Women shouldn't be saying anything about gays - if they don't keep silent


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

Isn't it fun being oppressed?

Good times.

In other words, Anderson is saying that women aren’t allowed to speak up as long as the men are talking and trying to make them learn. Women apparently can’t even ask questions until they get home. Anderson even can’t handle women saying ‘amen’ during worship service and doesn’t want any woman to tell him her opinion. Why? Because he’s allegedly a man. And Anderson is the kind of “man” who believes women should be seen and not heard.

“This is why I don’t believe women should say ‘amen’ during the preaching either,” Anderson told his congregation. “Because ‘amen’ means ‘truly’ or ‘verily’ … it basically means ‘that’s true.’ So when I’m preaching and I say something that you agree with and that you believe in, and you say ‘amen,’ you’re saying ‘that’s true.’ So here’s the thing, when I’m preaching, women should not express their opinion, even if it’s a positive opinion, even if she agrees with me.”

Of course, as with most sexists, this isn’t the first time Anderson has opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it. Last March, he went on a misogynistic tirade during a sermon. He expressed his belief that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose what they read or what clothes to wear. He also thinks women should be banned from having sex, speaking in public, or even leaving the house.
What a fun guy.

Christopher Broughton's Pastor Steven Anderson Prays for President Barack Obama's Death

​Remember the crazy Tempe pastor who was Tasered at a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint *** back in April: Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church? The same fella that Christopher Broughton, the anti-Obama, anarchist AR-15-carrying activist, declared to be his pastor on conspiranut moonhowler Alex Jones' radio show?

Well, as has been reported on Crooks and Liars and MSNBC, the day before Broughton brought his loaded assault rifle to a demonstration outside where the President was speaking in downtown Phoenix, Pastor Anderson was preaching hate for President Obama, and praying for the Chief Executive's death.

And when I say, "preaching hate," I don't mean that as a figure of speech.

"God hates Barack Obama," the preacher told his congregation. "I hate Barack Obama."

In a rambling, hour-plus sermon that knocks "sodomites," disses Pentecostal Christians, and offers up a birther fantasy of Obama playing baseball in Kenya as a child with a stick and a mango, Anderson talked about how Obama would be in town the next day, and that some of his parishioners might be attending, although he couldn't personally make it due to previous plans.

For Anderson, Obama cannot be "saved," and because Obama backs access to abortion for women, he deserves to die.

He's crazy. Flat-out certifiable. And he is not a Christian.
If he's crazy why would anyone listen to him?

I know, this is another Koch Brother's attack on women.
This is how the left tries to provide cover for their malfeasance.

The leaders in the Democrat party are selling us down the tubes and their response is to find some nut-case in the country that fits their false stereotypes of Republicans.

"Hey, look at Joe The Preacher and the way he talks. Isn't he your typical stereotypical mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging Bible-banging conservative!!!!"
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

Isn't it fun being oppressed?

Good times.

In other words, Anderson is saying that women aren’t allowed to speak up as long as the men are talking and trying to make them learn. Women apparently can’t even ask questions until they get home. Anderson even can’t handle women saying ‘amen’ during worship service and doesn’t want any woman to tell him her opinion. Why? Because he’s allegedly a man. And Anderson is the kind of “man” who believes women should be seen and not heard.

“This is why I don’t believe women should say ‘amen’ during the preaching either,” Anderson told his congregation. “Because ‘amen’ means ‘truly’ or ‘verily’ … it basically means ‘that’s true.’ So when I’m preaching and I say something that you agree with and that you believe in, and you say ‘amen,’ you’re saying ‘that’s true.’ So here’s the thing, when I’m preaching, women should not express their opinion, even if it’s a positive opinion, even if she agrees with me.”

Of course, as with most sexists, this isn’t the first time Anderson has opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it. Last March, he went on a misogynistic tirade during a sermon. He expressed his belief that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose what they read or what clothes to wear. He also thinks women should be banned from having sex, speaking in public, or even leaving the house.

Another of the differences between G-d's actual word, and what the idolaters who started Christianity corrupted it into:

"There were many learned women of note. The Talmud and later rabbinical writings speak of the wisdom of Berurya, the wife of Rabbi Meir. In several instances, her opinions on halakhah (Jewish Law) were accepted over those of her male contemporaries. In the ketubah (marriage contract) of Rabbi Akiba's son, the wife is obligated to teach the husband Torah! Many rabbis over the centuries have been known to consult their wives on matters of Jewish law relating to the woman's role, such as laws of kashrut and women's cycles. The wife of a rabbi is referred to as a rebbetzin, practically a title of her own, which should give some idea of her significance in Jewish life."
Judaism 101: The Role of Women
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

Isn't it fun being oppressed?

Good times.

In other words, Anderson is saying that women aren’t allowed to speak up as long as the men are talking and trying to make them learn. Women apparently can’t even ask questions until they get home. Anderson even can’t handle women saying ‘amen’ during worship service and doesn’t want any woman to tell him her opinion. Why? Because he’s allegedly a man. And Anderson is the kind of “man” who believes women should be seen and not heard.

“This is why I don’t believe women should say ‘amen’ during the preaching either,” Anderson told his congregation. “Because ‘amen’ means ‘truly’ or ‘verily’ … it basically means ‘that’s true.’ So when I’m preaching and I say something that you agree with and that you believe in, and you say ‘amen,’ you’re saying ‘that’s true.’ So here’s the thing, when I’m preaching, women should not express their opinion, even if it’s a positive opinion, even if she agrees with me.”

Of course, as with most sexists, this isn’t the first time Anderson has opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it. Last March, he went on a misogynistic tirade during a sermon. He expressed his belief that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose what they read or what clothes to wear. He also thinks women should be banned from having sex, speaking in public, or even leaving the house.

Another of the differences between G-d's actual word, and what the idolaters who started Christianity corrupted it into:

"There were many learned women of note. The Talmud and later rabbinical writings speak of the wisdom of Berurya, the wife of Rabbi Meir. In several instances, her opinions on halakhah (Jewish Law) were accepted over those of her male contemporaries. In the ketubah (marriage contract) of Rabbi Akiba's son, the wife is obligated to teach the husband Torah! Many rabbis over the centuries have been known to consult their wives on matters of Jewish law relating to the woman's role, such as laws of kashrut and women's cycles. The wife of a rabbi is referred to as a rebbetzin, practically a title of her own, which should give some idea of her significance in Jewish life."
Judaism 101: The Role of Women

Islam is worse.

Islam does not mandate Muslim women to be housewives;[13] but needs her husband’s permission to leave house and take up employment.[14][15] In majority Muslim countries women exercise varying degrees of their religious rights with regards to marriage, divorce, legal status, dress code, and education based on different interpretations. Scholars and other commentators vary as to whether they are just and whether they are a correct interpretation of religious imperatives.
Women in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Christianity has its extremists too. Southern Baptists got in trouble years back for as a matter of official doctrine upholding Ephesians 5 about '...wives submit to your husbands...'

"The amendment to The Baptist Faith and Message on the family continues to draw fire both from the secular world and many within the Southern Baptist Convention. The controversy stems from the statement's reference to the husband's leadership role and the wife's submission to him. This part of the Amendment states:

A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ."
SBC LIFE - Husbands, Wives, Headship, and Submission

Since Islam is based almost entirely on Judaeo-Christianity, they adopted a lot of the standards found in the Bible.
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Christianity has its extremists too. Southern Baptists got in trouble years back for as a matter of official doctrine upholding Ephesians 5 about '...wives submit to your husbands...'

"The amendment to The Baptist Faith and Message on the family continues to draw fire both from the secular world and many within the Southern Baptist Convention. The controversy stems from the statement's reference to the husband's leadership role and the wife's submission to him. This part of the Amendment states:

A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ."
SBC LIFE - Husbands, Wives, Headship, and Submission

The greatest flaw of any religion is that humans are always trying to "interpret" it.
Why I'm a Scripturalist. If it isn't spelled out, the vagueness itself is by design. Sometimes when things are vague in Scripture it's because G-d didn't want something to become rigid and applied universally. Hence when it mentions the oral Torah. Talmudic Jews say the Talmud is this oral Torah, yet I say if it's written down it isn't oral but now a competetive version to actual Torah (which says explicitly not to add or take away from Torah.) The purpose of not writing down the oral Torah then is to keep it soft and flexible since what might work for some Jews may not work for all Jews everywhere. But once you write it down, it become fixed and unchangeable.
Why I'm a Scripturalist. If it isn't spelled out, the vagueness itself is by design. Sometimes when things are vague in Scripture it's because G-d didn't want something to become rigid and applied universally. Hence when it mentions the oral Torah. Talmudic Jews say the Talmud is this oral Torah, yet I say if it's written down it isn't oral but now a competetive version to actual Torah (which says explicitly not to add or take away from Torah.) The purpose of not writing down the oral Torah then is to keep it soft and flexible since what might work for some Jews may not work for all Jews everywhere. But once you write it down, it become fixed and unchangeable.

Which means that some will change it into something that is not of God.

I know you have a problem saying that word. That's not his name by the way.
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

That isn't what it means.

In a Jewish synagogue, the women sat on one side and the men sat on the other side. If someone couldn't hear, the woman might yell and say, "What did he say,'honey'?" When the pastor is teaching in church, the Holy Spirit is helping the pastor so for someone else to teach or speak is to interrupt the Holy Spirit.

The rule is that women can't teach Christian men if they are around. It doesn't mean they can't teach non-Christian men. If a Christian man is around, he is supposed to take the place of teaching.

My teaching is that God loves homosexuals but homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes and my eyes.
The "sacred scriptures" of most religions contain lots of crazy shit, whether it's about women, marriage, eating, or any other mundane things in life. Thus, religious "leaders" have to be constantly dancing not to look like fools or troglodytes.
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

That isn't what it means.

In a Jewish synagogue, the women sat on one side and the men sat on the other side. If someone couldn't hear, the woman might yell and say, "What did he say,'honey'?" When the pastor is teaching in church, the Holy Spirit is helping the pastor so for someone else to teach or speak is to interrupt the Holy Spirit.

The rule is that women can't teach Christian men if they are around. It doesn't mean they can't teach non-Christian men. If a Christian man is around, he is supposed to take the place of teaching.

My teaching is that God loves homosexuals but homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes and my eyes.

In the more orthodox synagogue men and women are separated. Was an amusing story from New York years back where the synagogue opened out onto apparently a very narrow sidewalk and bus stop. When leaving services the men and owmen were bumping into one another breaking the commandment and not touching. So the solution was men leave first, women wait inside until they've caught their buses, then they leave. :)
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

That isn't what it means.

In a Jewish synagogue, the women sat on one side and the men sat on the other side. If someone couldn't hear, the woman might yell and say, "What did he say,'honey'?" When the pastor is teaching in church, the Holy Spirit is helping the pastor so for someone else to teach or speak is to interrupt the Holy Spirit.

The rule is that women can't teach Christian men if they are around. It doesn't mean they can't teach non-Christian men. If a Christian man is around, he is supposed to take the place of teaching.

My teaching is that God loves homosexuals but homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes and my eyes.

In the more orthodox synagogue men and women are separated. Was an amusing story from New York years back where the synagogue opened out onto apparently a very narrow sidewalk and bus stop. When leaving services the men and owmen were bumping into one another breaking the commandment and not touching. So the solution was men leave first, women wait inside until they've caught their buses, then they leave. :)

Well, at least they're using mass-transit.
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

Isn't it fun being oppressed?

Good times.

In other words, Anderson is saying that women aren’t allowed to speak up as long as the men are talking and trying to make them learn. Women apparently can’t even ask questions until they get home. Anderson even can’t handle women saying ‘amen’ during worship service and doesn’t want any woman to tell him her opinion. Why? Because he’s allegedly a man. And Anderson is the kind of “man” who believes women should be seen and not heard.

“This is why I don’t believe women should say ‘amen’ during the preaching either,” Anderson told his congregation. “Because ‘amen’ means ‘truly’ or ‘verily’ … it basically means ‘that’s true.’ So when I’m preaching and I say something that you agree with and that you believe in, and you say ‘amen,’ you’re saying ‘that’s true.’ So here’s the thing, when I’m preaching, women should not express their opinion, even if it’s a positive opinion, even if she agrees with me.”

Of course, as with most sexists, this isn’t the first time Anderson has opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it. Last March, he went on a misogynistic tirade during a sermon. He expressed his belief that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose what they read or what clothes to wear. He also thinks women should be banned from having sex, speaking in public, or even leaving the house.

He's quite evidently afraid of women...like anyone who would want sharia law in order to control women.
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

Isn't it fun being oppressed?

Good times.

Another of the differences between G-d's actual word, and what the idolaters who started Christianity corrupted it into:

"There were many learned women of note. The Talmud and later rabbinical writings speak of the wisdom of Berurya, the wife of Rabbi Meir. In several instances, her opinions on halakhah (Jewish Law) were accepted over those of her male contemporaries. In the ketubah (marriage contract) of Rabbi Akiba's son, the wife is obligated to teach the husband Torah! Many rabbis over the centuries have been known to consult their wives on matters of Jewish law relating to the woman's role, such as laws of kashrut and women's cycles. The wife of a rabbi is referred to as a rebbetzin, practically a title of her own, which should give some idea of her significance in Jewish life."
Judaism 101: The Role of Women

Islam is worse.

Islam does not mandate Muslim women to be housewives;[13] but needs her husband’s permission to leave house and take up employment.[14][15] In majority Muslim countries women exercise varying degrees of their religious rights with regards to marriage, divorce, legal status, dress code, and education based on different interpretations. Scholars and other commentators vary as to whether they are just and whether they are a correct interpretation of religious imperatives.
Women in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes...it is. And any man who believes in sharia law is wanting to control and silence women because he is afraid of them.
Because God says so.

WATCH: Right-Wing Pastor Demands Women Shut Their Mouths While Men Teach Them In Church -

So even if you have a question, you are not allowed to ask it in church.

Apparently, women with brains are a really bad thing.

In fact, she's not even supposed to say amen during the service.

Isn't it fun being oppressed?

Good times.

In other words, Anderson is saying that women aren’t allowed to speak up as long as the men are talking and trying to make them learn. Women apparently can’t even ask questions until they get home. Anderson even can’t handle women saying ‘amen’ during worship service and doesn’t want any woman to tell him her opinion. Why? Because he’s allegedly a man. And Anderson is the kind of “man” who believes women should be seen and not heard.

“This is why I don’t believe women should say ‘amen’ during the preaching either,” Anderson told his congregation. “Because ‘amen’ means ‘truly’ or ‘verily’ … it basically means ‘that’s true.’ So when I’m preaching and I say something that you agree with and that you believe in, and you say ‘amen,’ you’re saying ‘that’s true.’ So here’s the thing, when I’m preaching, women should not express their opinion, even if it’s a positive opinion, even if she agrees with me.”

Of course, as with most sexists, this isn’t the first time Anderson has opened his mouth and stuck his foot in it. Last March, he went on a misogynistic tirade during a sermon. He expressed his belief that women shouldn’t be allowed to choose what they read or what clothes to wear. He also thinks women should be banned from having sex, speaking in public, or even leaving the house.

Yikes, sounds like something we'd hear out of a mosque in Iran.
Yup! But those are just more of the verses we should take literally, because The Bible!!

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