Worse than Nixon? Obama White House accused of hiding public information

The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

I disagree - profoundly.

Obama had Tea party members investigated? You have proof of this?

To me, the IRS SHOULD be able to target certain groups IF they have been shown to be abusing the system.

You guys have a short memory - did you forget about ACORN and the fake pimp video? The ensuing lawsuit were James O'Keefe had to admit that he used dishonest tactics to help bring down ACORN?

That was OK, because ACORN was a bunch of liberal pantywaists, got it.

There was no proof that Nixon was involved with watergate, until their was! We don't know how high the IRS scandal goes up the food chain. We know that there is a ton of evidence that is conveniently missing. We know that the IRS has broken the law when it comes to keeping required records. We also have an AG who is Obama's "wingman" and will not seriously investigate anything that could hurt his boss and friend.
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

His "misstatements" are legion. Here are just a few and none of them are the big one like his story he told about a video. It is not that the right is making things up it is that the left is ignoring the obvious.

"Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered" by health insurance.

"We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion."

The "most realistic estimates" for jobs created by Keystone XL are "maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline."

"We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas."

"Under Gov. Romney's definition ... Donald Trump is a small business."

Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."

"Fast and Furious" began under the Bush administration.

"For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs."

Twelve judges have thrown out legal challenges to the health care law because they rejected "the notion that the health care law was unconstitutional."

"The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

"I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter."

"We import more oil today than ever before."

"I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins."

If African-Americans vote their percentage of the population in 2008, "Mississippi is suddenly a Democratic state."

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact
The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

I disagree - profoundly.

Obama had Tea party members investigated? You have proof of this?

To me, the IRS SHOULD be able to target certain groups IF they have been shown to be abusing the system.

You guys have a short memory - did you forget about ACORN and the fake pimp video? The ensuing lawsuit were James O'Keefe had to admit that he used dishonest tactics to help bring down ACORN?

That was OK, because ACORN was a bunch of liberal pantywaists, got it.

Regardless of what they have done what would you be saying if a corporation said they lost so many emails concerning an on going investigation, be truthful what if it were Halliburton?
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The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

I disagree - profoundly.

Obama had Tea party members investigated? You have proof of this?

To me, the IRS SHOULD be able to target certain groups IF they have been shown to be abusing the system.

You guys have a short memory - did you forget about ACORN and the fake pimp video? The ensuing lawsuit were James O'Keefe had to admit that he used dishonest tactics to help bring down ACORN?

That was OK, because ACORN was a bunch of liberal pantywaists, got it.

Regardless of what they have done what would you be saying if a corporation said they lost so many emails concerning an on going investigation, be truthful what if it were Halliburton?

I don't know something if I have to guess, neither do you.
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Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!
I asked, "Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?", and you answered with, "Because he's a lying piece of shit!"

Yeah, so how is Obama different than any other President?
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

His "misstatements" are legion. Here are just a few and none of them are the big one like his story he told about a video. It is not that the right is making things up it is that the left is ignoring the obvious.

"Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered" by health insurance.

"We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion."

The "most realistic estimates" for jobs created by Keystone XL are "maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline."

"We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas."

"Under Gov. Romney's definition ... Donald Trump is a small business."

Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."

"Fast and Furious" began under the Bush administration.

"For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs."

Twelve judges have thrown out legal challenges to the health care law because they rejected "the notion that the health care law was unconstitutional."

"The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

"I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter."

"We import more oil today than ever before."

"I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins."

If African-Americans vote their percentage of the population in 2008, "Mississippi is suddenly a Democratic state."

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

There is a huge difference between lying and being wrong.

Lying involves an attempt to deceive - that's the key; It's all about intent.

If I say that "We import more oil today than ever before," it's a lie IF I know that the statement was untrue at the time I made it.

If I say "I'm 45 years old" It's a lie if I KNOW that I'm 51.

So, a lot of the stuff that you mentioned here is certainly untrue. I know this because I've already looked into a few of them and you are correct in saying that the POTUS was wrong. You would still need to go much further in order to support your hypotheses that he deliberately made false statements while KNOWING that they were incorrect.

See to liberals his transparency promise is allowed to be broken because he only said it to get elected, all politicians lie, so they will say.

Though President Obama vowed to run the most transparent administration in history, his White House has quietly empowered itself to censor or delay the release of information in ways that not even Richard Nixon envisioned during the Watergate scandal, according to federal workers on the front lines of processing open records requests.

The workers, who spoke to The Washington Times only on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, said that an April 15, 2009, memo from White House Counsel Gregory Craig to all federal agencies has slowed, and in some cases nixed, the public release of government documents that would have been released under prior administrations.

Read more: White House censors and slows release of information, agencies' workers say - Washington Times
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There has never been an administration in the history of the United States MORE corrupt that the present administration. NONE.

My God - look around you. Even the Thug's own party is beginning to turn on him. Those same people that SWORE that the man "walked on water" are now turning their backs ion him.

This clown can't get out of town fast enough. But in the interim, he intends to screw as many people as possible. He is a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

He's a danger, eh? We better call the cops right away.

Reagan's administration was more corrupt. What was the total number of public officials who faced indictment by the end of the Reagan administration?
The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

A second 9/11, which is the day Ambassador Stevens was attacked by and killed by terrorists in Benghazi is a lot worse than Watergate

It was worse because four people died, but if you are implying guilt, you are way out in left field.

Every step of the way, right-wingers were shown to be wrong about their suspicions; as of right this moment, all you got is Obama trying to spin this as "an act of terror", rather than terrorism.

Seriously, that's all you got?

You are not worthy of any more of my time than to tell you this......

you are a seriously uninformed poster.
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

Cause they don't have anything. They hoof and poof and yell impeach and sue and whine and....then they lose again.

(as we say in the south)
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

His "misstatements" are legion. Here are just a few and none of them are the big one like his story he told about a video. It is not that the right is making things up it is that the left is ignoring the obvious.

"Most young Americans right now, they’re not covered" by health insurance.

"We’ve got close to 7 million Americans who have access to health care for the first time because of Medicaid expansion."

The "most realistic estimates" for jobs created by Keystone XL are "maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline."

"We have doubled the distance our cars will go on a gallon of gas."

"Under Gov. Romney's definition ... Donald Trump is a small business."

Because of Obamacare, "over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up -- it's true -- but they've gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years."

"Fast and Furious" began under the Bush administration.

"For the first time since 1990, American manufacturers are creating new jobs."

Twelve judges have thrown out legal challenges to the health care law because they rejected "the notion that the health care law was unconstitutional."

"The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country.''

"I have not said that I was a single-payer supporter."

"We import more oil today than ever before."

"I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins."

If African-Americans vote their percentage of the population in 2008, "Mississippi is suddenly a Democratic state."

All False statements involving Barack Obama | PolitiFact

There is a huge difference between lying and being wrong.

Lying involves an attempt to deceive - that's the key; It's all about intent.

If I say that "We import more oil today than ever before," it's a lie IF I know that the statement was untrue at the time I made it.

If I say "I'm 45 years old" It's a lie if I KNOW that I'm 51.

So, a lot of the stuff that you mentioned here is certainly untrue. I know this because I've already looked into a few of them and you are correct in saying that the POTUS was wrong. You would still need to go much further in order to support your hypotheses that he deliberately made false statements while KNOWING that they were incorrect.


Please take no real offense but that has to be the lamest apology yet.

Saying things you don't know are true as true is lying or said by a really disingenuous person.

How about this one: If African-Americans vote their percentage of the population in 2008, "Mississippi is suddenly a Democratic state."

He isn't saying he thinks. He isn't basing that statement on intel as did those who supported the Iraq war and were wrong. He made a statement that is baseless, false, without credence, he lied. You wanted examples, you were provided, you made excuses.
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Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!

What exactly did he lie about?

First off, I have a huge problem with the whole "unnamed source" garbage - translation: I made up a story and used a FAKE source in order to relate something that never happened.

It's a favorite amongst extremist and their never-ending quest to slam the opposition.

Jerome Corsi is famous for this - It's basically a way to smear someone without having to prove your allegations.

Hey, it works ... evidently.

Are you saying Watergate was a hoax?
The IRS scandal is a lot worse than Watergate.

I disagree - profoundly.

Obama had Tea party members investigated? You have proof of this?

To me, the IRS SHOULD be able to target certain groups IF they have been shown to be abusing the system.

You guys have a short memory - did you forget about ACORN and the fake pimp video? The ensuing lawsuit were James O'Keefe had to admit that he used dishonest tactics to help bring down ACORN?

That was OK, because ACORN was a bunch of liberal pantywaists, got it.

How can they be abusing the system before they even get started, asswipe? If you can provide a logical reason to investigate a group that is just forming up, before they do anything, because they abused the system, you will be the most famous person in the universe. But that was a nice attempt to justify government abuse, for a complete moron.

By theyway, idiot, that pimp video thing wasn't the government. I know you have trouble with the concept that people can do things without the government holding their hands, but there are actually billions of people that don't need the government's permission to breathe.
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

Do you remember this?

Transparency and Open Government | The White House

Do you want to know what reporters think about that memo? Or will you just admit you are a partisan hack who will never look at the facts?

Barack Obama: The Least Transparent President in History | Democracy Now!

President Obama's muddy transparency record - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

HuffPost Live

AP Study: The Least Transparent Administration... | Truth Revolt

Please, feel free to tell me how wonderful and truthful Obama is.
Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!

What exactly did he lie about?

First off, I have a huge problem with the whole "unnamed source" garbage - translation: I made up a story and used a FAKE source in order to relate something that never happened.

It's a favorite amongst extremist and their never-ending quest to slam the opposition.

Jerome Corsi is famous for this - It's basically a way to smear someone without having to prove your allegations.

Hey, it works ... evidently.

He said that his administration would be more open and transparent than all others before and it has been the exact opposite. I don't know how to make it more plain for you than that...

Obama: "This is the Most Transparent Administration in History."

Obama: "This is the Most Transparent Administration in History." | TechPresident

The reality......

“Obama is the sixth administration that’s been in office since I’ve been doing Freedom of Information Act work. … It’s kind of shocking to me to say this, but of the six, this administration is the worst on FOIA issues. The worst. There’s just no question about it,” said Katherine Meyer, a Washington lawyer who’s been filing FOIA cases since 1978. “This administration is raising one barrier after another. … It’s gotten to the point where I’m stunned — I’m really stunned.”

Read more: President Obama's muddy transparency record - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com
So, no one wants to address my request for proof of how the president was dishonest?

Listen, I get that you guys don't like the president - not because he's black, but because he's a lib. That's fine, disliking the man because he's ass-backwards is one thing, inventing reasons to hate him is quite another.

Anyone who's not a conservative can see this very clearly.

Do you remember this?

Transparency and Open Government | The White House

Do you want to know what reporters think about that memo? Or will you just admit you are a partisan hack who will never look at the facts?

Barack Obama: The Least Transparent President in History | Democracy Now!

President Obama's muddy transparency record - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

HuffPost Live

AP Study: The Least Transparent Administration... | Truth Revolt

Please, feel free to tell me how wonderful and truthful Obama is.

He ran on hope and change and also this would be the most transparent administration in history.

Although the rich white far left elitists got what they bought and paid for...
Who would have thunk it, whistleblowers are racists out to get the president. At least the Huffington post has enough integrity to report on the transgressions. The King must be protected.

Silencing Whistleblowers Obama-Style

Despite all the talk by Washington insiders about how whistleblowers like Edward Snowden should work through the system rather than bring their concerns directly into the public sphere, MacLean is living proof of the hell of trying to do so. Through the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice (DOJ) wants to use MacLean’s case to further limit what kinds of information can qualify for statutory whistleblowing protections. If the DOJ gets its way, only information that the government thinks is appropriate -- a contradiction in terms when it comes to whistleblowing -- could be revealed. Such a restriction would gut the legal protections of the Whistleblower Protection Act and have a chilling effect on future acts of conscience.
Why do you keep insisting that Obama is any different than any other President?

Is it because he's black?

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!

What exactly did he lie about?

First off, I have a huge problem with the whole "unnamed source" garbage - translation: I made up a story and used a FAKE source in order to relate something that never happened.

It's a favorite amongst extremist and their never-ending quest to slam the opposition.

Jerome Corsi is famous for this - It's basically a way to smear someone without having to prove your allegations.

Hey, it works ... evidently.

Crabbie, YOU are the very definition of a brain dead Obuma Zombie!

:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!

What exactly did he lie about?

First off, I have a huge problem with the whole "unnamed source" garbage - translation: I made up a story and used a FAKE source in order to relate something that never happened.

It's a favorite amongst extremist and their never-ending quest to slam the opposition.

Jerome Corsi is famous for this - It's basically a way to smear someone without having to prove your allegations.

Hey, it works ... evidently.

Crabbie, YOU are the very definition of a brain dead Obuma Zombie!


Sorry, a big ass list with stuff on it like "Libya," and "Pelosi" ain't what I'm looking for.

Let me try this again - anyone have any evidence of Obama lying?

Please speak up.
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:lol::lol::lol: No you political hack, it's because he's a lying sack of shit who claimed his would be the most transparent administration and it has been the least, you fucking racist!

What exactly did he lie about?

First off, I have a huge problem with the whole "unnamed source" garbage - translation: I made up a story and used a FAKE source in order to relate something that never happened.

It's a favorite amongst extremist and their never-ending quest to slam the opposition.

Jerome Corsi is famous for this - It's basically a way to smear someone without having to prove your allegations.

Hey, it works ... evidently.

He said that his administration would be more open and transparent than all others before and it has been the exact opposite. I don't know how to make it more plain for you than that...

Obama: "This is the Most Transparent Administration in History."

Obama: "This is the Most Transparent Administration in History." | TechPresident

The reality......

“Obama is the sixth administration that’s been in office since I’ve been doing Freedom of Information Act work. … It’s kind of shocking to me to say this, but of the six, this administration is the worst on FOIA issues. The worst. There’s just no question about it,” said Katherine Meyer, a Washington lawyer who’s been filing FOIA cases since 1978. “This administration is raising one barrier after another. … It’s gotten to the point where I’m stunned — I’m really stunned.”

Read more: President Obama's muddy transparency record - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com

What does Josh Gerstein have to do with the price of tea in China? He writes for Politico!

He has some kind of inside scoop on the WH and is such an impartial, objective, non-partisan reporter that he is somehow relevant to this conversation???

Try someone who actually looked into the matter -


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