Women’s March DC turnout flops after pro-Farrakhan leadership anti-Semitism problems split movement


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Women’s March DC turnout flops after pro-Farrakhan leadership anti-Semitism problems split movement

Organizers expected hundreds of thousands, but estimates are much lowerEmbroiled in controversy and losing big donors and backers, the Women’s March has attempted to keep its head above water with this year’s march. However, although Women’s March organizers anticipated hundreds of thousands to show up for their third annual march in DC, this year’s march garnered only “thousands,” according to reports.... As a frame of reference, the first Women’s March in 2017 was widely touted as the “largest single day march in U. S. history.” This year, not so much.
The Washington Post reports: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local....b300836445a6]
Women from across the country were marching through the nation’s capital Saturday for the third annual Women’s March on Washington, which has been dogged by controversy in the months leading to the event.... The 2019 march is taking place amid turmoil surrounding the national Women’s March organization, including allegations of anti-Semitism, secretive financial dealings and disputes over who gets to own and define the Women’s March. Some organizers have called for its national co-chairs to resign.

NPR weekend edition news this morning only reported how the nationwide march was moving forward. Not a peep about Jew hating/ethnic chauvinists Mallory or Sarsour.
What's up with Rabbi Mira Rivera? Is she the titular head of Vichy Israel? A Women’s March should be about women, not about supporting murderers, Islamists, or a specific political party.
I wonder how long it will take for this sad bunch of short sighted women to figure out that “Hate” is not something to build on. How do they go about growing their movement when it is nothing but hate? Then again it's a Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat movement. What else can be expected?
Hmm...., You wouldn’t know by the coverage of the "Woman's March" that it was a gigantic flop failing under the weight of its own racist hatred, or that there was another march recently that was orders of magnitude larger than this one celebrating life. You certainly wouldn’t know from the enemy of the people media that this other march has been going on for years with millions if people of all denominations and persuasions attending it to celebrate the sanctity of all life.

March for Life Crowd Size: How Many Attended the 2019 ...
Today was the annual March for Life rally, where thousands gathered in Washington, D.C. and at sister rallies around the country to protest abortion. The event took place the day before the Women... Although exact crowd numbers aren’t available, organizers said they expected 100,000 people to participate, but some later said as many as 200,000 to 300,000 might have been at the event.... The theme for this year’s march is “Pro-Life is Pro-Science.” View the photos....

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