Women suicide bombers hide explosives in their BREAST IMPLANTS as terror experts fear

Guys this is just another* reason why you never say " show me your tit's" to a muslim woman.

*The first reason is the hair on her chest. Not a pretty sight.
Ok, gross.. I have to ask.. (Will probably regret it) How do you know Muslim women have hairy boobies"? That's disgusting-=- even saying it.. Who sports boobs with hair and is a female?? Can't they go get waxed or something?!

You asked.


That's not good.
I have noticed, in my estimation, more often than not, "after market accessories" are over sized or out of proportion with the woman's body.
Pretty easy for me to guess right if they are 'enhanced'.

really, and what of us women who have naturally large boobs?

The thing is i don't think they would be stupid enough use implants large enough to garner attention.....
I am referring to those enormous globes one sees on women where the breasts look like they require their own zip code.
The 50 something woman who looks like she's wearing a push up bra and is showing the San Andreas Fault for cleavage.
Or the ones at the beach sunning themselves lying on their back and their boobs appear to defy the laws of physics.
Women that are well endowed look 'natural'...It's a radar I have. I can line up 6 women, fully clothed, 3 with natural boobs and three with after market accessories and be able to accurately pick the ones that are enhanced.
Anyway. I think you are correct. The terrorists are not about to use women that are large breasted.

If.... ifthis is the what they are going to try.... what i see is several woman in window seats and timing a detonation. They would not need someone with large boobs.... just several with normal sized boobs in strategic places.
this gives new meaning to the word "bombshell" and this is no joke folks!

-"heathrow airport is on high terror alert amid fears female terrorists might use breast implants as bombs, it emerged today.
Experts believe there is a 'credible' threat that al-qaida could target flights out of london using explosives hidden in the chests of its operatives.
Specialists believe women could have had breast surgery with implants which, if injected with another liquid, will cause a large enough explosion to take down a plane."-

al-qaida: Heathrow terror experts fear women suicide bombers could hide explosives in breast implants | mail online

pure nonsense
unless there is a huge group hug, i fail to see where much damage could be done, maybe on an airplane at high altitude, but they sure as hell will not take a steel, brick and mortar building down. :up:
Some experts. Don't they know that women don't unzip breast implants? They are surgically implanted. Therefore "experts" should be aware that any potential terrorist could have explosives implanted anywhere on his/her body if they are committed enough. The alert is just an excuse for a cheap feel sponsored by the government.
Some experts. Don't they know that women don't unzip breast implants? They are surgically implanted. Therefore "experts" should be aware that any potential terrorist could have explosives implanted anywhere on his/her body if they are committed enough. The alert is just an excuse for a cheap feel sponsored by the government.

There have been no protests from the flock of sheep. Sad. A once great Empire reduced to the silliness of an SNL skit.
It is my understanding there will be a new reality TV show called "Boobies of the Sky" based on this situation and fashioned after the 1980 movie Airplane. Michelle Obama will host the show and step in to the character created by Barbara Billingsley in Airplane. Instead of speaking jive as Billinglelsy had done Ms. Obama will speak in "The Language of Jihad" and dress in the appropriate manner to show proper respect in order to garner ratings...



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