Worldwide Business Image Of USA Now Shattered--War Criminals Now Instead!

What a moron. You democrats are coming unglued about Trump taking out Obama's "dear, dear friend" Soleimani .

The death of Soleimani is a victory for America, so naturally it is a severe defeat for the democrats. Don't you have a pro-Iran riot that you should be at, showing your hatred for America?

I cannot speak for the Dems, but I have been defending Trump's action in Iraq over the last week on this forum. That you are too stupid to remember you even gave an "agree" to some of those post just highlights your lack of anything other than cold, hard worship for your god Trump.
Any ancient site. Stonehenge, pyramids, the stone entrance to Theopetra cave etc...

Those sites represent human history and should be protected.

Agree. But that isn't what is in question. Iran designated several mosques as "cultural treasures" and Trump didn't agree.
Well I dunno anything about any of that. If the sites are ancient then they should be off limits.
Any ancient site. Stonehenge, pyramids, the stone entrance to Theopetra cave etc...

Those sites represent human history and should be protected.

Agree. But that isn't what is in question. Iran designated several mosques as "cultural treasures" and Trump didn't agree.
Well I dunno anything about any of that. If the sites are ancient then they should be off limits.

Agreed. But the fascist press in usual fashion is lying and distorting. The president never said anything about hitting legitimate historical sites. Iran/the democrats complained that bombing could damage certain mosques and that these are sacred cultural relics. Trump said "tough." What the Muzzie Beasts in Iran did to Pasargadae and Persepolis is a crime against humanity. But Trump only said that the mosques will not be safe haven for terrorists,
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Get back to me when democrats restore the monument to Robert E. Lee.

No I don't care about Iranian cultural sites. It's not like they would care about ours.
Historical sites should NEVER be the target of any military. Human history belongs to everyone.

What constitutes an historical site?

The Muzzie Beasts destroyed Babylon and the Persian gardens. Aren't we really talking about a few mosques?
Democrats didn't shed a tear when the Taliban destroyed the Buddhist statues.
The Pentagon has released concerns about the USA being now regarded a Terrorist Organization. USA can unite as a nation against terrorism. Other nations can unite against USA being thought against worldwide terrorism. The substance of the Trump Tweets have not been retracted.

Mostly Pentagon now more likely wishes actually that Senator Schumer was actually Commander-In-Chief, or Nancy Pelosi.

Mostly tha Tipsycatlover poster hopes that US troops get sent in, getting their genitalia mutilated: Like that poster prays for! The Holy Father even knows this person,
Tipsycatlover, getting that poster to slap around women, and apologize later! That expresses a Trump supporter, initiative as reason to get US Troops sent into the Mideast, More and More and More and More and More and More and More! No more baby genitalia.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
("Thy Kingdom Come. . . ." See Matthew 25: 14-30. See Pope's Message 1/1/2020: Slap the Bitch Around, (And Rip Out Her Genitals), and then apologize later! It's On Public Record Worldwide, The Message Of Christ!)
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One has a choice to be reactive or proactive. History has shown the cost in innocent lives of reactive behavior exceeds greatly those of proactive behavior. So what course do you suggest?
Peace is only achieved through strength not words.
The Pentagon has released concerns about the USA being now regarded a Terrorist Organization. USA can unite as a nation against terrorism. Other nations can unite against USA being thought against worldwide terrorism. The substance of the Trump Tweets have not been retracted.

Mostly Pentagon now more likely wishes actually that Senator Schumer was actually Commander-In-Chief, or Nancy Pelosi.

Mostly tha Tipsycatlover poster hopes that US troops get sent in, getting their genitalia mutilated: Like that poster prays for! The Holy Father even knows this person,
Tipsycatlover, getting that poster to slap around women, and apologize later! That expresses a Trump supporter, initiative as reason to get US Troops sent into the Mideast, More and More and More and More and More and More and More! No more baby genitalia.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
("Thy Kingdom Come. . . ." See Matthew 25: 14-30. See Pope's Message 1/1/2020: Slap the Bitch Around, (And Rip Out Her Genitals), and then apologize later! It's On Public Record Worldwide, The Message Of Christ!)

Why do you lie? Especially why lie about something, that even if it were true, would have those people sitting on the curb waiting fof a cab, and the security guards bringing them their personal items from their desk in about a minute or two.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Get back to me when democrats restore the monument to Robert E. Lee.

No I don't care about Iranian cultural sites. It's not like they would care about ours.
RE Lee That traitor should've been hung
And Soleimani should have been blown to bits.

Oh wait. He was. Khomeini should be next.

It's Khameini that is the Supreme Leader. Ayatollah Khomeini was in power during the hostage crisis.
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The Pentagon has released concerns about the USA being now regarded a Terrorist Organization. USA can unite as a nation against terrorism. Other nations can unite against USA being thought against worldwide terrorism. The substance of the Trump Tweets have not been retracted.

Mostly Pentagon now more likely wishes actually that Senator Schumer was actually Commander-In-Chief, or Nancy Pelosi.

Mostly tha Tipsycatlover poster hopes that US troops get sent in, getting their genitalia mutilated: Like that poster prays for! The Holy Father even knows this person,
Tipsycatlover, getting that poster to slap around women, and apologize later! That expresses a Trump supporter, initiative as reason to get US Troops sent into the Mideast, More and More and More and More and More and More and More! No more baby genitalia.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
("Thy Kingdom Come. . . ." See Matthew 25: 14-30. See Pope's Message 1/1/2020: Slap the Bitch Around, (And Rip Out Her Genitals), and then apologize later! It's On Public Record Worldwide, The Message Of Christ!)
You aren't really all together sane are you
While most of your post is utter horseshit giving Obama was too free a pass for all his debt.

I will say that if Trump goes after culture sites we become no better than ISIS.

You became no better than ISIS when You continue to allow Donald Trump to lock up refugee families in internment camps at to border.
While most of your post is utter horseshit giving Obama was too free a pass for all his debt.

I will say that if Trump goes after culture sites we become no better than ISIS.

You became no better than ISIS when You continue to allow Donald Trump to lock up refugee families in internment camps at to border.

You mean like Obama did for years before Trump was elected? Where was your outrage vback then?


You libtards need a new tactic. Al you get are laughs when you pull out these bullshit accusations.
Typsycatlover and AdmiralRockwellTory posters have thrown in with the Trump Administration: US Nationals now to be regarded international Terrorists.

Now even Iran is united against the US Nationals--all terrorists, every man woman and child!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many even regard Deut 23: 19-20, to be the source of Holocaust, even--applied century after century creating deep anti-Semitism among especially Europeans and Middle Eastern Nationals, and any of that White Heritage.)
Typsycatlover and AdmiralRockwellTory posters have thrown in with the Trump Administration: US Nationals now to be regarded international Terrorists.

Now even Iran is united against the US Nationals--all terrorists, every man woman and child!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many even regard Deut 23: 19-20, to be the source of Holocaust, even--applied century after century creating deep anti-Semitism among especially Europeans and Middle Eastern Nationals, and any of that White Heritage.)

Those must be some good drugs!
There is reporting that the Trump Administration is opposed to obliterating cultural sites, and people in or near them. Those are War Crimes. In opposition, those Fantasy Tweets with the 15,000 or more lies have been elevated to US Policy notifications.

Some senior US officials say they are deeply opposed to the idea of targeting cultural sites in Iran

Drugs too: Are recognized by liberals to be a social and health level problem. Contrary to that, the President has a trial for two Articles of Impeachment looming, and even more likely now: Sufficiently dwindling support among the Senate Republicans to be unable to create any outcomes at will.

The public evidence is now far less favorable Wordlwide to a US presence on any bases--example, Iraq.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Pharaoh of Moses Atrocity, Usury Economics, (Deut 23: 19-20): Also more into subjugation than equal treatment under law, or fair trials!)
From a source online:

"The killing of powerful Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani has prompted fears of violence and chaos across the Middle East as national security experts warned it could galvanize Iran's proxy forces and put a target on Americans across the globe. 'The entire world will need to be on high alert for months or, more likely, years,' said Jon Alterman, senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

That raises the concept of Trump making a cultural target list(?)!

Cathedral of Notre Dame may be on the list of cultural heritage targets--that being a Trump Created List, and depending on he actually means by a cultural target(?)! France wants to be a mediator, and so will not take sides. A nutcase usually regards that as an enemy position, with cultural targets.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 appears to not have been taken too seriously, at all!)
From a source online:

"The killing of powerful Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani has prompted fears of violence and chaos across the Middle East as national security experts warned it could galvanize Iran's proxy forces and put a target on Americans across the globe. 'The entire world will need to be on high alert for months or, more likely, years,' said Jon Alterman, senior vice president of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

That raises the concept of Trump making a cultural target list(?)!

Cathedral of Notre Dame may be on the list of cultural heritage targets--that being a Trump Created List, and depending on he actually means by a cultural target(?)! France wants to be a mediator, and so will not take sides. A nutcase usually regards that as an enemy position, with cultural targets.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 appears to not have been taken too seriously, at all!)

Where is your link then, dumbass?

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