Worse drought in 50 years or longer and Ryan blocks the farm bill relief fund

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.


Obama is talking about bringing relief to those ranchers now, unlike a president called Bush who didn't want to disrupt his vacation to help the people in Hurricane Katrina. Actors got their before Bush sent his limited military trucks for relief, while people sat in rot.

I repeat for the sake of your obvious comprehension retardation: There is no drought disaster relief in the Farm Bill.

The term "farm bill relief fund" you invented is a fiction.

75 percent of the Farm Bill is for food stamps. That is the true reason Obama wants it passed.

Paul Ryan and the rest of the House of Representatives actually passed a drought disaster relief bill on August 2. I even pasted a link to the roll call vote in my last post.

The Democratic Senate, though, went on vacation without passing that same bill.

So it is their fault there is no disaster relief. Not Ryan.

Got it?

You are being played like a fiddle by Obama.


most ObamaBots are
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Do you even know what is in the Farm Bill?

It does not have drought relief in it.

Stop drinking Obama's piss.


Obama is talking about bringing relief to those ranchers now, unlike a president called Bush who didn't want to disrupt his vacation to help the people in Hurricane Katrina. Actors got their before Bush sent his limited military trucks for relief, while people sat in rot.


Bush warned everyone days before Katrina hit.

The only delay was waiting on LA's governor to make up her mind to let FEMA in to help.

It also took a few days to organize relief efforts in a flooded city.

I do remember Obama several times not wanting to stop his vacation to comment on oil-spills in the Gulf and attempted bombings at Times Square.

Oh, and somebody is confusing the farm bill with the drought relief fund.
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Farmers are a hearty, proud and Independent bunch...they won't fall for this bullshit Obama is trying to sell
In the Farm Bill is a crop insurance and disaster assistance section which protects farmers from events like this current drought. This is federal money spent to buy insurance which protects farmers during weather-related disasters. Farm Bills are five year plans and require a lot of working out before they are passed.

The insurance section is but a tiny fraction of the whole bill. The vast bulk of the Farm Bill is for Food Stamps.

In the meantime, the House passed an emergency measure on August 2 which provided the exact same relief an insurance policy in the Farm Bill would provide.

If the Democratic Senate had voted on the disaster relief bill before they went on vacation, those farmers and ranchers would be receiving relief this very moment.

Obama is playing you.

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We're gonna pay for it one way or another: By giving the farmers the money through a govt handout, or by giving them the money through skyrocketed food prices.

Cheap food is gone folks. Thats what a world with 7 billion people means.

No, that's what a world run by eco-Nazis who demonize a naturally occurring and abundant energy source and would protect the life of a grub worm to the detriment of mankind looks like.
The Republican-controlled House approved a bill earlier this month to provide short-term disaster relief. Funny how these little words are being left out.
The Republican-controlled House approved a bill earlier this month to provide short-term disaster relief. Funny how these little words are being left out.

Well then you can take up a collection and send it to them you are so worried about their LONG TERM relief..
I'm sure they'll THANK YOU
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The Republican-controlled House approved a bill earlier this month to provide short-term disaster relief. Funny how these little words are being left out.

It is disaster relief for this disaster.

Details still have to be worked out on the farm bill.
Please provide a LINK for your totally bogus claim.

I'll be waiting..............
Worse drought in 50 years or longer and Ryan blocks the farm bill relief fund

Good. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to be bailing anyone out whether they're a banker, a farmer, an auto maker, etc.
I see Obama is running around touting this bill as if he is the savior of Farmers..

they won't buy into his bs
This link explains the detail, detail mudwhistle withholds for partisan purposes:

Farm Bill Stalls in Congress Until September 2012 or Later

From that link:

Farm groups said the disaster package would help livestock producers hit by drought, but it is primarily aimed at those who graze animals and leaves out a large portion of farmers and ranchers in other agricultural sectors. That's because the provisions are limited to indemnities that occur because of bad weather and would not help producers who are affected by high corn and soybean prices that are driving up feed costs, they said.

Why should a business owner be bailed out by the federal government if their operating costs rise?

That is essentially what the farmers are asking for. A chicken farmer has to pay more for corn to feed his chickens, and he wants those of us who pay federal taxes to pay that extra cost.

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The Republican-controlled House approved a bill earlier this month to provide short-term disaster relief. Funny how these little words are being left out.

It is disaster relief for this disaster.

Details still have to be worked out on the farm bill.

This link explains the detail, detail mudwhistle withholds for partisan purposes:

Farm Bill Stalls in Congress Until September 2012 or Later

Sorry, Obama is lying. He's claiming Ryan is stalling it. Fact is the house Republicans wrote the thing, explain why they would stall it?

Obama is lying about the relief bill that was passed 11 days ago. It's still waiting on the Senate to offer their bill, but Harry Reid put them in recess for several weeks before tackling the problem.......instead Obama is blaming the GOP.
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head

Hey fucktard. the house passed that fucking bill two weeks ago and Ryan voted for it. negged for lying.
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head
So, what is in this bill?

Anyone can attach a name to a bill and make it sound noble.

What is in the farm bill that has nothing to do with farming relief?
The Midwest is currently suffering from the worst drought in half a century, leaving a critical gap in livestock production in the country. Obama has repeatedly called on Congress to pass a farm bill that would provide disaster aid to more farmers and ranchers.
The folks suffering from this drought can't wait for Congress to do its job. So in the meantime, I've made sure my Administration is doing everything we can to provide relief to those who need it. Last week, we announced $30 million to help farmers and ranchers, get more water to livestock, and rehabilitate land affected by the drought. Today, we're announcing that the federal government will help livestock producers by purchasing over $150 million worth of meat and fish now, while prices are low, and freeze it for later."
Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head
So, what is in this bill?

Anyone can attach a name to a bill and make it sound noble.

What is in the farm bill that has nothing to do with farming relief?

Food stamps make up 75 percent of the farm bill spending.

Here's the breakdown:

Food Stamps: $62.9 billion

Commodities: $6.4 billion (a.k.a. "Subsidies")

Conservation: $4.5 billion

Crop Insurance: $5.7 billion

Energy: $387 million (directs crops to be used as biofuels, subsidizes business that purchase renewable energy systems)

Exports: $305 million (food assistance programs for the rest of the world)

ETA: http://www.farmbillfacts.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/AFTFarmBill_reprint_lowres_Fall11.pdf
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Obama Targets Paul Ryan Over Farm Bill In Iowa

I guess Obama will be blamed for the drought too, while Ryan was sitting on his hands refusing to get relief out to these farmers and pass the bill.. I think many of these staled attempts by Ryan are going to come back and bite him in the ass.. Perhaps the farm bills is just giving our US money away too..shakes head
So, what is in this bill?

Anyone can attach a name to a bill and make it sound noble.

What is in the farm bill that has nothing to do with farming relief?

Food stamps make up 75 percent of the farm bill spending.

Here's the breakdown:

Food Stamps: $62.9 billion

Commodities: $6.4 billion (a.k.a. "Subsidies")

Conservation: $4.5 billion

Crop Insurance: $5.7 billion

Energy: $387 million (directs crops to be used as biofuels, subsidizes business that purchase renewable energy systems)

Exports: $305 million

ETA: http://www.farmbillfacts.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/AFTFarmBill_reprint_lowres_Fall11.pdf

Looks like we could save a shit-load if we got rid of the energy provision.

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