‘Womb Transplants’ for Trannies in UK?


Silver Member
Nov 6, 2015
Doctors Back NHS-Funded 'Womb Transplants' for Transgender People - Breitbart

"Leading doctors have said they back NHS-funded womb transplants for biological males who identify as women, a procedure which experts say will be possible within 10 years."

If you're born with a cock

You'll never be a woman.

If you're born with a ****.

You'll never be a man.

That's not just God's will -- it's science.

No form of franksteining, transplantation or mutilation will ever change the fact that you can not change your sex. Mental Illness regardless.


disgusting. I don't know how Europeans live with this disgusting shit.

Then again, Stupidity there may take different forms and be more common, But let's face it; We've got Idiots here in the U.S. too.

Sad, sad day for common, decent human beings. and the british taxpayer that have to fund these disgusting mutilations and perverted experiments on their dime at the expense of the mental health services that are so badly needed in the UK right now.
I am all for LGBT rights, but that is a bit extreme and potentially costly, not to mention it would be considered a major surgical procedure, and could result in death more times than not.
Why put your body through something like that?
I am all for LGBT rights, but that is a bit extreme and potentially costly, not to mention it would be considered a major surgical procedure, and could result in death more times than not.
Why put your body through something like that?

LGBTQXYZ rights haha no one is killing the gays

the sad thing about this whole thing is that in Britain the British taxpayer is going to be footing the mutilation surgery.

some imbeciles desire to be that which they are not so badly that they are willing to undergo expensive and ridiculous surgery to obtain the unobtainable.

why not, if it's free at the expense of the stupid British government?
Let me get this straight.
They will TRANSPLANT a body part to self actualize a mentally ill person, but they will withhold potentially lifesaving healthcare from an infant?
why not, if it's free at the expense of the stupid British government?
Well then, in that case, the British government should be held liable for any deaths that may occur as a result.
It would be an elective surgery and I doubt it would be covered, or should it be. I really don't care what gays and trans do, but this is taking it a bit to far.

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