinese, having an iPhone, or playing "Dragon Summon" have to do with her exploding breast. This is one of the funniest things I have read in a while.

Maybe Bruce Willis has the answers......


High quality breasts!
Gotta love the misleading title. Makes one think that somehow the game or iPhone had something to do with the implant exploding rather than her lying on a cheap Chinese implant for four hours...
Gotta love the misleading title. Makes one think that somehow the game or iPhone had something to do with the implant exploding rather than her lying on a cheap Chinese implant for four hours...

I was thinking the same thing. There is so much stigma about phones causing problems, this would have been one of the best. So, I wonder how she was sleeping, because wouldn't that have put pressure on them one way or another?

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