Women destroy Manhattan business, leaving employees bloodied for $1.75

There's the real takeaway from the story for the GOP. This OP motherfucker pretending to care about Giuliani and Bloomberg LOL! Republicans hated New York as much under them as they do now.

It's unfortunate that New York doesn't have a Giuliani right now, he would clean the place up. Unfortunately Dimocrats have turned what was a pretty safe big city into a cesspool of violence.
Just another day in "New" New York City. When Giuliani and Bloomberg were in the Mayor's office NYC became one of the safest major cities in the U.S. Two terms of de Blasio turned it into the third world.

You can take them out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of the,, Third world hood rats have no business in a civilized society. Now where are the do nothing cops?
At the present time, many stores tell their employees to ignore shoplifting.

So I guess the next step is to tell employees to never argue with people of ethnicity X. Give them what they want -- free of charge and with a big smile. And always address them as "sir" and "ma'am." That makes them feel respected. A percentage of them are walking sticks of dynamite.
Just another day in "New" New York City. When Giuliani and Bloomberg were in the Mayor's office NYC became one of the safest major cities in the U.S. Two terms of de Blasio turned it into the third world.

Hope they spend a lot of time in jail.

But society will probably call it reparations
After watching the Video the main issue is what the Justice System will do and the reality nothing will be done except a slap on the hand while the owner loses money…

Sooner or later society will go the opposite way and the punishment will become severe and those like those women will find themselves behind bars for a long time…
These fucking animals will NEVER change. They'll never fit into our society.

There has to be some way developed to strip them of their citizenship so we can ship their ugly, worthless asses across the ocean - to the shithole they deserve to live in.
Just another day in "New" New York City. When Giuliani and Bloomberg were in the Mayor's office NYC became one of the safest major cities in the U.S. Two terms of de Blasio turned it into the third world.

What of this is not true now? 2 Timothy 3:16

In the end times people will be:

Lovers of self
Lovers of money
Disobedient to their parents
Without self-control
Not loving good
Swollen with conceit
Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
Having the appearance of godliness...
But denying its power
Just another day in "New" New York City. When Giuliani and Bloomberg were in the Mayor's office NYC became one of the safest major cities in the U.S. Two terms of de Blasio turned it into the third world.

Maybe the person behind the counter was darker skinned

She a privileged negro ...not as dark as he is

A dozen angry democrats in klan hoods
Yep he said it .....I love it!
What’s wrong with these people?
They KNOW they are UNTOUCHABLE. It only gets worse from here. They'll be killing people sooner or later. We're headed for what they used to refer to as "wilding". Start beating some of them so severely that they're crippled in the aftermath, this shit will cease PDQ.
They KNOW they are UNTOUCHABLE. It only gets worse from here. They'll be killing people sooner or later. We're headed for what they used to refer to as "wilding". Start beating some of them so severely that they're crippled in the aftermath, this shit will cease PDQ.
They THINK they are untouchable. All 3 have been arrested.

Malicious destruction of property carries heavy penalties in my State, depending on the level of damages

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