World Economic Forum - Build Back Better

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Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism
It's just a slick slogan that politicians use.
It is just a continuation of Bush Sr. "One World Order" that didn't go anywhere in 92. So, they changed the motto and they're trying to do it again 30 years later. But-----2022 will yield the same results as 92.
You misunderstand the NWO. What is happening now was planned many, many generations ago. This is not a hit and miss agenda they roll out during elections. And the time is finally here for the culmination of their hard work. America is the only thing standing in their way and we are on our way down. Once they hijacked our children's education, it is just a matter of time. We are living through the death of the greatest empire ever on earth.
If you really are concerned about our country read:
The Day the Dollar Dies, by Willard Cantelon

If you are a Christian, you know that the NWO will eventually rule supreme in these end times, and that they have a leader who mesmerizes the planet. If you are not a Christian, then the book lays out the who, what, when, where and why.
We can't resist it if we don't even recognize it...
You misunderstand the NWO. What is happening now was planned many, many generations ago. This is not a hit and miss agenda they roll out during elections. And the time is finally here for the culmination of their hard work. America is the only thing standing in their way and we are on our way down. Once they hijacked our children's education, it is just a matter of time. We are living through the death of the greatest empire ever on earth.
If you really are concerned about our country read:
The Day the Dollar Dies, by Willard Cantelon

If you are a Christian, you know that the NWO will eventually rule supreme in these end times, and that they have a leader who mesmerizes the planet. If you are not a Christian, then the book lays out the who, what, when, where and why.
We can't resist it if we don't even recognize it...
Forget the 'end time's bullshit. It's just one of their rationalizations.
If you're a Christian, this situation is urgent enough that you lay that aside for a while.
Why would I set aside the best indicator of the times we are living in? For instance, for thousands of years, there was no Israel to build a Temple in. No one had to wonder if they were living in the end times.
Israel is preparing for their new temple now. In our time. You don't have to believe it but you should be knowledgeable enough to recognize the predictions when they come to fruition.
Forget the 'end time's bullshit. It's just one of their rationalizations.
If you're a Christian, this situation is urgent enough that you lay that aside for a while.

Who are they? Is George Soros one of them? Is his friend Nancy one of them? Just what the hell are you doing?
The situation is urgent enough for me not to vote globalists into our government. Urgent enough for me to suggest taking children out of public schools. Urgent enough to let people know there is a way to see what is coming and prepare for the worst. If I read famine, then I gather. If I read pestilence, I avoid the masses.
If you don't understand what the world means when they call us, Hemisphere One, then you won't do one thing to stop it from happening right now, right in front of your nose...
The rules won't tell me what my post contained that was objectionable.
But thanks again and now back to your preferred bad behaviour pissant.
That's the problem with living under a shithole socialist government. You're used to everything being done for you and handed to you on a platter. Not capable of doing for yourself. I hope you see the error of your ways. duck.
It is just a continuation of Bush Sr. "One World Order" that didn't go anywhere in 92. So, they changed the motto and they're trying to do it again 30 years later. But-----2022 will yield the same results as 92.
You misunderstand the NWO. What is happening now was planned and has been in the process of being implemented many, many generations ago. This is not a hit and miss agenda. And the time is finally here for the culmination of their hard work. America is the only thing standing in their way and we are on our way down.
If you really are concerned about our country read:
The Day the Dollar Dies, by Willard Cantelon

WEF. asshats.

What does it mean?

If you kiss our asses well let you eat Forum.

Why we still have guns here.
Just wondering why Biden chose to call his reckless social spending plan Build Back Better. It just so happens it correspond to the World Economic Forums' motto. In case you were wondering, they are in favor of a great reset focused on removing Capitalism as we know it. I am not so sure it is coincidental. Biden and the lefties must destroy our system first and his plan certainly accelerates that goal.

It is hard to believe that so many Americans can be this naive.

To build back better, we will have to reinvent capitalism

There is nothing reckless about it. It addresses serious issues in this country. The rich and powerful got theirs and now you want to deny ordinary people some help. The fact is that capitalism is broken. Greedy businesses have treated employees like slaves and now the chickens have come home to roost. Want to know why there is a shortage of truck drivers. Because truck drivers got fed up and moved to jobs that offer better pay and better working conditions.
Because us righties aren't as gullible as lefties. We know that we will have to pay for all this stuff. There won't be any savings for those of us that pay taxes, only for you losers that don't.

You fascist righties are only concerned about the rich and powerful. What we are talking about is $350 billion a year. Some of it will increase revenues once it is spent such as the childcare tax credit and the child tax credit. The childcare tax credit will be used to help working parents pay for childcare while they are at work. That also increases revenues. In addition, estimates of over $100 billion a year are lost due to tax evasion by the rich. The Republicans refuse to give the IRS the money it needs to ensure that taxes are being paid under current laws. In addition, the Democrat tax increases also would have partially paid for it. They were modest tax increases yet the rich and powerful were able to evade this by buying off Sinema.

People who are struggling are not losers. You are a contemptable asshole.
You fascist righties are only concerned about the rich and powerful. What we are talking about is $350 billion a year. Some of it will increase revenues once it is spent such as the childcare tax credit and the child tax credit. The childcare tax credit will be used to help working parents pay for childcare while they are at work. That also increases revenues. In addition, estimates of over $100 billion a year are lost due to tax evasion by the rich. The Republicans refuse to give the IRS the money it needs to ensure that taxes are being paid under current laws. In addition, the Democrat tax increases also would have partially paid for it. They were modest tax increases yet the rich and powerful were able to evade this by buying off Sinema.

People who are struggling are not losers. You are a contemptable asshole.

A person making 400k/yr likely pays more in taxes than you make. The wealthy pay the vast majority of taxes in this country. Almost 50% pay no federal income tax.

The child tax credit was modified under Biden to be given to everyone with children with certain income restrictions on the high end. Those that make ZERO get full checks for each child. Those that don’t make enough to itemize also benefit. That is called welfare which is in addition to other welfare many of these folks get. This doesn’t do anything but strengthen dependency. The child tax credit for those that work was simply changed to be an advance on the credit. They will not get the deduction at the end of the year so it is a wash. In short, you were fooled. This was merely another giveaway to those that don’t pay or pay very little. The bad rich folks will foot the bill in the form of even higher taxes.

Not everyone that is struggling is a loser. The problem is that Democrats are creating larger groups of able bodied folks that would rather sit home and collect paychecks from the government than to get out and work. Build Back Better is not meant to help poor, it is meant to create more losers.

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