Women sue NCAA over crossdressing men in women’s sports

I wouldn't know, I went to an all guys Catholic School.

The thing I remember about the jocks is most of them tended to be bullies...

Now, back on ignore you go because you are a crazy person.
Crazy? Because I believe men should stay out of women's bathrooms and locker rooms? This is why everybody laughs at you. You misogynistic bigot.
Crazy? Because I believe men should stay out of women's bathrooms and locker rooms? This is why everybody laughs at you. You misogynistic bigot.
sorry, dude, you are on the wrong side of history on this one, just like you were on civil rights, women's rights, and gay rights.
sorry, dude, you are on the wrong side of history on this one, just like you were on civil rights, women's rights, and gay rights.
No asshole. YOU and WinCo and the rest of you science deniers are on the wrong side of history you woman hating bigot. Fuck off
Only people I see losing their shit over Transgenders are men.

I never see a woman complaining about it.
Did you read the OP you retard? Those are WOMEN suing over this. Almost 70% of the country is against you mentally ill freaks competing against women. Stay out of women's locker rooms and bathrooms. People are done putting up with jerks like you.
Did you read the OP you retard? Those are WOMEN suing over this. Almost 70% of the country is against you mentally ill freaks competing against women. Stay out of women's locker rooms and bathrooms. People are done putting up with jerks like you.
Embrace the deformity or there is something wrong with You
Lib 101

Whats wrong with liberals that causes them to support such woke stupidity?

Even to the point of demanding unisex dressing rooms

This is crazy and I dare any lib to defend it

It's about time women stood up for themselves instead of letting themselves be assimilated by the Borg Collective hive mind.

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