Women Desire Alpha Males

Paraphrasing here:

Any "man" who says "I am an alpha male!" is no true alpha male.
That would deny all legitimate self-realization.

I never gave it any thought until the term became popular, and I checked the boxes, and reflected on my past.
Lol, you assume a lot. Lol you go on being a legend in your own mind. Lol no skin off my nose. There is always some one better. Very few would have a legitimate claim to true alpha. Unless I am talking to Tiger, Michael, LeBron, Wilt, or Tom. I call bullshit. Note none of the above have a legitimate claim to be top dog today.
I never posted that comment. Blame the site, not me. See the edited post.

There are many alpha males, perhaps not as many as betas. But there is no one supreme Alpha male. Best to peruse the current definitions found online. There are many such 'tests' but all share common attributes. Also, many Alpha males can share the same space without competing with each other for dominance.
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I never posted that comment. Blame the site, not me. See the edited post.

There are many alpha males, perhaps not as many at betas. But there is no one supreme Alpha male. Best to peruse the current definitions found online. There are many such 'tests' but all share common attributes.
No problem. I will just believe ya.
It seems like a lot of fellers like to arbitrarily think of themselves as alpha males.

I highly doubt many of them have ever seriously experimented with a legit feminine alpha female.

Because if they had, their egos wouldn't be leading them to a false sense of themselves. But perhaps a false sense of themselves is what they prefer. Or need. I suppose it could be convenient for them. For a lot of reasons. A self erected safe space of sort to place oneself on some pedestal without ever having to submit to any kind of real challenge to demonstrate their true value or ability to contribute to any kind of fruitful relationship in a meaningful way.

You can't just say ''women desire'' such and such though. Women aren't all the same.

But it's just whuhevs. I don't even like that ''alpha'' term, honestly.
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