Women protest Bush on the abortion Bill...

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Originally posted by OCA
Avenger you want to come up here out from behind your keyboard and say that or would you like me to come to Atlanta and kick the shit out of you you faggot loving cocksucking poor excuse for a racist?

Your inability to understand adjusting for population is telling.

You don't have to be a troll about it.
Originally posted by Big D
OCA, you have clearly now proven to be a Dumbass.

This is from the website that you posted:

Blacks who make up 14% of all childbearing women, have 31% of all abortions and whites, who account for 81% of women of childbearing age, have 61%". Since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton over 10 million African American babies have been sacrificed for any reason or no reason in "clinics" offering "safe" and legal abortions.

Subsequently, the seeds of the eugenics movement of which abortion is only one way it is manifested, are bearing a bountiful harvest today, For every 3 Black babies born, 2 are aborted. Every month more than 133, 333 babies are aborted, more than 4 1,000 are Black Americans. It is no accident that 78% of abortuaries are located in or near predominately minority neighborhoods.

I still don't care about population percentage, white women are using abortion as a form of birth control in greater numbers than Blacks. 14 and 31 compared to 81 and 61, still equals more white abortions than Black.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Your inability to understand adjusting for population is telling.

You don't have to be a troll about it.

Fuck you, it has nothing to do with being a troll, it has to do with cleaning this board of some of the trash on it of which you clearly are a large garbage receptacle. You want some of me?
Originally posted by OCA
Fuck you, it has nothing to do with being a troll, it has to do with cleaning this board of some of the trash on it of which you clearly are a large garbage receptacle. You want some of me?

I would prefer none of you.
Today, pro-lifers have an excellent opportunity to show our strength in the Pennsylvania Primary. Pro-abortion forces are hard at work to make sure that they have one of their own to chair the Judiciary Committee, thereby ensuring that pro-life Supreme Court appointments will never get off the ground. If you live in Pennsylvania, please don't forget to vote pro-life in today's primary. If you don't live in Pennsylvania, contact any pro-lifers you know in the state and make sure they come out to vote. This election is too important to be decided by pro-lifers who choose to sit it out!
Originally posted by OCA
Face it white women are slicing and dicing innocent children far more than anybody else.
The Black infant homicide rate was 25.6 in 2000, compared to 6.0 for Whites
and 7.3 for Hispanics.
Why the African-American rate is far greater than others is not clear. Davene White, neo-natal coordinator at Washington, D.C.'s Howard University Hospital, said race might be a proxy for lower income and educational levels that are associated with increased child abuse. A higher percentage of Black births are from unmarried teen mothers and that is a strong risk factor, said Brett Brown, Child Trends' databank supervisor.

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Your inability to understand adjusting for population is telling.

You don't have to be a troll about it.

Also your ability to constantly agree with racists is telling, my original summation of you is true, you would like to see minorities eliminated much the same as D while you claim to be for individual merit and rights. You just cloud your racism is pseudointellectual bullshit.
Originally posted by OCA
Also your ability to constantly agree with racists is telling, my original summation of you is true, you would like to see minorities eliminated much the same as D while you claim to be for individual merit and rights. You just cloud your racism is pseudointellectual bullshit.

I don't agree with william and big d . I still hold the dream of a colorblind society. I have a problem with discrimination against whites or blacks. Can you say the same?

Your original summation is wrong.
Originally posted by Big D
The Black infant homicide rate was 25.6 in 2000, compared to 6.0 for Whites
and 7.3 for Hispanics.
Why the African-American rate is far greater than others is not clear. Davene White, neo-natal coordinator at Washington, D.C.'s Howard University Hospital, said race might be a proxy for lower income and educational levels that are associated with increased child abuse. A higher percentage of Black births are from unmarried teen mothers and that is a strong risk factor, said Brett Brown, Child Trends' databank supervisor.


And who's to blame for the current low income and intellectual levels of Blacks in America? It has nothing to do with inherent IQ levels and everything to do with systematic discrimination by whites against Blacks throughout the history of America. Argue that!
OCA, is a perfect example of what happens to a white guy that lives in a majority black area. The more time that he spends living in Washington D.C, the more ignorant and violent he will become.
Originally posted by OCA
And who's to blame for the current low income and intellectual levels of Blacks in America? It has nothing to do with inherent IQ levels and everything to do with systematic discrimination by whites against Blacks throughout the history of America. Argue that!

Ok. It's bullshit.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I don't agree with william and big d . I still hold the dream of a colorblind society. I have a problem with discrimination against whites or blacks. Can you say the same?

Your original summation is wrong.

No i'm dead on! You constantly harp on discrimination against whites and pay no attention to all the evidence that is to the contrary. Go to any minority mneighborhood and tell me there is not a concerted effort on the part of the government of the United States Of America to hold these people down

Your dream of a colorblind society will never happen because Repubs and Demos alike have a vested interest in seeing that the status quo remains the same. The Republican hierarchy, and this is my party i'm talking about, cares not one iota about minorities, they wrote them off a long time ago when they learned that they weren't going to get their votes. Demos have their votes and want to keep them drugged up so to speak. This is the truth whether you want to believe it or not.

How about the CIA importing crack cocaine into minority neighborhoods some twenty years ago or do you deny that happened?
Originally posted by OCA
No i'm dead on! You constantly harp on discrimination against whites and pay no attention to all the evidence that is to the contrary. Go to any minority mneighborhood and tell me there is not a concerted effort on the part of the government of the United States Of America to hold these people down

Your dream of a colorblind society will never happen because Repubs and Demos alike have a vested interest in seeing that the status quo remains the same. The Republican hierarchy, and this is my party i'm talking about, cares not one iota about minorities, they wrote them off a long time ago when they learned that they weren't going to get their votes. Demos have their votes and want to keep them drugged up so to speak. This is the truth whether you want to believe it or not.

How about the CIA importing crack cocaine into minority neighborhoods some twenty years ago or do you deny that happened?

You're wrong. I still give individuals a chance regardless of any statistics.

Affirmative Actions is still a shit, discriminatory policy which has no relationship to any form of justice.
Originally posted by Big D
OCA, is a perfect example of what happens to a white guy that lives in a majority black area. The more time that he spends living in Washington D.C, the more ignorant and violent he will become.

Are you able to have a rational discussion about race Big D? So far you haven't as you damn well know in the back of your mind and in your soul that all men were created equal by god. So since that is true then there is some societal reason here in America that things are the way they are and that reason is government, government has allowed and in most cases encouraged minorities not to prosper and better theirselves through welfare, drugs and alcohol and generally racist policies. This is not to dsay that some haven't risen above all this but for the most part government has been very successful in their efforts.
Originally posted by OCA
Are you able to have a rational discussion about race Big D? So far you haven't as you damn well know in the back of your mind and in your soul that all men were created equal by god. So since that is true then there is some societal reason here in America that things are the way they are and that reason is government, government has allowed and in most cases encouraged minorities not to prosper and better theirselves through welfare, drugs and alcohol and generally racist policies. This is not to dsay that some haven't risen above all this but for the most part government has been very successful in their efforts.

You're not. You don't understand adjusting per capita. That's fucking dumb.
One must ask, if white racism and segregation are still blighting the lives of blacks and Hispanics, should that not be a terrible obstacle for Asians as well?

Asians have faced fierce discrimination in America, but this has not stopped them from getting ahead. In 1790, Congress denied citizenship for anyone who was not a “free white person.” In 1870, blacks could become citizens, but not Asians. In 1879, California continued to deny the vote to “natives of China, idiots and insane persons.” (Wall Street Journal, April 7, 1989)

Chinese started coming to the United States in the 1850s and were charged a $55 immigrant fee, a unique business license fee, and in San Francisco, a fee only for Chinese laundry owners.

Japan did not allow emigration until 1885 and most Japanese U.S. immigrants were shunted into jobs as unskilled field hands and lived in squalor. They, too, worked for less than the prevailing wage. Californians quickly passed a law to keep out Japanese.

Anti-Asian feelings were furthered by The Japanese and Korean Exclusion League, founded in San Francisco in 1905. In 1907, President Roosevelt persuaded the Japanese government to halt Japanese immigration to the United States. In 1913, the California legislature voted, by an overwhelming majority, to prohibit ownership of farmland by noncitizens. The U.S. Supreme Court concurred, and 10 more states passed similar laws. None of this stopped the Japanese from succeeding in the United States.

Pimentel also suggests a continuation of “affirmative action,” the unconstitutional race preference scheme that favored low-scoring blacks and Hispanics over high-scoring Asians and whites in University of California admissions. Even California’s liberal voters saw the need to halt this practice. In 1996, while helping return Bill Clinton to office, California passed Proposition 209, the ballot initiative that outlaws the use of race, sex, or ethnicity in hiring and university admissions.

Some people have argued that Asian immigrants have the advantage of starting out fresh when they get to America, whereas blacks must constantly drag the baggage of slavery and oppression behind them.

This obviously does not apply to the descendants of Asians who came to America more than a century ago practically in bondage and who, in many cases, were treated as badly as blacks. If racism is such an obstacle to success in America, why have Asians overcome it while blacks and Hispanics still suffer, as Pimentel claims?

I find it amusing the whole racism issue hinges on one thing:


If proven false, there is no basis for any of the claims.

It HAS been proven false.

The whole idea now is one big joke.
Originally posted by NewGuy
I find it amusing the whole racism issue hinges on one thing:


If proven false, there is no basis for any of the claims.

It HAS been proven false.

The whole idea now is one big joke.

I don't feel evolution has been effectively disproven.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You're wrong. I still give individuals a chance regardless of any statistics.

Affirmative Actions is still a shit, discriminatory policy which has no relationship to any form of justice.

Can you get off the Affirmative Action for once and look at this from an objective standpoint? CHRISSAKES YOU ARE LIKE A BROKEN RECORD! Not everybody agrees with you, ok we all understand your point of view by now. You know there is a goddamn reason that AA hasn't been repealed yet and that is because there are still millions of assholes like Big D out there who still have the neanderthal thinking and would run wild over minorities. Can we agree on that at least? If we could get get rid of their type of thinking then AA can go in my opinion. Now how to do that I don't know.
Originally posted by OCA
Can you get off the Affirmative Action for once and look at this from an objective standpoint? CHRISSAKES YOU ARE LIKE A BROKEN RECORD! Not everybody agrees with you, ok we all understand your point of view by now. You know there is a goddamn reason that AA hasn't been repealed yet and that is because there are still millions of assholes like Big D out there who still have the neanderthal thinking and would run wild over minorities. Can we agree on that at least? If we could get get rid of their type of thinking then AA can go in my opinion. Now how to do that I don't know.

It should go now. Regardless. I don't agree with you. Is that ok? Not everyone feels like you do.

And we understand your point of view. Anyone against affirmative action must be a racist. THat's wrong. Affirmative Action is institutionalized eugenics.
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