Wonderful, The Saudis armed ISIS.

Kiss is spelled with two ss's not a ck. aside from that just blame bush and dick who invented warfare.

I don't know how you think heads of state should be treated.

In any case? "Bush and Dick" invaded Iraq.

There has never been a national reckoning for that.

By the way? That's what the Saudis wanted us to do.

And why not. 9/11 was a Saudi gold mine. Their money and mostly their people. Anything the Saudis can do to drive the cost of a barrel of oil higher benefits who the most? The Saudis.

They can finance war. Send terrorists to wage war and we (the USA) will defend them to our deaths if any one fucks with them. And we won't say a word to them.

WTF have the Saudis got on us that they can do this shit? Beside having a lot of oil that is.

That's not why they wanted the US to invade.

Quite simply, Hussien was a threat.

His regime was secular.

And his military was pretty powerful in terms of nations in the region.
Why is there some persistent democrat myth that the Saddam regime was secular when it clearly was not. It was Shiite, controlled by the Baathist party. Sunnis and Kurds were massacred when ever Saddam got bored.
I don't know how you think heads of state should be treated.

In any case? "Bush and Dick" invaded Iraq.

There has never been a national reckoning for that.

By the way? That's what the Saudis wanted us to do.

And why not. 9/11 was a Saudi gold mine. Their money and mostly their people. Anything the Saudis can do to drive the cost of a barrel of oil higher benefits who the most? The Saudis.

They can finance war. Send terrorists to wage war and we (the USA) will defend them to our deaths if any one fucks with them. And we won't say a word to them.

WTF have the Saudis got on us that they can do this shit? Beside having a lot of oil that is.

That's not why they wanted the US to invade.

Quite simply, Hussien was a threat.

His regime was secular.

And his military was pretty powerful in terms of nations in the region.

Well, that's right. As evil as he was to his own people, he was stabilizing force of sorts in the region. It's too fuckin late now. Ain't no re-dos in the real world. Shit happens, I guess.
Way back Obama was sending arms to Syria under the radar.....that is part of the Benghazi scandal....then later Putin saved his ass regarding the 'red line' on chemical useage by Assad....Obama like Saudi Arabia has wanted to attack Syria for some time...

Last year Obama openly authorized sending arms to Syrian rebels.....the question then was who were the 'moderate' rebels and how many of the arms would fall into Al Qaeda and other hands...nobody seemed to know....guess we now know who has the weapons...

meanwhile in Saudi Arabia our CIA was training fighters for the Syrian conflict....SA was arming the Al Qaeda and other nasty 'rebels'....

fighers are coming from all over the world for this Sunni-Shia war....including the U.S....

i predicted Obama would not use air power to fight back ISIS....so far that has proven true....which is why i believe Obama is firmly on the side of Saudi Arabia and the Sunni caliphate builders...

BO is a sunni by birth after all...
This thread looks like a very amateur attempt to psychoanalyze Islam.

Its simple. Muslims live in the 9th century and they mean to stay there, no matter that they have a fortune to spend on enlightenment. They would rather spend it on nuclear bombs to use on US...and each other.

Muslims gonna Muslim.
This thread looks like a very amateur attempt to psychoanalyze Islam.

Its simple. Muslims live in the 9th century and they mean to stay there, no matter that they have a fortune to spend on enlightenment. They would rather spend it on nuclear bombs to use on US...and each other.

Muslims gonna Muslim.

They didn't have nukes in the 9th century.
Way back Obama was sending arms to Syria under the radar.....that is part of the Benghazi scandal....then later Putin saved his ass regarding the 'red line' on chemical useage by Assad....Obama like Saudi Arabia has wanted to attack Syria for some time...

Last year Obama openly authorized sending arms to Syrian rebels.....the question then was who were the 'moderate' rebels and how many of the arms would fall into Al Qaeda and other hands...nobody seemed to know....guess we now know who has the weapons...

meanwhile in Saudi Arabia our CIA was training fighters for the Syrian conflict....SA was arming the Al Qaeda and other nasty 'rebels'....

fighers are coming from all over the world for this Sunni-Shia war....including the U.S....

i predicted Obama would not use air power to fight back ISIS....so far that has proven true....which is why i believe Obama is firmly on the side of Saudi Arabia and the Sunni caliphate builders...

BO is a sunni by birth after all...

So are you saying Ronald Reagan was born a Shia?

Wow..the things you learn here.
Way back Obama was sending arms to Syria under the radar.....that is part of the Benghazi scandal....then later Putin saved his ass regarding the 'red line' on chemical useage by Assad....Obama like Saudi Arabia has wanted to attack Syria for some time...

Last year Obama openly authorized sending arms to Syrian rebels.....the question then was who were the 'moderate' rebels and how many of the arms would fall into Al Qaeda and other hands...nobody seemed to know....guess we now know who has the weapons...

meanwhile in Saudi Arabia our CIA was training fighters for the Syrian conflict....SA was arming the Al Qaeda and other nasty 'rebels'....

fighers are coming from all over the world for this Sunni-Shia war....including the U.S....

i predicted Obama would not use air power to fight back ISIS....so far that has proven true....which is why i believe Obama is firmly on the side of Saudi Arabia and the Sunni caliphate builders...

BO is a sunni by birth after all...

So are you saying Ronald Reagan was born a Shia?

Wow..the things you learn here.

back then Americans didn't know Shia from Sunni.....alot still don't...
Old news. I had threads running over Qatar and Saudi Arabia's involvement in the terrorist take over of Syria.

Oh and by the way the aid that the US and Britain were giving to aid the "rebels" was being screened by the Saudis to make sure *wink* wink * nudge* nudge* say no more* that the aid would get to get to the "right rebels".


I hope Assad rubs it in the West's face that this never was a Syrian Spring. That was all bullshit. It was Sunni takeover 101.

Just like Egypt when you threw out Mubarak.Just like Libya when you threw out Gaddafi. Just like Afghanistan because you are negotiating with the Taliban at their Embassy in guess where? Qatar. And Obama hates Karzai.

Now Iraq falling to a Sunni terrorist army. Obama hates Maliki. And there is no doubt he prefers Sunnis.
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Old news. I had threads running over Qatar and Saudi Arabia's involvement in the terrorist take over of Syria.

Oh and by the way the aid that the US and Britain were giving to aid the "rebels" was being screened by the Saudis to make sure *wink* wink * nudge* nudge* say no more* to get to the "right rebels".


I hope Assad rubs it in the West's face that this never was a Syrian Spring. That was all bullshit. It was Sunni takeover 101.

Just like Egypt when you threw out Mubarak.Just like Libya when you threw out Gaddafi. Just like Afghanistan because you are negotiating with the Taliban at their Embassy in guess where? Qatar. And Obama hates Karzai.

Now Iraq falling to a Sunni terrorist army. Obama hates Maliki. And there is no doubt he prefers Sunnis.

good point----people are failing to remember or trying to ignore the Syrian connection here.
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Palestinians Celebrate ISIS Death March Through Iraq | The Gateway Pundit

Lovely Fing people there. One of the video's at that site shows them playing with a man's head making fun of it.

Barbarian scumbags. And that is all.
:evil: Like there was ever a doubt? :mad:

'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback

U.S lawmakers encouraged officials in Riyadh to arm Syrian rebels. Now that strategy may have created a monster in the Middle East.

“Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later, at the Munich Security Conference.

McCain was praising Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former ambassador to the United States, for supporting forces fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham had previously met with Bandar to encourage the Saudis to arm Syrian rebel forces.

But shortly after McCain’s Munich comments, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah relieved Bandar of his Syrian covert-action portfolio, which was then transferred to Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. By mid-April, just two weeks after President Obama met with King Abdullah on March 28, Bandar had also been removed from his position as head of Saudi intelligence—according to official government statements, at “his own request.” Sources close to the royal court told me that, in fact, the king fired Bandar over his handling of the kingdom’s Syria policy and other simmering tensions, after initially refusing to accept Bandar’s offers to resign.
'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback - Steve Clemons - The Atlantic

Brought to you by the same people that did 9/11..


Your Boi sent them arms in Libya.

Hurts doesn't it?

Bammy arms them and now we must fight them.
:evil: Like there was ever a doubt? :mad:

'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback

U.S lawmakers encouraged officials in Riyadh to arm Syrian rebels. Now that strategy may have created a monster in the Middle East.

“Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar,” John McCain told CNN’s Candy Crowley in January 2014. “Thank God for the Saudis and Prince Bandar, and for our Qatari friends,” the senator said once again a month later, at the Munich Security Conference.

McCain was praising Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services and a former ambassador to the United States, for supporting forces fighting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham had previously met with Bandar to encourage the Saudis to arm Syrian rebel forces.

But shortly after McCain’s Munich comments, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah relieved Bandar of his Syrian covert-action portfolio, which was then transferred to Saudi Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. By mid-April, just two weeks after President Obama met with King Abdullah on March 28, Bandar had also been removed from his position as head of Saudi intelligence—according to official government statements, at “his own request.” Sources close to the royal court told me that, in fact, the king fired Bandar over his handling of the kingdom’s Syria policy and other simmering tensions, after initially refusing to accept Bandar’s offers to resign.
'Thank God for the Saudis': ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback - Steve Clemons - The Atlantic

Brought to you by the same people that did 9/11..


Your Boi sent them arms in Libya.

Hurts doesn't it?

Bammy arms them and now we must fight them.

Wrong again, the arms now being used are from the USA all right, sent there by Mr. "Liberator", George W. Bush.

Hopefully Assad, Maliki, and the brave forces of Iran vanquish the US/Saudi Puppet Forces ISIS. The we move on Jerusalem and liberate Palestine. Inshallah.

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:evil: Like there was ever a doubt? :mad:

Brought to you by the same people that did 9/11..


Your Boi sent them arms in Libya.

Hurts doesn't it?

Bammy arms them and now we must fight them.

Wrong again, the arms now being used are from the USA all right, sent there by Mr. "Liberator", George W. Bush.


Nope, they are the "insurgents" he was arming.

Now just crawl back under your rock.
Obama gets no blame for the clusterfuck in the mid east. He knows nothing about it. He read it in the papers like the rest of us. He's simply too enlightened for mere mortals to understand.


Yeah, he doesn't.

Nothing about any of Obama's foreign policy has contributed to what is going on in the middle east.

This was all foretold.

Now? It's happening.

Obama doesn't get all of the blame, but he gets a very large share. His foreign policy is a trainwreck. He's worse than Carter....it doesn't help that he's an effeminate little pansy either....

The biggest problem is he still believes that a good speech will solve the worlds problems! Why wouldn't he? He made it to the highest office in the world, with nothing but bis ability to bullshit....

He's a sleazy salesman who's schtick is long in the tooth.

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