World's ocean temperature the warmest ever recorded

Well the earth survived the last 4 or 5 ice ages, it will continue to survive.

Liberalism might be too much for her though.
By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) – 34 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — The world's oceans this summer are the warmest on record.

The National Climatic Data Center, the government agency that keeps weather records, says the average global ocean temperature in July was 62.6 degrees. That's the hottest since record-keeping began in 1880. The previous record was set in 1998.

Meteorologists blame a combination of a natural El Nino weather pattern on top of worsening manmade global warming. The warmer water could add to the melting of sea ice and possibly strengthen some hurricanes.

The result has meant lots of swimming at beaches in Maine with pleasant 72-degree water. Ocean temperatures reached 88 degrees as far north as Ocean City, Md., this week.

The Gulf of Mexico, where warm water fuels hurricanes, has temperatures dancing around 90. Most of the water in the Northern Hemisphere has been considerably warmer than normal. The Mediterranean is about three degrees warmer than normal. Higher temperatures rule in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

It's most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average.

Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land. That's because water takes longer to heat up and doesn't cool off as easily, said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

The Associated Press: In hot water: World's ocean temps warmest recorded

One has to keep in mind this isn't really saying much. Yes it's nice a dramatic to say stuff like 'THE HIGHEST EVER RECORDED" if you're a true believer. But the fact that 'ever recorded' only goes back to 1880 coupled with Chris's notion that this actual means something show what little concept he has for his place in time on earth.

The perspective one views events from has a major impact on how significantly they view said event. A lot of people view these events - ice caps melting, warmer water, earth warming - from the perspective of human history. A perspective from which 'ever measured' seems like an awfully long time. From the perspective of how long humans could have contributed to it, we are talking in an even shorter time. From the perspective of earth history this event viewed on a time line would be imperceptible. Quite possibly so imperceptible that quantifying its relevance one way or another would be nearly impossible.

The North Polar Ice Cap is melting, and Bern80 calls the event imperceptible.


It is very easy for the scientists at MIT to calculate the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 by 40-50%. They estimate that there is a 90% chance it will raise global tempertures by 4-7 degrees in the next century. That will have a dramatic effect on the earth.
Please tell us, inquiring minds want to know - Is this the reason the Artic Ice is melting and if so, why didn't you tell us that when you were ranting and raving about the melting ice not too long ago. I tell you, they keep shooting all of this stuff into space and things like this are bound to happen. All of those environmental wackos have it all wrong. The reason the world is going to hell in a handbasket is not because of global warming. It's because of space junk re-entering the atmosphere and landing in the ocean and heating it up because of all the heat it generates as it falls through the atmosphere. So, if my theory is correct, we can go back to burning coal again and forget all about this environmental bullshit. The problem will be solved when we quit sending stuff up into space. Makes as much sense to me as the bullshit you toss out concerning our dear planet earth. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Please tell us, inquiring minds want to know - Is this the reason the Artic Ice is melting and if so, why didn't you tell us that when you were ranting and raving about the melting ice not too long ago. I tell you, they keep shooting all of this stuff into space and things like this are bound to happen. All of those environmental wackos have it all wrong. The reason the world is going to hell in a handbasket is not because of global warming. It's because of space junk re-entering the atmosphere and landing in the ocean and heating it up because of all the heat it generates as it falls through the atmosphere. So, if my theory is correct, we can go back to burning coal again and forget all about this environmental bullshit. The problem will be solved when we quit sending stuff up into space. Makes as much sense to me as the bullshit you toss out concerning our dear planet earth. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

We have created a hole in the ozone layer the size of Antarctica.

There is a pile of garbage in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas.

We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Anyone who doesn't see a problem with this is a wacko.
Please tell us, inquiring minds want to know - Is this the reason the Artic Ice is melting and if so, why didn't you tell us that when you were ranting and raving about the melting ice not too long ago. I tell you, they keep shooting all of this stuff into space and things like this are bound to happen. All of those environmental wackos have it all wrong. The reason the world is going to hell in a handbasket is not because of global warming. It's because of space junk re-entering the atmosphere and landing in the ocean and heating it up because of all the heat it generates as it falls through the atmosphere. So, if my theory is correct, we can go back to burning coal again and forget all about this environmental bullshit. The problem will be solved when we quit sending stuff up into space. Makes as much sense to me as the bullshit you toss out concerning our dear planet earth. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

We have created a hole in the ozone layer the size of Antarctica.

There is a pile of garbage in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas.

We have increased atmospheric CO2 by 40% in the last 200 years.

CO2 is now at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Anyone who doesn't see a problem with this is a wacko.

I see a problem, your whacko green solutions killed off too many plants and by spending too much of the rich people who owned land's money they couldn't afford to plant more trees. ;)
By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) – 34 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — The world's oceans this summer are the warmest on record.

The National Climatic Data Center, the government agency that keeps weather records, says the average global ocean temperature in July was 62.6 degrees. That's the hottest since record-keeping began in 1880. The previous record was set in 1998.

Meteorologists blame a combination of a natural El Nino weather pattern on top of worsening manmade global warming. The warmer water could add to the melting of sea ice and possibly strengthen some hurricanes.

The result has meant lots of swimming at beaches in Maine with pleasant 72-degree water. Ocean temperatures reached 88 degrees as far north as Ocean City, Md., this week.

The Gulf of Mexico, where warm water fuels hurricanes, has temperatures dancing around 90. Most of the water in the Northern Hemisphere has been considerably warmer than normal. The Mediterranean is about three degrees warmer than normal. Higher temperatures rule in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

It's most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average.

Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land. That's because water takes longer to heat up and doesn't cool off as easily, said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

The Associated Press: In hot water: World's ocean temps warmest recorded

One has to keep in mind this isn't really saying much. Yes it's nice a dramatic to say stuff like 'THE HIGHEST EVER RECORDED" if you're a true believer. But the fact that 'ever recorded' only goes back to 1880 coupled with Chris's notion that this actual means something show what little concept he has for his place in time on earth.

The perspective one views events from has a major impact on how significantly they view said event. A lot of people view these events - ice caps melting, warmer water, earth warming - from the perspective of human history. A perspective from which 'ever measured' seems like an awfully long time. From the perspective of how long humans could have contributed to it, we are talking in an even shorter time. From the perspective of earth history this event viewed on a time line would be imperceptible. Quite possibly so imperceptible that quantifying its relevance one way or another would be nearly impossible.

The North Polar Ice Cap is melting, and Bern80 calls the event imperceptible.


It is very easy for the scientists at MIT to calculate the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 by 40-50%. They estimate that there is a 90% chance it will raise global tempertures by 4-7 degrees in the next century. That will have a dramatic effect on the earth.

MIT Scientists seem to have a different take on this very often.
You have to forgive the Republicans. Less than 6% of scientists ARE Republican so it is difficult for them to understand the "hard stuff".

For instance, when they hear "global warming", automatically, many say, "Oh, what's wrong with it becoming warmer in Alaska"? It's difficult for them to understand that even though the temperature rises in one spot, it may actually grow colder in another due to shifting weather patterns.

They don't understand that it's the average temperature that is rising. For people that only understand black and white, this will make no sense at all.

Republicans are like new born babies, they must be protected and taken care of, or they might hurt themselves or others. Look at what Bush did when given new toys.

Truthiness demonstrated above.
By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) – 34 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — The world's oceans this summer are the warmest on record.

The National Climatic Data Center, the government agency that keeps weather records, says the average global ocean temperature in July was 62.6 degrees. That's the hottest since record-keeping began in 1880. The previous record was set in 1998.

Meteorologists blame a combination of a natural El Nino weather pattern on top of worsening manmade global warming. The warmer water could add to the melting of sea ice and possibly strengthen some hurricanes.

The result has meant lots of swimming at beaches in Maine with pleasant 72-degree water. Ocean temperatures reached 88 degrees as far north as Ocean City, Md., this week.

The Gulf of Mexico, where warm water fuels hurricanes, has temperatures dancing around 90. Most of the water in the Northern Hemisphere has been considerably warmer than normal. The Mediterranean is about three degrees warmer than normal. Higher temperatures rule in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

It's most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average.

Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land. That's because water takes longer to heat up and doesn't cool off as easily, said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

The Associated Press: In hot water: World's ocean temps warmest recorded

One has to keep in mind this isn't really saying much. Yes it's nice a dramatic to say stuff like 'THE HIGHEST EVER RECORDED" if you're a true believer. But the fact that 'ever recorded' only goes back to 1880 coupled with Chris's notion that this actual means something show what little concept he has for his place in time on earth.

The perspective one views events from has a major impact on how significantly they view said event. A lot of people view these events - ice caps melting, warmer water, earth warming - from the perspective of human history. A perspective from which 'ever measured' seems like an awfully long time. From the perspective of how long humans could have contributed to it, we are talking in an even shorter time. From the perspective of earth history this event viewed on a time line would be imperceptible. Quite possibly so imperceptible that quantifying its relevance one way or another would be nearly impossible.

It's interesting that one of the points of ridicule that the elite hurl at those they condemn as being religious is that "they" believe the world to be 6000 years old.

Immediately afterword, the elite will often set a frame of referance for their statement that sets a different, usually shorter, span of time to be considered.

In both cases, the Truth is posessed and the listener is needed only to guage the magnitude of the elevation of the enlightened.
[ame=]YouTube - Bullshit - Global Warming ( 1/3 ) *HQ*[/ame]
By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) – 34 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — The world's oceans this summer are the warmest on record.

The National Climatic Data Center, the government agency that keeps weather records, says the average global ocean temperature in July was 62.6 degrees. That's the hottest since record-keeping began in 1880. The previous record was set in 1998.

Meteorologists blame a combination of a natural El Nino weather pattern on top of worsening manmade global warming. The warmer water could add to the melting of sea ice and possibly strengthen some hurricanes.

The result has meant lots of swimming at beaches in Maine with pleasant 72-degree water. Ocean temperatures reached 88 degrees as far north as Ocean City, Md., this week.

The Gulf of Mexico, where warm water fuels hurricanes, has temperatures dancing around 90. Most of the water in the Northern Hemisphere has been considerably warmer than normal. The Mediterranean is about three degrees warmer than normal. Higher temperatures rule in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

It's most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average.

Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land. That's because water takes longer to heat up and doesn't cool off as easily, said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

The Associated Press: In hot water: World's ocean temps warmest recorded

Yes but only according to the data points they sampled, what about the rest of the data points, are they not relevant.
By SETH BORENSTEIN (AP) – 34 minutes ago

WASHINGTON — The world's oceans this summer are the warmest on record.

The National Climatic Data Center, the government agency that keeps weather records, says the average global ocean temperature in July was 62.6 degrees. That's the hottest since record-keeping began in 1880. The previous record was set in 1998.

Meteorologists blame a combination of a natural El Nino weather pattern on top of worsening manmade global warming. The warmer water could add to the melting of sea ice and possibly strengthen some hurricanes.

The result has meant lots of swimming at beaches in Maine with pleasant 72-degree water. Ocean temperatures reached 88 degrees as far north as Ocean City, Md., this week.

The Gulf of Mexico, where warm water fuels hurricanes, has temperatures dancing around 90. Most of the water in the Northern Hemisphere has been considerably warmer than normal. The Mediterranean is about three degrees warmer than normal. Higher temperatures rule in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

It's most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average.

Breaking heat records in water is more ominous as a sign of global warming than breaking temperature marks on land. That's because water takes longer to heat up and doesn't cool off as easily, said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

The Associated Press: In hot water: World's ocean temps warmest recorded

Back to science, shall we? How long has the temperatures of the Ocean been kept? How extensive was the recording? For how long? The Earth is BILLIONS of years old, I do not think one can get much scientific process with a minuscule measuring period of, lets be generous, 100 years.

You constantly do this, cite information that is so small a measurement as to be beyond worthless.

Back to science, shall we? How long has the temperatures of the Ocean been kept? How extensive was the recording? For how long? The Earth is BILLIONS of years old, I do not think one can get much scientific process with a minuscule measuring period of, lets be generous, 100 years.

You constantly do this, cite information that is so small a measurement as to be beyond worthless.[/QUOTE]

*end quote from Sarge*

I was trying to find out if the data presented here is culled from the Argos Array or from traditional methods. I couldn't seem to locate that nugget. Either way, it's not good data.

If it's from the Argos Array, then the gathering technique is vastly different and the previous information is therefore irrelevent.

If it is from the tradtional methods, the data is only partial and the current data they cite is irrelevent.

Either way, comparrisons from past to present, given the vast differences in the capabilities and accuracy of data gathering, are suspect.

It's like comparing the sprint times of Jesse Owens with the guy holding the stop watch and clicking the "finish" with his thumb and a quick move downward of his wrist to the time of today with the digital-laser finish lines and 100's of a second.

I remember holding a stop watch in my teens and being amazed by the fact that it split seconds into tenths and frustrated by the fact that the end of the sweep hand did not hit exactly on the little black lines separating those tenths.
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They don't understand that it's the average temperature that is rising. For people that only understand black and white, this will make no sense at all.

Republicans are like new born babies, they must be protected and taken care of, or they might hurt themselves or others. Look at what Bush did when given new toys.
And neo-Marxists wonder why they're perceived as haughty elitist snobs!! :lol:

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