Women destroy Manhattan business, leaving employees bloodied for $1.75

Just another day in "New" New York City. When Giuliani and Bloomberg were in the Mayor's office NYC became one of the safest major cities in the U.S. Two terms of de Blasio turned it into the third world.

No surprise there. Typical.
After watching the Video the main issue is what the Justice System will do and the reality nothing will be done except a slap on the hand while the owner loses money…

Sooner or later society will go the opposite way and the punishment will become severe and those like those women will find themselves behind bars for a long time…


We don't need no stinkin bars. :p
And thats why they feel emboldened

That shit is going to change now.

There is a "very" concerted effort underway to eject the Soros DA's.

The problem is, they're EVERYWHERE. That fucker spent a lotta lotta money
There's the real takeaway from the story for the GOP. This OP motherfucker pretending to care about Giuliani and Bloomberg LOL! Republicans hated New York as much under them as they do now.
What do you think about your queens in the video. Any thoughts Mr. Lefty?
Too bad we don't have an EXTREMELY PAINFUL non-lethal option to pacify fools like this. Cattleprod would work but I suspect they'd be hard to find. Nah, just effin' shoot 'em.
You can order cattle prods on Amazon.
There's the real takeaway from the story for the GOP. This OP motherfucker pretending to care about Giuliani and Bloomberg LOL! Republicans hated New York as much under them as they do now.

Nah the real take away is you create what you want.

He never said he loved rudy. He simply stated New York was safer when he was the mayor. And that is true.

And republicans didn't like New York then either because the governor was still a Democrat and ran the state poorly, rudy was just a mayor.

Negroes are animals.

Not all of them are. Thomas sowell is a good example as he is smart, articulate, realistic and a civil person.

But there are few like him as most are savage animals that know nothing beyond baser instincts and animalistic behavior.
And thats why they feel emboldened

I was there the day Giuliani took office.

Literally OVERNIGHT, every store owner was hosing down the sidewalk in front their store in the morning.

Cause Giuliani was fining them 5000 bucks if they didn't.

Dinkins didn't care, he let the homeless shit all over the place and the addicts leave their dirty needles and crack pipes everywhere.

I read Giuliani only actually issued three fines. Word spread like wildfire. Suddenly people were paying attention and no one felt quite so emboldened anymore.
That shit is going to change now.

There is a "very" concerted effort underway to eject the Soros DA's.

The problem is, they're EVERYWHERE. That fucker spent a lotta lotta money
Why is it we speak of Soros and nothing is done about it? What we see now makes him a mass murderer. He needs to be killed and his family defanged. The swamp is part of this obviously.
Why is it we speak of Soros and nothing is done about it? What we see now makes him a mass murderer. He needs to be killed and his family defanged. The swamp is part of this obviously.
Unfortunately we can't make the case that he's directly funding terrorism. The guy's way too smart for that.
Either the death penalty for those hood rats or the should have to pay back 10 times the damage to that business. Let them choose. There is no place for animals like that in our society.

What a complete disaster. Such embarrassments. The people all around the world seeing these "people" act out just like animals we all know they acting like.

Over 1.25 for sauce. That is part of their reparations. It's their right. They are owed.

Just an absolute catastrophe.

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