World Health Organization Quietly Changes Their Definition of "Herd Immunity"

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It figures it'd be something like that. Comparable to the recent popularity of substituting political science in place of actual science.


The World Health Organization has changed the definition of “herd immunity” on the Covid section of their website, inserting the claim that it is a “concept used in vaccination”, and requires a vaccine to be achieved.

Both of these statements are total falsehoods, which is demonstrated by the WHO’s own website back in June, and every dictionary definition of “herd immunity” you can find.The World Health Organization has changed the definition of “herd immunity” on the Covid section of their website, inserting the claim that it is a “concept used in vaccination”, and requires a vaccine to be achieved.

To quote the WHO’s own original definition:

Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or a natural immunity developed through previous infection.
This definition was posted on the WHO’s website on June 9th of this year, and conforms with the general usage of the term for generations.
Then, on October 15th, we woke up to find the words on the side of the barn had changed. The definition has been altered to this:

‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached.
No explanation is offered for the change, in fact note of the change is made on the website at all.
Indeed all the previous versions of the website have been totally wiped from the wayback machine. A telling thing to do, in and of itself.

Yep, it figures, when the director of the WHO is a former terrorist and communist, and the main players behind this scamdemic are agenda-driven crooks.

I mean really, how anyone could put their trust in these corrupt organizations is beyond me. :dunno:
Natural Citizen

My perception of you so far is that you're not a dumb person. I'm curious about your general take on the pandemic and the state of the world right now.
Natural Citizen

My perception of you so far is that you're not a dumb person. I'm curious about your general take on the pandemic and the state of the world right now.

Well. I would contend that society has been intellectually reconfigured in terms of their understanding of what science is and even the use of technology as it applies to it. It is an extremely dangerous combination of ignorance and power. Eventually, it will backfire. We need to take back science from the institutions which have stolen it, assumed its nature and redefined it. The people dictating this new model will continue to be permitted a pathway to the destruction of democracy itself so long as the people remain ignorant to what science actually is. The very nature of science is about asking questions. Admitting that we do not know the unknown. Unfortunately, political science has assumed the lead and now we're led by those who invoke such phrases as follow ''the science'' when there's nothing scientific about these politics. There's no such thing as "the science''. This is the key lesson to take from what is happening. Science is about constantly challenging assumptions which have been made by looking at weaknesses in what are existing theories. It's not about changing defininitions to suit political agendas. It's not about contending that we have all of the answers and that no more questions need asking and then just telling people to do what they're told if they want to participate in society because ''the science". If we are not able to question authority, if we're not permitted to actually approach things truly scientifically, we're hopeless as a species. That's the cliff notes anyway. It's a deep topic, really.
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