Women want to be treated equally.....

I don't know, since I have never been a woman. But I know that I enjoy the pursuit. I also enjoy being pursued. So there is balance.

Junior, I have more than a clue and my causes are much more than just getting laid. The fact that you think you deserve "your turn" shows who is truly clueless. But if having women submit to you to be used, in order to be seen as serious about equality, is your Cause, it is a Lost Cause.
it is all talk on the Internet; why not use your propaganda and rhetoric on Bad boys who are worse than me?

What have I said that would even vaguely resemble propaganda?
your entire argument is nothing but propaganda and rhetoric.

My argument centers around the idea that women do not have to submit to being used by you to be serious about equality.

That is neither propaganda nor rhetoric.
yes, because you are missing the point. it is about honesty and women coming up to us and simply and honestly asking us for sex.

First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
it is all talk on the Internet; why not use your propaganda and rhetoric on Bad boys who are worse than me?

What have I said that would even vaguely resemble propaganda?
your entire argument is nothing but propaganda and rhetoric.

My argument centers around the idea that women do not have to submit to being used by you to be serious about equality.

That is neither propaganda nor rhetoric.
yes, because you are missing the point. it is about honesty and women coming up to us and simply and honestly asking us for sex.

First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.
What have I said that would even vaguely resemble propaganda?
your entire argument is nothing but propaganda and rhetoric.

My argument centers around the idea that women do not have to submit to being used by you to be serious about equality.

That is neither propaganda nor rhetoric.
yes, because you are missing the point. it is about honesty and women coming up to us and simply and honestly asking us for sex.

First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.

First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
your entire argument is nothing but propaganda and rhetoric.

My argument centers around the idea that women do not have to submit to being used by you to be serious about equality.

That is neither propaganda nor rhetoric.
yes, because you are missing the point. it is about honesty and women coming up to us and simply and honestly asking us for sex.

First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.

First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.
My argument centers around the idea that women do not have to submit to being used by you to be serious about equality.

That is neither propaganda nor rhetoric.
yes, because you are missing the point. it is about honesty and women coming up to us and simply and honestly asking us for sex.

First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.

First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.

No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
yes, because you are missing the point. it is about honesty and women coming up to us and simply and honestly asking us for sex.

First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.

First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.

No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.
First of all, that is not what you initially said.

Second of all, there is a difference between asking to be used and honesty. A woman can expect to be pursued or seduced and still be honest. She is using those processes to determine if she wants you or is attracted to you. This means she is not only attracted to a shape or face. It takes more than that, even for a one night stand.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.

First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.

No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
first of all; it was about honesty; second, you insisted on being a shill with Only ad hominems.

First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.

No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.
First of all, your original statement was "i won't believe wo-men really want equality until they come up to us and insist it is our turn to use them. and claim,even nice girls do, in modern times."

That is not about honesty. That is about requiring that submit to being used in order to "earn" their equality. If it were about honesty, women would not HAVE to do anything sexual to be taken seriously.

Please point out where my posts have been about being a shill and not about the facts of what I believe? As for ad hominems, your posts contain far more than mine. But please point out any ad hominem in the post you were quoting.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.

No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
it is about honesty; you are stuck on the terms; it could be about you, not me since you are a guy as well.

No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.
No, it is not about honesty. It is about making women available for sex.

By your standards, any woman who does not want sex or who is in a committed relationship cannot be equal. That is complete horseshit.
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?

Well, thankfully WinterBorn, Mr. DanielPalos has no say over anything at all. :D
dear, money does that; it is about honesty for free. don't be such a shill.

I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?
yes, if they prefer the dishonesty of appealing to ignorance or omission on purpose through ambiguous use of language. guys don't need to do it and get paid more in the non-porn sector for it.
I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?

Well, thankfully WinterBorn, Mr. DanielPalos has no say over anything at all. :D
thank goodness you aren't doing me and you have a Bad attitude.
I am not a shill for anything. And you are dodging the issue.

What you require of women, in order to be taken seriously about equality, excludes any woman who is not interested in sex and any woman who is in a committed relationship. Period. So your claim about it being about honesty is ridiculous.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?
yes, if they prefer the dishonesty of appealing to ignorance or omission on purpose through ambiguous use of language. guys don't need to do it and get paid more in the non-porn sector for it.

I said nothing about appealing to ignorance or omission. I simply stated that you only agree with equality for those women who are hetero, single, and sexually active.

In other words, you see women only in terms of their pussy. Your continued spurious accusations that I am a "shill for poon" is further proof.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?

Well, thankfully WinterBorn, Mr. DanielPalos has no say over anything at all. :D
thank goodness you aren't doing me and you have a Bad attitude.

If you were the last man on earth, I would kill you.
yes, you are just a shill; are you too ignorant to know it? it is about honesty.

If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?
yes, if they prefer the dishonesty of appealing to ignorance or omission on purpose through ambiguous use of language. guys don't need to do it and get paid more in the non-porn sector for it.

I said nothing about appealing to ignorance or omission. I simply stated that you only agree with equality for those women who are hetero, single, and sexually active.

In other words, you see women only in terms of their pussy. Your continued spurious accusations that I am a "shill for poon" is further proof.
dear, that is part of guile; did you miss the whole point? stop being just a shill.
If it were about honesty you would not have excluded every woman who, for various reasons, would be uninterested in sex with men. Whether that reason was a lack of libido, a committed relationship or even them being a lesbian. If you were honestly addressing equality, it would not be about sex with various men.
It is only about honesty; we can change the term to "free sample" on a hump day instead of a Tuesday.

Honesty? lol It is about trading sexual favors for equality. And those women who do not will never be taken seriously on the subject. You call that honest?

Well, thankfully WinterBorn, Mr. DanielPalos has no say over anything at all. :D
thank goodness you aren't doing me and you have a Bad attitude.

If you were the last man on earth, I would kill you.
wow; just lousy people skills; have you admitted that on your gender studies for equality purposes?

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