World Economic Forum - Build Back Better


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism
Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism
They planned on having more a majority, but couldn't pull that off, or we'd be in a full blown implosion of Democracy and under Martial Law and living under the tyranny of a Marxist State.
Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism
It is just a continuation of Bush Sr. "One World Order" that didn't go anywhere in 92. So they changed the motto and they're trying to do it again 30 years later. But-----2022 will yield the same results as 92.
Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism

Joe Biden has been talking about “building back better” since he first started running for office. I suppose you’re not smart enough to have considered that they named the conference “build back better” after Biden’s agenda and not the other way around.

You simply have to reinvent “American capitalism” Which disadvantages Frontline workers in favour of overpaid executives and freeloading shareholders. Capitalism is working in other countries where the tax code doesn’t funnel all of the money to the top like yours does.

It also works in countries where corporations are not allowed participation in politics. And where corporations are required to pay their fair share.
From your link near the bottom under "controversies":
"According to Greenpeace the World Business Council for Sustainable Development is among the key players responsible for holding the world societies from tackling the climate change and energy management challenges for the past 20 years. The WBCSD Executive Committee was dominated by the largest non-renewable energy and carbon-intensive companies in the world at least until 2011. According to Greenpeace the WBCSD executive committee has been a 'Who's Who' of the world's largest carbon-intensive companies."

So they talk a green game, but under the hood, they are the same old carbon guys they have always been.
Joe Biden has been talking about “building back better” since he first started running for office. I suppose you’re not smart enough to have considered that they named the conference “build back better” after Biden’s agenda and not the other way around.

You simply have to reinvent “American capitalism” Which disadvantages Frontline workers in favour of overpaid executives and freeloading shareholders. Capitalism is working in other countries where the tax code doesn’t funnel all of the money to the top like yours does.

It also works in countries where corporations are not allowed participation in politics. And where corporations are required to pay their fair share.
LOL!! Every time you post its wrong. All you do is makeup partisan LIES.
1. The WBCSD was formed in 1992, duh.

2. American capitalism is just fine. It will be even better after we repeal section-230 so the oligarchs can be hauled into court.
Joe Biden has been talking about “building back better” since he first started running for office. I suppose you’re not smart enough to have considered that they named the conference “build back better” after Biden’s agenda and not the other way around.

You simply have to reinvent “American capitalism” Which disadvantages Frontline workers in favour of overpaid executives and freeloading shareholders. Capitalism is working in other countries where the tax code doesn’t funnel all of the money to the top like yours does.

It also works in countries where corporations are not allowed participation in politics. And where corporations are required to pay their fair share.

Canada has denied me the right to work, self determination, self sufficiency, Due Process, Rule of Law, transparent and accountable government and policing. Award winner in university, work, top Canadian MBA program disciple, tireless worker? Sorry pal, in Canada, only the "chosen ones" and their family are allowed to earn a good living.

You lecture Americans about their "disadvantaged Frontline workers"!? Did you see what the Old Age Homes in Ontario were dealing with, as workers are so broke they have to take the bus from one Home to another, for min wage, part-time work, spreading the virus during a pandemic?

America isn't perfect, but Canada is in NO position to lecture. We have been an albatross on the very basic premises of Justice, capitalism and democracy. It's why no one trusts Canada and our economy is nothing more than a big warehouse for cheaply made foreign junk.

Thankfully Canada is going the way of the Dodo Bird. The global economy and internet exposed our dinosaur country of Creepy Ones.
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Joe Biden has been talking about “building back better” since he first started running for office. I suppose you’re not smart enough to have considered that they named the conference “build back better” after Biden’s agenda and not the other way around.

Are you sure about that? The article I linked was written on July 13th, 2020. The only thing I can find with Biden referring to build back better was from a tweet on Oct. 5th, 2020.
Joe Biden has been talking about “building back better” since he first started running for office. I suppose you’re not smart enough to have considered that they named the conference “build back better” after Biden’s agenda and not the other way around.

You simply have to reinvent “American capitalism” Which disadvantages Frontline workers in favour of overpaid executives and freeloading shareholders. Capitalism is working in other countries where the tax code doesn’t funnel all of the money to the top like yours does.

It also works in countries where corporations are not allowed participation in politics. And where corporations are required to pay their fair share.
How can the extremist righties expect people to not take advantage of the savings for them that come out of Biden's initiatives.

The "Insulin" issue along is huge and it's so symbolic of what is required as Biden attempts to crack the money grabbing pharma industry!

The Republicans 'better' stop it from happening!!
How can the extremist righties expect people to not take advantage of the savings for them that come out of Biden's initiatives.

The "Insulin" issue along is huge and it's so symbolic of what is required as Biden attempts to crack the money grabbing pharma industry!

The Republicans 'better' stop it from happening!!

Because us righties aren't as gullible as lefties. We know that we will have to pay for all this stuff. There won't be any savings for those of us that pay taxes, only for you losers that don't.
Because us righties aren't as gullible as lefties. We know that we will have to pay for all this stuff. There won't be any savings for those of us that pay taxes, only for you losers that don't.
Some Americans will have to pay for all the 'stuff' but I have a hunch that hamburger flippers and ditch diggers won't.

In any case it's far from a done deal. I don't think it can actually happen in America yet. There's a myriad of evolution and pain to come.

As with bail reform, it's going to cost many lives to do what has to be done.
How can the extremist righties expect people to not take advantage of the savings for them that come out of Biden's initiatives.

The "Insulin" issue along is huge and it's so symbolic of what is required as Biden attempts to crack the money grabbing pharma industry!

The Republicans 'better' stop it from happening!!
So says Donald H duck the canuck---moron.
When one of my posts is deleted, it would be useful to have that post quoted in a personal message, along with the reason for the deletion.

This in the interest of knowing what behaviour was found to be unacceptable.

Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism
Build Back Better SOUNDS so awesome, the complete opposite of what he is doing to this nation through his socialist destructive policies that is shreddongthis nation in every way possible.

Open Boders

Millions of illegals being trafficked all over the US

Enough Fentynal to kill everyone in the US

Creating a new dependent class

Importing Foreign Rapist, pedophile, murderers

Importing COVI-19

AFGHANISTAN - Hundreds Left Behind

Destroyed the coalition with our allies

Aiding the CCP & RUSSIA

DESTROYING OVER 60% of minority-owned small businesses

Destroyed/destroying the economy with Un-Constitutional and illegal Quarantine, mask, and vacine mandates

Violating his oath of office, the Constitution, &US law

His treasonous influence peddling, taking over a billion dollars from the CCP, taking millions from the CCP & Russia during his campaign...

....and now the evidence proving Hunter Biden arranged a deal to sell the CCP Cobalt while daddy destroys the fossil fuel industry & wl. Force the countryto switch to battery operated care....meaning Hunter just betrayed the US & gave CHINA the lock on making and selling car batteries and also making tge Bidens even wealthier than they are from this multi-billion dollar deal.

And snowflakes have their heads so farther let's ass they still can't (or won't) see it coming.... if believing when this country turned full, tyrannical, enforced socialism they will be welcomed into the mansions of their oppressive new rulers..

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