Worldwide concerns about Global Warming drop DRAMATICALLY!!!

Time for PLan B s0ns!!!!!:2up:

Hate to break it to you AGW guys but its time to come up with a different game plan. Put your efforts into something more realistic, and I'm serious. This shit is a waste of time......fiscal realities dictate that!!!

All this science shit is nothing more than drivel in dopes havent moved the bar up!! The fucking bar is dropping!!!!
After a decade or more of non-warming and scams and coverups from the AGW "scientists" more and more people are waking up to the global warming bull shit.
After a decade or more of non-warming and scams and coverups from the AGW "scientists" more and more people are waking up to the global warming bull shit.

yup......these knuckleheads have been slamming their heads against a wall for 15 years with basically the same narrative and the goalposts are still over the horizon.
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Because the AGW OC's HATE Realville!!!!

And this from REALCLEAR yesterday.........the environmental nutters are responsible for the death of millions of people worldwide with their silly idea's. It is irrefutable. As Ive been saying for years, these people have an inability to think on the margin.

Progressive Green Movement Has Morphed Into A Death Cult -

You got that right. I just answered this "taichiliberal" in the Environmentalism that kills thread after she praised environmentalism concerning DDT
If you were born around 1972, how certain are you that you would even exist if DDT never existed. Imagine how many GI`s would have come back from WW2 Europe carrying typhus lice....

it was DDT that stopped the typhus epidemic that spread from the Soviet Union all over Europe,..and almost overwhelmed Nazi Germany had they not used Zyklon-B ...

which was not nearly as effective as DDT,... which Nazi Germany could not manufacture for lack of raw material resources.
During WW2 Typhus killed as many people in continental Europe if not more than guns and bombs.
No I`m not going to discuss gas chambers and the holocaust, but the WW2 typhus epidemic and the role DDT played to end it is well documented.
Do you know how many ships overloaded with refugees arrived at New York and were disinfected with DDT during that time period..?
The U.S. would have looked no different than this in no time had there been no DDT:

Begen-Belsen was infested with typhus to such a degree that the British had no alternative other than burning it to the ground with flame throwers.

Maybe that will give you an idea how serious and how vicious this typhus epidemic was...that would have come home to roost in the United States starting with the first ship loads of refugees and the soldiers that returned later...had there been no DDT

Typhus almost wiped out continental Europe before, when Napoleon brought it back from Russia. The only reason that did not happen was because people were not as mobile at that time.
The WW2 typhus epidemic was an entirely different matter, because now there was rapid mass transport, ocean liners, bus lines, trains and cars.
Had it not been for DDT who knows how fast and far it would have spread and what would have happened.
Chemists do the best they can and one has to set some sensible priorities.
Do you honestly think that some sort of novel about a silent spring, dead birds and thin egg shells would have persuaded the U.S. Military from using DDT.
Before you condemn technology you should do a bit more research and get your facts straight instead of always being against everything .
Polar bro.....notice how the k00k ignore threads like this that bring the sobering reality. They ignore it so it falls off of the page and they can get back to dominating the first page with their horse shit.

Its all good because I dont go away and continue to publically humiliate these OC's with the political/economic realties.

I leave the schooling on the science stuff to you other guys..........

Scooter ass Bill don't you like to talk about anything else?

Nah.......Im just in here the last few years to keep pointing out that nobody cares about the science in the real world.......that it is nothing more than an internet hobby. These environmental OC's have been baying at the moon about the end of the world and morphing after every failed prediction for the last two decades and the goalposts havent budged a single inch.:2up: In other words, all the apocolyptic BS isnt adding up to dog doo and I find it a hoot to point that fact out.

Also like to point out that generally, all these utopian assholes who have embraced this cause ( they'll embrace any cause as long as its hysterical) dont own shit and mostly have no real responsibilities in life, thus the epic levels of idealism. To a person, they never feel at all compelled to have to answer the questions, 1) As compared to what?..... and...... 2) At what cost? Far left ideology never considers this in their thinking, the narrative being the only thing that matters, the end game of which is destruction of the capitalistic system. THAT is the goal of climate has nothing to do with the "science" which facilitates the goal being achieved. I like to point out that every single environmental OC is a miserable, jealous person who loaths anybody in the world who has achieved success. They've all made fucked up pesonal decisions and hate their lot in life and need somebody to shit on. It is the common theme in every committed environmentalist......a fact that I convey on here with precision, I might add!!!!

Fortunately, most people live in the real world of facing those two important questions every day of their lives, which is exactly why renewable energy continues to be a joke. And what can I say? Highlighting deluded thinking is something that for some reason, I derive great pleasure in doing. I come to this foum never spending a single second wasting my time trying to change the minds of the clinically obsessed which can only be changed via pharmacological aid, instead preferring to point out that all their efforts are having and will have zero impact on the use of fossil fuels in our country......and the dangers of buying into the crap promoted by these perpetual fantasy dwellars.

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Average Americans vs. Environmentalists

American Enterprise magazine (May/June 1999) carried an article by Karl Zinsmeister, titled "Environmentalists vs. Scientists." It's mostly a report on research published by two academics Stanley Rothman and Robert Lichter in their book titled Environmental Cancer: A Political Disease. The authors surveyed a cross-section of environmental leaders at organizations such as National Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club, the National Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Nature Conservancy and the National Audubon Society. Identically worded survey questions were administered to different groups of scientists. Among the groups surveyed was the American Association for Cancer Research, whose members are specialists in carcinogenesis or epidemiology.

It turns out that scientists and environmentalists hold markedly different views. Sixty-seven percent of cancer specialists believe there's no cancer epidemic while only 27 percent of environmental activists hold the same view. Only twenty-seven percent of cancer specialists agree with the statement "industry causes rising cancer rates", while 64 percent of environmentalists do. The scientists didn't trust the media. Only 22 percent of cancer specialists consider the New York Times' reporting on cancer topics to be trustworthy and only six percent found the TV network news to be so.

When 400 climatologists, oceanographers and atmospheric scientists were asked whether evidence supports the "greenhouse effect" theory, 41 percent agreed compared to 66 percent of environmentalists. Similarly, 51 percent of energy scientists say nuclear power plants are safe compared to only 10 percent of environmentalists.

Environmentalists not only differ from scientists but are markedly different from the general public as well. Environmental activists are a narrow elite: 76 percent are male, 97 percent are white and a third have incomes over $100,000. They are unrepresentative of America politically as well. Sixty-three percent describe themselves as liberals compared to 18 percent of the general public. Only six percent are Republicans; ten times as many are Democrats. To the question, "I'd fight for my country, right or wrong," 57 percent of all Americans answered yes while only 9 percent of environmentalists said yes.

Environmentalists support causes like race quotas, abortion-on-demand and homosexual rights at rates of 70 to 80 percent, versus 34 to 40 percent of the general public. Rothman and Licther summarized, "Although most Americans are willing to describe themselves as environmentalists, from these data it seems clear that environmental activists do not speak for the public. . . . The perspective and background of this movement's leadership are considerably removed from those of the majority."

The authors of the study don't quite reach a conclusion that I've reached about environmental activists, whose agenda calls for private property confiscation and control over the lives of ordinary citizens. Back in the 60s and 70s, America's leftists called themselves socialists and communists. They were the people who paraded around college campuses singing praises of support to tyrants like Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Pol Pot. Today, the communist system and its promises have been revealed as both a miserable failure and a system of unprecedented brutality. Thus, communism and socialism have become an embarrassment, so environmentalism is the name for an old agenda.

It is not hard to understand how radical environmentalists sympathize with tyrants who have little regard for human life. One need not go further than some of their statements, such as those cited in Cris Horner's article "In Gaia We Trust", in Competitive Enterprise Institute's Monthly Planet newsletter (February 2003).

"To feed a starving child is to exacerbate the world population problem." - Lamont Cole
In response to the implications of millions dying of malaria from a global ban on DDT, Charles Wursta, of the Environmental Defense Fund said, "This is as good a way to get rid of them as any." Paul Watson, founder of Greenpeace, said, "I got the impression that instead of going out to shoot birds, I should go out and shoot the kids who shoot birds."
Then there are statements like those of David Brower, founder of Friends of the Earth, and former executive director of Sierra Club: "While the death of young men in war is unfortunate, it is no more serious than the touching of mountains and wilderness areas by humankind." David M. Graber, research biologist with the National Park Service wrote, "Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, are not as important as a wild and healthy planet." John Davis, editor of Earth First Journal, says, "Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." Davis also opined, "I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems."

These people have an abiding contempt for humankind. They seek to accomplish their agenda with useful idiots in and out of government and make use of what H.L. Mencken warned us about, "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

Walter E. Williams
Fee 22
March 2003

Average Americans vs. Environmentalists

Study Of Past 11,300 Years Shows That Global Warming Is All Too Real: Gothamist
A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years

Here's some real long-term science for you RW dumbasses to chew on. There, I've done my good deed for the day. Feels like feeding a dumb animal that is so brainwashed it can't even feed itself anymore. Back to work!

Oh, and thanks for that uninfomative, non-sourced and useless blog by some nutter at that RW rag, American Enterprise Magazine. Sweet baby Jesus, I just don't know sometimes...
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Study Of Past 11,300 Years Shows That Global Warming Is All Too Real: Gothamist
A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years

Here's some real long-term science for you RW dumbasses to chew on. There, I've done my good deed for the day. Feels like feeding a dumb animal that is so brainwashed it can't even feed itself anymore. Back to work!

Oh, and thanks for that uninfomative, non-sourced and useless blog by some nutter at that RW rag, American Enterprise Magazene. Sweet baby Jesus, I just don't know sometimes...

Won't change his mind. Scooter Bill's obsessed with climate change. He agrees it's happening but argues that science should be ignored because it won't lead to anything. Crazy stuff.
Study Of Past 11,300 Years Shows That Global Warming Is All Too Real: Gothamist
A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years

Here's some real long-term science for you RW dumbasses to chew on. There, I've done my good deed for the day. Feels like feeding a dumb animal that is so brainwashed it can't even feed itself anymore. Back to work!

Oh, and thanks for that uninfomative, non-sourced and useless blog by some nutter at that RW rag, American Enterprise Magazene. Sweet baby Jesus, I just don't know sometimes...

Won't change his mind. Scooter Bill's obsessed with climate change. He agrees it's happening but argues that science should be ignored because it won't lead to anything. Crazy stuff.

I am obsessed.......with pointing out that my side is winning!!!!!!!:2up:

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