Women Will Ask Men's Permission To Have An Abortion

your question ----as far as I understood it ---was "should a man have a "say" in whether or not a woman has an abortion or not" my answer is---NO. The person upon whom a medical procedure is performed ---is the person who signs the consent -----unless that person is non compos mentis.

Nope, not the question at all. A medical procedure will happen regardless. Actually having the baby is more risky, so by the man saying he doesn't want the responsibilty is a non issue

Nice dodge though.

you know nothing about obstetrics or the actual complications of abortion. Medical procedure don't just "HAPPEN"---they are done----with consent of the patient. Even a "lying in"---
(that means the delivery in archaic quaint language)------requires consent of the patient------the patient can say "NO"

the word "delivery" is also quaint and archaic. I am always amused when jerks say ----"THE DOCTOR DELIVERED THE BABY"---nope----he don't deliver the baby----he "DELIVERED THE MOTHER OF THE BABY" No one actually asks the father of the fetus for his opinion----sometimes they let him watch----usually they wish he would wait outside

I believe you may be clinically insane.

I have FOUR children, I was in the delivery room for all of them. In fact , the last two, I was the first person to hold them.

Your insane "no one cares about the dad" drivel is just that, drivel.

Further , you idiot. How do you continually clamor that "its YOUR say about abortion" when the law clearly states that killing an unborn fetus is MURDER in 28 states and manslaughter in nearly every other?

State Homicide Laws That Recognize Unborn Victims National Right to Life

Random example
Kentucky: Since February, 2004, Kentucky law establishes a crime of “fetal homicide” in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The law covers an “unborn child,” defined as “a member of the species homo sapiens in utero from conception onward, without regard to age, health, or condition of dependency.”

Sorry, but you donj't have a right to consent to murder anyone.

I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.
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After reading this thread I can understand why gay couples are in such demand as adoptive parents.
A bill proposed by a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri would require a woman seeking an abortion to obtain notarized consent from the baby's father, even if he is physically abusive toward her.

Proposed Bill Would Require Women To Ask Men s Permission To Have An Abortion

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 56 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. And we need to do something with it.

Sounds like a great idea.
Sounds like yet another example of the ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law by most on the right, as 'notification requirements' were ruled un-Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

“If Brattin's bill gains traction in the state legislature and becomes law, it will likely be blocked by the courts. The Supreme Court decided in [Planned Parenthood v. Casey] in 1992 that requiring a woman to notify her spouse before having an abortion is unconstitutional.”
for the record------a father cannot be in the delivery room without the permission of the pregnant lady. A man does not have a 'LEGAL RIGHT" to witness the birth of his child in a hospital. ---
the mother can refuse -------and even if she does not----the doctor can throw him out if he considers it necessary
Nope, not the question at all. A medical procedure will happen regardless. Actually having the baby is more risky, so by the man saying he doesn't want the responsibilty is a non issue

Nice dodge though.

you know nothing about obstetrics or the actual complications of abortion. Medical procedure don't just "HAPPEN"---they are done----with consent of the patient. Even a "lying in"---
(that means the delivery in archaic quaint language)------requires consent of the patient------the patient can say "NO"

the word "delivery" is also quaint and archaic. I am always amused when jerks say ----"THE DOCTOR DELIVERED THE BABY"---nope----he don't deliver the baby----he "DELIVERED THE MOTHER OF THE BABY" No one actually asks the father of the fetus for his opinion----sometimes they let him watch----usually they wish he would wait outside

I believe you may be clinically insane.

I have FOUR children, I was in the delivery room for all of them. In fact , the last two, I was the first person to hold them.

Your insane "no one cares about the dad" drivel is just that, drivel.

Further , you idiot. How do you continually clamor that "its YOUR say about abortion" when the law clearly states that killing an unborn fetus is MURDER in 28 states and manslaughter in nearly every other?

State Homicide Laws That Recognize Unborn Victims National Right to Life

Random example
Kentucky: Since February, 2004, Kentucky law establishes a crime of “fetal homicide” in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The law covers an “unborn child,” defined as “a member of the species homo sapiens in utero from conception onward, without regard to age, health, or condition of dependency.”

Sorry, but you donj't have a right to consent to murder anyone.

I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.

you quoted commentary-----not the Torah
Oy. No further comment. I'd need to take another high blood pressure bill if I did.
you know nothing about obstetrics or the actual complications of abortion. Medical procedure don't just "HAPPEN"---they are done----with consent of the patient. Even a "lying in"---
(that means the delivery in archaic quaint language)------requires consent of the patient------the patient can say "NO"

the word "delivery" is also quaint and archaic. I am always amused when jerks say ----"THE DOCTOR DELIVERED THE BABY"---nope----he don't deliver the baby----he "DELIVERED THE MOTHER OF THE BABY" No one actually asks the father of the fetus for his opinion----sometimes they let him watch----usually they wish he would wait outside

I believe you may be clinically insane.

I have FOUR children, I was in the delivery room for all of them. In fact , the last two, I was the first person to hold them.

Your insane "no one cares about the dad" drivel is just that, drivel.

Further , you idiot. How do you continually clamor that "its YOUR say about abortion" when the law clearly states that killing an unborn fetus is MURDER in 28 states and manslaughter in nearly every other?

State Homicide Laws That Recognize Unborn Victims National Right to Life

Random example
Kentucky: Since February, 2004, Kentucky law establishes a crime of “fetal homicide” in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The law covers an “unborn child,” defined as “a member of the species homo sapiens in utero from conception onward, without regard to age, health, or condition of dependency.”

Sorry, but you donj't have a right to consent to murder anyone.

I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.

you quoted commentary-----not the Torah
where did I mention the Torah, it is a Mishna or oral law that stems from the commandments or gods word.
.....even if he is physically abusive toward her.
Even if she never asked him his name? What if she can only narrow the father down to 5 possibilities? She has to get consent from all 5? What if one deployed to a combat zone?
you know nothing about obstetrics or the actual complications of abortion. Medical procedure don't just "HAPPEN"---they are done----with consent of the patient. Even a "lying in"---
(that means the delivery in archaic quaint language)------requires consent of the patient------the patient can say "NO"

the word "delivery" is also quaint and archaic. I am always amused when jerks say ----"THE DOCTOR DELIVERED THE BABY"---nope----he don't deliver the baby----he "DELIVERED THE MOTHER OF THE BABY" No one actually asks the father of the fetus for his opinion----sometimes they let him watch----usually they wish he would wait outside

I believe you may be clinically insane.

I have FOUR children, I was in the delivery room for all of them. In fact , the last two, I was the first person to hold them.

Your insane "no one cares about the dad" drivel is just that, drivel.

Further , you idiot. How do you continually clamor that "its YOUR say about abortion" when the law clearly states that killing an unborn fetus is MURDER in 28 states and manslaughter in nearly every other?

State Homicide Laws That Recognize Unborn Victims National Right to Life

Random example
Kentucky: Since February, 2004, Kentucky law establishes a crime of “fetal homicide” in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The law covers an “unborn child,” defined as “a member of the species homo sapiens in utero from conception onward, without regard to age, health, or condition of dependency.”

Sorry, but you donj't have a right to consent to murder anyone.

I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.

you quoted commentary-----not the Torah
It really makes no difference, they're in essence the same.
A bill proposed by a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri would require a woman seeking an abortion to obtain notarized consent from the baby's father, even if he is physically abusive toward her.

Proposed Bill Would Require Women To Ask Men s Permission To Have An Abortion

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 56 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. And we need to do something with it.

I support this bill, partially. If the man is physically abusive, why make her risk injury to her and the unborn child by asking him for notarized consent? Makes no sense.
I believe you may be clinically insane.

I have FOUR children, I was in the delivery room for all of them. In fact , the last two, I was the first person to hold them.

Your insane "no one cares about the dad" drivel is just that, drivel.

Further , you idiot. How do you continually clamor that "its YOUR say about abortion" when the law clearly states that killing an unborn fetus is MURDER in 28 states and manslaughter in nearly every other?

State Homicide Laws That Recognize Unborn Victims National Right to Life

Random example
Kentucky: Since February, 2004, Kentucky law establishes a crime of “fetal homicide” in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The law covers an “unborn child,” defined as “a member of the species homo sapiens in utero from conception onward, without regard to age, health, or condition of dependency.”

Sorry, but you donj't have a right to consent to murder anyone.

I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.

you quoted commentary-----not the Torah
It really makes no difference, they're in essence the same.

no they aren't. ----not that it is an issue------religion is religion---it is not USA law. Talmud and Mishnah is ------always a work --in some weird mystical sense ----IN PROGRESS
The proposed measure is yet another example of how most on the right seek to expand the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
The proposed measure is yet another example of how most on the right seek to expand the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

I think that the jerk is just seeking a way to get votes from idiots---both anti abortion people and men------could be VERY PLEASED
I believe you may be clinically insane.

I have FOUR children, I was in the delivery room for all of them. In fact , the last two, I was the first person to hold them.

Your insane "no one cares about the dad" drivel is just that, drivel.

Further , you idiot. How do you continually clamor that "its YOUR say about abortion" when the law clearly states that killing an unborn fetus is MURDER in 28 states and manslaughter in nearly every other?

State Homicide Laws That Recognize Unborn Victims National Right to Life

Random example
Kentucky: Since February, 2004, Kentucky law establishes a crime of “fetal homicide” in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees. The law covers an “unborn child,” defined as “a member of the species homo sapiens in utero from conception onward, without regard to age, health, or condition of dependency.”

Sorry, but you donj't have a right to consent to murder anyone.

I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.

you quoted commentary-----not the Torah
where did I mention the Torah, it is a Mishna or oral law that stems from the commandments or gods word.

Mishnah is------some sort of commentary type vignettes that
sorta refer to Tanach-----and Talmud is a recording of the discussions of scholars of the torah-----sorta . USA law is
not based on either
A bill proposed by a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri would require a woman seeking an abortion to obtain notarized consent from the baby's father, even if he is physically abusive toward her.

Proposed Bill Would Require Women To Ask Men s Permission To Have An Abortion

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, over 56 million unborn children have been killed, more than the entire population of Spain. And we need to do something with it.

Sounds like a great idea.
Except for that whole Roe V Wade thingy.
I assure you----most of the people in the delivery room would have preferred that you were not there------I am not suggesting that you need apologize. But the FACT is that
they needed HER permission for you to be there-----they did not need YOUR permission for her to be there. Gee ---grow a brain -----you are comparing apples and oranges-----causing an abortion against the will of the mother is a felony----it is hers whilst it is OCCUPYING her uterus

no in fact no one asked her permission for me to be there.Unlike you my wife isn't a feminist pig and she fully understands that my children mean no less, or no more, to me than they do to her.

as for your second point. it isn't apples and oranges you idiot. Under those state laws the fetus THAT IS INSIDE THE UTERUS has been declared to be a HUMAN BEING
Gods law disputes that.
If a woman has difficuIlty in childbirth, one dismembers the embryo within her, limb by limb, because her life takes precedence over its life. However, once its head (or its 'greater part') has emerged, it may not be touched, for we do not set aside one life for another

Ohalot 7:6
So under Jewish Law (GODS WORD) until the majority of the foetus has appeared it cannot be considered as life.

you quoted commentary-----not the Torah
where did I mention the Torah, it is a Mishna or oral law that stems from the commandments or gods word.

Mishnah is------some sort of commentary type vignettes that
sorta refer to Tanach-----and Talmud is a recording of the discussions of scholars of the torah-----sorta . USA law is
not based on either
drivel what is your interpretation of the "oral torah"?
The proposed measure is yet another example of how most on the right seek to expand the power and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Got it. Males should have no individual rights

You sure showed me!

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