Worldwide Business Image Of USA Now Shattered--War Criminals Now Instead!

There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Bottom line gramps the moron trump never thinks of the consequences of his actions
You idiots act like Trump was over there with a laser pointer guiding the bomb all by himself.

Our military and intel brought a target of opportunity to Trump and he gave the thumbs up on their direction.

Would you have rather waited until we had another embassy full of dead Americans?

You can dislike Trump and what he stands for but at some point you need to put your emotions aside and put America first.

Put Americans first! Surely you jest.

Democrats turned El Baghdadi into a reserved Islamic scholar. Soleimani is described by democrats as the Iranian James Bond, General Patton and Charles deGaulle all wrapped into one.

Democrats write Iranian propaganda for them. You think they would ever put Americans first?
The Head-Fanticizer-In-Charge is bad enough for business-as-usual already. The Tweets have gone from gangland gangster to criminal. The threat of the female Witness during the televised House Intelligence Committee was even denounced by Republicans. The attack in Iraq was allegedly pre-emption, but instead were marked "Classified." The concoction can easily be regarded further fantasy. Now the Tweets are threatening War Crimes.

Trump said 'Iranian culture' sites could become military targets, but that could constitute a war crime

It is noted that in the last decade, U. S. business had been international in scale and scope. Obama had created $1.0 tril. deficits to end a Great Recession. Trump has created a $1.0 tril. deficit, clearly: To Start One!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Out of Pharaoh's household would arise even Moses: Commencing the Usury Economics Atrocity (Deut 23: 19-20!)

You poor thing, the loss of your beloved Soleimani has left you in shock and staggering greif. This was a dear, dear friend of Barack Obama, a major asset of the democrat party and their war to end America.

Go have a good cry, cuddle your Osam Bin Laden doll, and maybe drink a nice bottle of cyanide. You'll be better in the morning. Maybe ISIS will kill some Americans or cut the clits off of little girls. That always cheers you up.
Bottom line gramps the moron trump never thinks of the consequences of his actions
You idiots act like Trump was over there with a laser pointer guiding the bomb all by himself.

Our military and intel brought a target of opportunity to Trump and he gave the thumbs up on their direction.

Would you have rather waited until we had another embassy full of dead Americans?

You can dislike Trump and what he stands for but at some point you need to put your emotions aside and put America first.

Put Americans first! Surely you jest.

Democrats turned El Baghdadi into a reserved Islamic scholar. Soleimani is described by democrats as the Iranian James Bond, General Patton and Charles deGaulle all wrapped into one.

Democrats write Iranian propaganda for them. You think they would ever put Americans first?
Tip Can you hear Putin laughing??
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Get back to me when democrats restore the monument to Robert E. Lee.

No I don't care about Iranian cultural sites. It's not like they would care about ours.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.

When America wins, democrats lose.

Trump has been brilliant in this; the democrats have come out 100% pro-terrorist with foaming at the mouth hatred of America.
Bottom line gramps the moron trump never thinks of the consequences of his actions
You idiots act like Trump was over there with a laser pointer guiding the bomb all by himself.

Our military and intel brought a target of opportunity to Trump and he gave the thumbs up on their direction.

Would you have rather waited until we had another embassy full of dead Americans?

You can dislike Trump and what he stands for but at some point you need to put your emotions aside and put America first.

Put Americans first! Surely you jest.

Democrats turned El Baghdadi into a reserved Islamic scholar. Soleimani is described by democrats as the Iranian James Bond, General Patton and Charles deGaulle all wrapped into one.

Democrats write Iranian propaganda for them. You think they would ever put Americans first?
Tip Can you hear Putin laughing??
Better Russian than democrat.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Get back to me when democrats restore the monument to Robert E. Lee.

No I don't care about Iranian cultural sites. It's not like they would care about ours.
RE Lee That traitor should've been hung
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.

When America wins, democrats lose.

Trump has been brilliant in this; the democrats have come out 100% pro-terrorist with foaming at the mouth hatred of America.
Let's hope this can be carried all the way to election day. Democrats are planning nationwide pro Iran protests. I do hope they turn violent.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Get back to me when democrats restore the monument to Robert E. Lee.

No I don't care about Iranian cultural sites. It's not like they would care about ours.
RE Lee That traitor should've been hung
And Soleimani should have been blown to bits.

Oh wait. He was. Khomeini should be next.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.

When America wins, democrats lose.

Trump has been brilliant in this; the democrats have come out 100% pro-terrorist with foaming at the mouth hatred of America.
Hatred of Republicans is more like it Those imbeciles don't have a clue about what makes America great
Hatred of Republicans is more like it Those imbeciles don't have a clue about what makes America great

So, you stand with Iran, I get it.

If there was a war, would democrats take up arms for Iran? How far does your treason go? :dunno:
The Head-Fanticizer-In-Charge is bad enough for business-as-usual already. The Tweets have gone from gangland gangster to criminal. The threat of the female Witness during the televised House Intelligence Committee was even denounced by Republicans. The attack in Iraq was allegedly pre-emption, but instead were marked "Classified." The concoction can easily be regarded further fantasy. Now the Tweets are threatening War Crimes.

Trump said 'Iranian culture' sites could become military targets, but that could constitute a war crime

It is noted that in the last decade, U. S. business had been international in scale and scope. Obama had created $1.0 tril. deficits to end a Great Recession. Trump has created a $1.0 tril. deficit, clearly: To Start One!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Out of Pharaoh's household would arise even Moses: Commencing the Usury Economics Atrocity (Deut 23: 19-20!)
I am afraid you may have a point. Trump’s has triumphed with many bold moves (imo) but it only takes one that backfires and this nation will explode into greater anger and chaos than what the left has amazingly already accomplished in three short years.

If the US gets involved in a major M.E. conflict Trump could be ousted. That is all it takes for a majority of voters to react --- because they are indifferent to God in political matters. So the bizarre democrats will regain control and the secular media and entertainment world will play their part in lulling us all back to sleep. The USA is in apocalyptic moral decline. It’s prophetic, so maybe not all our fault.
There was no imminent threat against the embassy. The embassy had already been attacked. The building was in flames. The personnel in hiding. Soleimani was in Iraq overseeing the very successful embassy attack as well as imminent follow up attacks on our forces.

That Trump threatens attacks on heritage and cultural sites is not a matter of concern. Get back to me when there is such an attack. Why is Iranian heritage and culture so important to democrats? They certainly celebrate the destruction of American heritage and American cultural sites. They love it.
Idiot destruction of those places is a war crime Guess trumpettes don't care about that
Americans can't even wear a presidential slogan hat without worrying about being verbally abused or assaulted in their own nation. You have politicians, media and entertainers goading people to get violent against the terrible deplorables and dregs. Most of this for nothing.
The Head-Fanticizer-In-Charge is bad enough for business-as-usual already. The Tweets have gone from gangland gangster to criminal. The threat of the female Witness during the televised House Intelligence Committee was even denounced by Republicans. The attack in Iraq was allegedly pre-emption, but instead were marked "Classified." The concoction can easily be regarded further fantasy. Now the Tweets are threatening War Crimes.

Trump said 'Iranian culture' sites could become military targets, but that could constitute a war crime

It is noted that in the last decade, U. S. business had been international in scale and scope. Obama had created $1.0 tril. deficits to end a Great Recession. Trump has created a $1.0 tril. deficit, clearly: To Start One!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Out of Pharaoh's household would arise even Moses: Commencing the Usury Economics Atrocity (Deut 23: 19-20!)
I am afraid you may have a point. Trump’s has triumphed with many bold moves (imo) but it only takes one that backfires and this nation will explode into greater anger and chaos than what the left has amazingly already accomplished in three short years.

If the US gets involved in a major M.E. conflict Trump could be ousted. That is all it takes for a majority of voters to react --- because they are indifferent to God in political matters. So the bizarre democrats will regain control and the secular media and entertainment world will play their part in lulling us all back to sleep. The USA is in apocalyptic moral decline. It’s prophetic, so maybe not all our fault.

So far this is hurting the democrats deeply as they expose themselves as solid enemies of America, siding with any and all enemies, including terrorists.

The United States killed the top terrorist on the planet Thursday, and Democrats were…upset. Perhaps “upset” is too vague, they were a combination of angry and scared.

They were angry that President Trump ordered an air strike on Qassem Soleimani, a man responsible for the deaths of more than 600 American soldiers and thousands more wounded. They tried to pretend they were glad he was dead, that he deserved to die, but their quick condemnation of the action that took him out exposed what they were really thinking. Any statement on the death of a terrorist leader containing the word “but” is not a good statement.

Weirdly, the people who use the word “justice” most often saw no justice in the death of a man who’s been killing innocent people for their whole lives. Ilhan Omar reacted the way someone would when their childhood hero passes away, then tried to fundraise off of it because anti-Americanism translates into cash on the left. }

There Is Something Fundamentally Wrong With Democrats
Hatred of Republicans is more like it Those imbeciles don't have a clue about what makes America great

So, you stand with Iran, I get it.

If there was a war, would democrats take up arms for Iran? How far does your treason go? :dunno:
Shitstain obama stands with Iran. He already said he would. He proved his loyalty by betraying the green revolution in 2009.

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