Worse drought in 50 years or longer and Ryan blocks the farm bill relief fund

The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.

Farm Bill Stalls in Congress Until September 2012 or Later
When the federal government entrenched biofuels into law, a form of centralized planning, the consequences of that kind of regulation created a biofuels vested interest.

Since the supply of crops to the biofuels sector was guaranteed by law, some people felt they had a sure thing by investing biofuel manufacturing plants. After all, their supply chain was guaranteed by the United States federal government!

This is how the government created a whole new "special interest group" which will work double overtime to see that government directives which create and force their supply chain to be supported do not go away.

This is how government regulations screw up the market economy.
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Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.

Farm Bill Stalls in Congress Until September 2012 or Later

You are another one who suffers from comprehension retardation.

See post #34.

The farmers would be receiving relief today were it not for the Democratic Senate.

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Worse drought in 50 years...

That exactly what crop insurance is for. Now why should taxpayers bailout the farming corporations if they chose to roll the dice and not buy insurance?
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.

Farm Bill Stalls in Congress Until September 2012 or Later

It's waiting in the senate.. hello
So, what is in this bill?

Anyone can attach a name to a bill and make it sound noble.

What is in the farm bill that has nothing to do with farming relief?

Food stamps make up 75 percent of the farm bill spending.

Here's the breakdown:

Food Stamps: $62.9 billion

Commodities: $6.4 billion (a.k.a. "Subsidies")

Conservation: $4.5 billion

Crop Insurance: $5.7 billion

Energy: $387 million (directs crops to be used as biofuels, subsidizes business that purchase renewable energy systems)

Exports: $305 million

ETA: http://www.farmbillfacts.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/AFTFarmBill_reprint_lowres_Fall11.pdf

Looks like we could save a shit-load if we got rid of the energy provision.

We could save more than 15 times as much if we got rid of the subsidies provision. The Commodities provision is a classic case of the government picking winners and losers.

We're gonna pay for it one way or another: By giving the farmers the money through a govt handout, or by giving them the money through skyrocketed food prices.

Cheap food is gone folks. Thats what a world with 7 billion people means.
How about just releasing corn from biofuel obligations and let farmers produce food instead? That's what the farmers have asked for and that's what obama has refused.

Instead, the government will buy up meat and fish to redistribute later as it sees fit and keep prices high.

Yes indeed, it is the socialist answer to a free market problem.

News source link on how this will help the farmers who depend on their crops every year, dying cattle from drought ridden ranches please.

How is obammy going to get water to those crops and cattle? I mean, he has stopped the rising of the seas, so he surely must have such a plan.
The 15 TiTles of the Farm Bill

Title i, Commodities: provides income support to growers of select commodities, including wheat, corn and other feed grains, cotton, rice, oilseeds, peanuts, sugar
and dairy

Title ii,
Conservation: provides funding for farm environmental stewardship through programs that improve farm management practices, retire land, and protect
farmland and other natural resources

Title iii, Agricultural Trade and Food Aid: funds
u.s. agriculture export and international food assistance programs and various World trade organization
obligations (Wto)

Title iV, nutrition: covers domestic food and nutrition and commodity distribution programs, such as food stamps and supplemental nutrition assistance as well as
purchases of fresh fruit and vegetables in schools and expanded programs for farmers markets and urban gardens

Title V
, Farm Credit: offers direct and guaranteed loan programs to farmers via two government-related farm lenders, the usda Farm service agency and the Farm
Credit system

Title Vi,
rural Development: funds rural development loan and grant programs, the expansion of rural broadband access, water infrastructure projects and promotes locally produced agricultural food products

Title Vii,
research: supports agricultural research and extension programs, including bio-security and response, biotechnology and organic production

Title Viii, Forestry: funds usda Forest service programs that protect forests from threats, restore forests damaged by natural disasters and enhance public
benefits from private forests

Title iX, Energy: supports the development of biofuel refineries and research; helps farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses purchase renewable energy

Title X, Horticulture and Organic Agriculture: encourages the production and consumption of fruits, vegetables and nuts and supports organic agriculture

Title Xi, livestock: addresses livestock disease prevention and food safety concerns and enhances electronic mandatory livestock reporting

Title Xii,
Crop insurance and Disaster Assistance: protects farmers from risks associated with adverse weather, weather-related plant diseases and insect

Title Xiii, Commodity Futures: covers reauthorization of the Commodity Futures trading Commission, an independent agency that regulates commodity futures
trading in the united states

Title XiV
, miscellaneous: expands programs to assist limited-resource and socially disadvantaged farmers and addresses rural development, agricultural labor
supply and animal welfare

Title XV, Trade and Taxes: introduces numerous tax
provisions affecting conservation and commodity program payments, timber investment, biofuel production
and agricultural income
How about just releasing corn from biofuel obligations and let farmers produce food instead? That's what the farmers have asked for and that's what obama has refused.

Instead, the government will buy up meat and fish to redistribute later as it sees fit and keep prices high.

Yes indeed, it is the socialist answer to a free market problem.

Of course Obama refused the request to let farmers produce food instead of biofuel. The lack of corn based methanol would increase the price of gas before the election. Gas has already gone up about 30 cents a gallon since its low in July.
After pissing on them for the last 4 years Obama is out there today trying to act like a farmer.

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.

Farm Bill Stalls in Congress Until September 2012 or Later

You are another one who suffers from comprehension retardation.

See post #34.

The farmers would be receiving relief today were it not for the Democratic Senate.


If a clean bill ever comes out of the current House of Representatives it might pass the Senate. Don't pretend you don't understand the objections the D's in the Senate have to some of the radical amendments added to almost everything the HoR passes.

Would a Republican controlled senate pass a a bill which included an amendment to license all gun owners? That's the sort of game being played by the House and why Congress has an historical approval rating.

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.[/QUOTE]

Congress, who failed to agree on a comprehensive agriculture bill or even limited emergency relief before leaving Washington for five weeks. Without enough time for the Senate to vote. So there is sits.

Farmers are complaining loudly to their representatives, editorial boards across the heartland are hammering Congress over its inaction, and incumbents from both parties are sparring with their challengers over agricultural policy.With little relief in sight on either the legislative or meteorological front, farmers are at the mercy of the whims of August. “We had five inches of rain the other day,” said Derryl McLaren, a corn and soybean farmer who met with Mr. Latham at a farm bureau not far from here on Friday. “And it’s all gone to hell anyway.” While the most recently enacted farm bill will not expire until next month, disaster relief that would have helped some livestock producers cope with the high costs of feed and fodder lapsed last week. And with big disagreements in Congress over proposals to overhaul insurance and other provisions, farmers are finding it difficult to plan for any recovery in the next growing season.


Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.

Congress, who failed to agree on a comprehensive agriculture bill or even limited emergency relief before leaving Washington for five weeks. Without enough time for the Senate to vote. So there is sits.

Farmers are complaining loudly to their representatives, editorial boards across the heartland are hammering Congress over its inaction, and incumbents from both parties are sparring with their challengers over agricultural policy.With little relief in sight on either the legislative or meteorological front, farmers are at the mercy of the whims of August. “We had five inches of rain the other day,” said Derryl McLaren, a corn and soybean farmer who met with Mr. Latham at a farm bureau not far from here on Friday. “And it’s all gone to hell anyway.” While the most recently enacted farm bill will not expire until next month, disaster relief that would have helped some livestock producers cope with the high costs of feed and fodder lapsed last week. And with big disagreements in Congress over proposals to overhaul insurance and other provisions, farmers are finding it difficult to plan for any recovery in the next growing season.


the new yawk times? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
After pissing on them for the last 4 years Obama is out there today trying to act like a farmer.


Better than Ryan standing in front of the people of Wisconsin crying while planning to stab them in their backs..:badgrin:

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.

Congress, who failed to agree on a comprehensive agriculture bill or even limited emergency relief before leaving Washington for five weeks. Without enough time for the Senate to vote. So there is sits.

Farmers are complaining loudly to their representatives, editorial boards across the heartland are hammering Congress over its inaction, and incumbents from both parties are sparring with their challengers over agricultural policy.With little relief in sight on either the legislative or meteorological front, farmers are at the mercy of the whims of August. “We had five inches of rain the other day,” said Derryl McLaren, a corn and soybean farmer who met with Mr. Latham at a farm bureau not far from here on Friday. “And it’s all gone to hell anyway.” While the most recently enacted farm bill will not expire until next month, disaster relief that would have helped some livestock producers cope with the high costs of feed and fodder lapsed last week. And with big disagreements in Congress over proposals to overhaul insurance and other provisions, farmers are finding it difficult to plan for any recovery in the next growing season.


the new yawk times? :lol::lol::lol::lol:[/QUOTE]

Seriously why is it still in the Senate we have known their crops were ruined for many months. This is what the right has done to trash Obama their whole term, and we are paying them. These farmers have TVs and newspapers they know what is going on
Now with such a sweet kitty that you have I would expect nicer things coming out of your mouth than fucktard, pretty good though.
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You are another one who suffers from comprehension retardation.

See post #34.

The farmers would be receiving relief today were it not for the Democratic Senate.


If a clean bill ever comes out of the current House of Representatives it might pass the Senate. Don't pretend you don't understand the objections the D's in the Senate have to some of the radical amendments added to almost everything the HoR passes.

Would a Republican controlled senate pass a a bill which included an amendment to license all gun owners? That's the sort of game being played by the House and why Congress has an historical approval rating.


You are another one who suffers from comprehension retardation.

See post #34.

The farmers would be receiving relief today were it not for the Democratic Senate.


If a clean bill ever comes out of the current House of Representatives it might pass the Senate. Don't pretend you don't understand the objections the D's in the Senate have to some of the radical amendments added to almost everything the HoR passes.

Would a Republican controlled senate pass a a bill which included an amendment to license all gun owners? That's the sort of game being played by the House and why Congress has an historical approval rating.

License all gun owners??

Most states have licensing laws already. What are you gonna do, send them to college to get a license?

I think what you want is to end gun ownership. You want to create a whole new batch of felons. I figure there are millions of people who don't commit crimes with a gun you'd be punishing along with the ones that do commit crimes with guns.

More people die from auto collisions than from guns.

Why not make cars illegal? They're obviously causing more death then guns ever will.
You are another one who suffers from comprehension retardation.

See post #34.

The farmers would be receiving relief today were it not for the Democratic Senate.


If a clean bill ever comes out of the current House of Representatives it might pass the Senate. Don't pretend you don't understand the objections the D's in the Senate have to some of the radical amendments added to almost everything the HoR passes.

Would a Republican controlled senate pass a a bill which included an amendment to license all gun owners? That's the sort of game being played by the House and why Congress has an historical approval rating.

License all gun owners??

Most states have licensing laws already. What are you gonna do, send them to college to get a license?

I think what you want is to end gun ownership. You want to create a whole new batch of felons. I figure there are millions of people who don't commit crimes with a gun you'd be punishing along with the ones that do commit crimes with guns.

More people die from auto collisions than from guns.

Why not make cars illegal? They're obviously causing more death then guns ever will.

Good golly Muddy I thought you were smarter than - well, crusaderfrank and willow tree. Apparently not, maybe you've been smoking some dope?

While I did not advocate licensing all those who want to own, possess or have in their custody or control a gun (side bar: I don't oppose such a rational policy) the point I made, the obvious point, seems to have passed over your head. Seriously, if you didn't understand the point made, I'll need to evaluate your place on mental acuity scale - a bit south of even CF or WT.
Again - I ask Eaglewings......

for a link to her bogus statement as follows:

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Show me where Obama claimed Ryan was responsible for holding up this bill which, BTW, had been passed in the House 11 days or so ago.

Show me where Ryan, who is not the majority leader in the House, who has no control over scheduling votes, who can only vote when his name is called, can "refuse" relief to anyone.

Please show me how Ryan can "stall" anything in the House when he's not in control of the House.

The OP needs an education on WHO Ryan is, what he can and can't do, how Congress works and what the O did and didn't say about Ryan and farm relief.

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