Woo Hoo!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
Be careful with that. When I was 17, I broke my femur - in traction in the hospital for 3 weeks. I was allergic to Demoral, so they put me on Morphine, and forgot to ween me off. I went through hell detoxing. Took a good week.
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
Be careful with that. When I was 17, I broke my femur - in traction in the hospital for 3 weeks. I was allergic to Demoral, so they put me on Morphine, and forgot to ween me off. I went through hell detoxing. Took a good week.
Demoral...............Had that a coupe times in my life in the hospital.....................Man was that some good shit...........
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
Good luck. Be careful. Opiods always made my stomach ache and plugged me up.
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
Be careful with that. When I was 17, I broke my femur - in traction in the hospital for 3 weeks. I was allergic to Demoral, so they put me on Morphine, and forgot to ween me off. I went through hell detoxing. Took a good week.

The pain Docs check you regular to see if you're getting shall we say a little to attatched to your meds.
They've had me on hydrocodone for just shy of two years and I show no signs of addiction.
I stop taking them for several days in a row and just deal with the pain and dont have the urge to take the stuff other than pain relief. The signs are flu like symptoms which I havent experienced.
My Mother,God rest her soul was a paramedic and a drug and alcohol counsellor and I heard the dangers daily so I'm hyper aware of the signs of addiction.
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....

If I'm on my death bed and in a lot of pain, I'm going to ask the doctor for the button that administers morphine into my veins, and I'm going to push it a LOT!
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
Be careful with that. When I was 17, I broke my femur - in traction in the hospital for 3 weeks. I was allergic to Demoral, so they put me on Morphine, and forgot to ween me off. I went through hell detoxing. Took a good week.
Demoral...............Had that a coupe times in my life in the hospital.....................Man was that some good shit...........

The best thing they ever gave me in the hospital was dilaudid when I dislocated my hip.
Holy Shit is that stuff potent!!!
My only regret was I fell asleep 20 minutes after they gave it to me.
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
Good luck. Be careful. Opiods always made my stomach ache and plugged me up.

Dont I know it!!!
They wouldnt let me leave the hospital after all my various surgeries until I took a dump.
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
What say we meet...
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....

If I'm on my death bed and in a lot of pain, I'm going to ask the doctor for the button that administers morphine into my veins, and I'm going to push it a LOT!

I hate those damn things!!!
They never turn em up enough and all ya get is constipated and you end up staring at the clock waiting to be able to push that button again.
Of course it's better than being in pain.
I hate those damn things!!!
They never turn em up enough and all ya get is constipated and you end up staring at the clock waiting to be able to push that button again.
Of course it's better than being in pain.

Dude, you are so right. I couldn't shit for a week. I'd never been constipated before, but Holy F***!

But that was OK, because my left arm was in a cast and my right arm was in a sling! lol
After my back really started bothering me and the hydocodone wasnt cutting it at night he prescribed me some Morphine today.
Man does it ever work work!!!
On the plus side I go in at the end of the month to get my spinal stimulater test model installed and if all goes well I can dump the drugs all together!!!
Until then I'm going to enjoy my Morphine....
What say we meet...

Trust me..you dont have enough money.
Had a buddy of mine trying to buy my hydrocodone for ten bucks a pill.
I told him the same thing....that ain't enough.
I hate those damn things!!!
They never turn em up enough and all ya get is constipated and you end up staring at the clock waiting to be able to push that button again.
Of course it's better than being in pain.

Dude, you are so right. I couldn't shit for a week. I'd never been constipated before, but Holy F***!

But that was OK, because my left arm was in a cast and my right arm was in a sling! lol

Oh I very famailer with trying to wipe your ass after surgery.
Both the hip and back surgery made it very difficult....or should I say a real pain in the ass.
But I'll be damned if I'd ever ask the Wife for help.

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