Worse drought in 50 years or longer and Ryan blocks the farm bill relief fund

We're gonna pay for it one way or another: By giving the farmers the money through a govt handout, or by giving them the money through skyrocketed food prices.

Cheap food is gone folks. Thats what a world with 7 billion people means.

So you are going to ignore the fed actions that has caused hyper inflation in certain commodities.

Yes you will make a fine excuse maker for democrats.
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Beef prices are already going down due to farmers and ranchers selling their stock early so as to avoid the expense of feeding as the grain prices skyrocket.
Obama's not doing anyone any favors buying a bunch of bargain beef. If anything he's screwing those of us who saw a good opportunity to pack a side of beef in the freezer now and save a ton later.
LOL.. The government is going to buy meat and fish and freeze it? Are you kidding me? Will they pass it out instead of food stamps?
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Beef prices are already going down due to farmers and ranchers selling their stock early so as to avoid the expense of feeding as the grain prices skyrocket.
Obama's not doing anyone any favors buying a bunch of bargain beef. If anything he's screwing those of us who saw a good opportunity to pack a side of beef in the freezer now and save a ton later.

Why should YOU be able to buy cheap beef. The government will buy it and decide who gets it later.
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Beef prices are already going down due to farmers and ranchers selling their stock early so as to avoid the expense of feeding as the grain prices skyrocket.
Obama's not doing anyone any favors buying a bunch of bargain beef. If anything he's screwing those of us who saw a good opportunity to pack a side of beef in the freezer now and save a ton later.

Why should YOU be able to buy cheap beef. The government will buy it and decide who gets it later.

So what, I need to change my voter registration in order to get my "fair share"?
We're gonna pay for it one way or another: By giving the farmers the money through a govt handout, or by giving them the money through skyrocketed food prices.

Cheap food is gone folks. Thats what a world with 7 billion people means.

Population Growth is not the Driving Factor in the Recent Increases in food Prices. It's being Driving by the Increasing amount of Basic Food Stocks used to Feed Farm Animals that are going instead to create Bio Fuels.

Biocars dont burn peanut butter, milk and bread, and that shits tripled in price.

Biofuel cars do burn peanut oil so that's out of the way immediately.

Biodiesel from Peanuts, Peanut Oil as Bio-diesel, Biofuel - Oilgae - Oil from Algae

Milk comes from cows who eat corn. When 40% of the corn has to go to biofuel there is less corn for cows to eat.
Beef prices are already going down due to farmers and ranchers selling their stock early so as to avoid the expense of feeding as the grain prices skyrocket.
Obama's not doing anyone any favors buying a bunch of bargain beef. If anything he's screwing those of us who saw a good opportunity to pack a side of beef in the freezer now and save a ton later.

Why should YOU be able to buy cheap beef. The government will buy it and decide who gets it later.

So what, I need to change my voter registration in order to get my "fair share"?

All you really need to do is read a little history as to the govenrnent engineered famines in China and Russia.
Why should YOU be able to buy cheap beef. The government will buy it and decide who gets it later.

So what, I need to change my voter registration in order to get my "fair share"?

All you really need to do is read a little history as to the govenrnent engineered famines in China and Russia.

Think I'll just stick to the plan of filling my freezer with cheap beef and let the Messiah take care of the rest of you. The prices should continue to fall until the feds make good on their promise and considering the promises coming out of Washington the past few years, that could take some time if it ever happens at all. ;)
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

there is a new book coming out soon called the New New Deal and it documentes all the republicans efforts to black anything Obama tried to do
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Why should taxpayers bail out farmers and ranchers?
So what, I need to change my voter registration in order to get my "fair share"?

All you really need to do is read a little history as to the govenrnent engineered famines in China and Russia.

Think I'll just stick to the plan of filling my freezer with cheap beef and let the Messiah take care of the rest of you. The prices should continue to fall until the feds make good on their promise and considering the promises coming out of Washington the past few years, that could take some time if it ever happens at all. ;)

That will work right up to the point where the government declares everyone whose freezer is filled with cheap beef a hoarder and confiscates it all.
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.

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The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Obama doesn't understand that we are broke!

Stupid fucking liberals!

I say spend NO FEDERAL money in Texas....we're broke, after all.
The House passed a drought disaster relief bill before they went on recess.

Here is the vote: Roll Call 554 on H.R. 6233 (112th Congress, 2nd Session) - GOP.gov

Note that Paul Ryan voted "Yay".

The Democratic majority Senate went on recess without approving the legislation. It was the Democrats who killed the drought relief bill.

Dipshits. You are being played by Obama and the liberal propaganda machine.
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Drought crop damage worsens, ethanol waiver urged - chicagotribune.com

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The worst drought in more than 50 years has caused more damage than expected to corn and soybean crops, the government said on Friday, heightening calls for a suspension of ethanol quotas to head off another global food crisis.

While benchmark corn and wheat futures closed lower in Chicago, experts say food prices appear set to keep rising after a 6 percent jump last month, escalating a food-versus-fuel debate centered on a law that dictates that about 40 percent of the corn crop must be converted into ethanol.

Hours after the Department of Agriculture said the corn yield would likely fall to its lowest since 1995, worse than forecast, the governors of two poultry-producing states asked the Obama administration to waive the ethanol requirement, the first formal request for relief.

A request that was denied.

obama might well be blamed for a food crisis throughout the world.

Price of grain is directly correlated to starvation rates in third world nations.

Why does Obama hate brown people?

For the rest of the story:

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The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.


Obama is talking about bringing relief to those ranchers now, unlike a president called Bush who didn't want to disrupt his vacation to help the people in Hurricane Katrina. Actors got their before Bush sent his limited military trucks for relief, while people sat in rot.
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.


Obama is talking about bringing relief to those ranchers now, unlike a president called Bush who didn't want to disrupt his vacation to help the people in Hurricane Katrina. Actors got their before Bush sent his limited military trucks for relief, while people sat in rot.

Weren't all those "rotting" people waiting for their mayor to make the GD call already?
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.


Obama is talking about bringing relief to those ranchers now, unlike a president called Bush who didn't want to disrupt his vacation to help the people in Hurricane Katrina. Actors got their before Bush sent his limited military trucks for relief, while people sat in rot.

omg...Obama Obama Obama obama Obama.
He can call for whatever the hell he likes..He can also pluck the monies off his magic money tree in the back of the white house, which a lot of you ObamaBots seem to think we have
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Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.


Obama is talking about bringing relief to those ranchers now, unlike a president called Bush who didn't want to disrupt his vacation to help the people in Hurricane Katrina. Actors got their before Bush sent his limited military trucks for relief, while people sat in rot.

I repeat for the sake of your obvious comprehension retardation: There is no drought disaster relief in the Farm Bill.

The term "farm bill relief fund" you invented is a fiction.

75 percent of the Farm Bill is for food stamps. That is the true reason Obama wants it passed.

Paul Ryan and the rest of the House of Representatives actually passed a drought disaster relief bill on August 2. I even pasted a link to the roll call vote in my last post.

The Democratic Senate, though, went on vacation without passing that same bill.

So it is their fault there is no disaster relief. Not Ryan.

Got it?

You are being played like a fiddle by Obama.

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