Wonderful Donald at rally: "Get the damn baby outta here!"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
he sacrifices so much!

Trump at rally: 'Get the baby out of here'

One thing we conservatives know is that no matter what Trump says or does, his enemies (which includes all libs, media, and rinos) will attack him and twist whatever he says. If he says "I support the first amendment", the left will say "he supports hate speech". If he says "I support the second amendment", they'll say "he supports mass shootings". No matter what he says it will be characterized as something that doesn't even remotely resemble what he actually said or meant, and God help him if he cracks a joke.
Personally I don't want to listen to some baby whining and crying.

There are some places that parents shouldn't bring their infants and it's about time someone told people that
Sad. A really screwed up and crazy man trump is.
he's just very male. he doesn't like details.

I hate men who love details. it's womanish and i don't want Stalinist womanish people to lead western countries.

Since when are men required to love babies?
The Donald is very funny and very quick witted. He is not funny if you think unsophisticated, neocon humor like SNL, Bill Mayer, John Stewart, Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, etc. are funny.

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What, you don't ask for child-free seating whilst dining out?

And would pay a premium to share an airline row with some dumb bitch and her raging, undisciplined brat?
What, you don't ask for child-free seating whilst dining out?

And would pay a premium to share an airline row with some dumb bitch and her raging, undisciplined brat?
That reminds me of a flight I took years ago from LA to Chicago, with a screaming baby behind me. It cried nearly the entire flight. It was torture.

Thanks for reminding me why I refuse to fly today.
What, you don't ask for child-free seating whilst dining out? And would pay a premium to share an airline row with some dumb bitch and her raging, undisciplined brat?
Your fallacies of false equivalence are obvious. This was a political rally, not dining or flying. Who cares if a baby cries?
Speaking as a parent, I didn't go to public places like that for quite a while. I have left restaurants rather than ruin the meal for others.

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