World Jump Day - 600,000,000 People to Jump in attepmt to alter Earth's Orbit


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004

A German scientific team is doing something about global warming. The researchers have determined that the earth's orbit needs to be directed ever so slightly away from the sun -- thus cooling the planet down. The group has calculated that if just 600 million folks like us would jump up and down at precisely the same time, we could actually move earth. This is not a joke. They say that 110 million people are already signed on. "World Jump Day" is July 20, 2006.
:rotflmao: :rotflmao:And they did so well in rocket science ...Wait :eek2: , are they saying global warming is due to Earths orbit and NOT the EVIL USA? Damn!!!!:rotflmao::rotflmao:

If you look at the website, it says:

"Scientific research has proven that this change of planetary positioning would very likely stop global warning, extend daylight savings time and create a more homogenous climate."


Never mind.
If Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity both lost their voices and never talked again, we would take the first step toward eliminating Global Warming.
Gabriella84 said:
If Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity both lost their voices and never talked again, we would take the first step toward eliminating Global Warming.

why is that? because co2 helps plants grow you see plants live on co2 .... plants generate o2 which we live on and recycyle h2o which we drink...they are actually good for the environment....they should talk more actually :spank3:
This is, in fact, a joke, and will be exposed as such
in good time, if it has not been already.
I know a large group of people we could push off a cliff. This would end the "War on Terrorism" and lower oil prices... and apparently end global warming.

This is good. Let's all jump and see if we can knock the Earth out of orbit. Rates right up there with the moon being made of green cheese.

Besides, as long as Michael Moore's fat ass stays put, there aren't enough people to counter it.
-Cp said:

A German scientific team is doing something about global warming. The researchers have determined that the earth's orbit needs to be directed ever so slightly away from the sun -- thus cooling the planet down. The group has calculated that if just 600 million folks like us would jump up and down at precisely the same time, we could actually move earth. This is not a joke. They say that 110 million people are already signed on. "World Jump Day" is July 20, 2006.

Better idea - pair off all the homosexuals and let them jump up each other's butts. That way, not only would we cool the planet, but we would reduce the population at the same time.


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