Worst modern day president in your opinion?

Who's the worst modern president?

  • Reagan

  • Bush senior

  • Bush Jr

  • Obama

  • Clinton

  • Carter

  • Trump

  • Biden

Results are only viewable after voting.
Bush II easy. Lied us into stupid wars and then crashed the economy. I can't think of even one positive thing he did.
While Xiden is only 7 months in, it's really going to be hard to top what he has already done, as far as worst
I voted Obama because he started the crap that is carried out today by Antifa, BLM and the Progressive nuts. Biden never was and will never be President. He's just a bubble head who is directed by Rice-Obama-Soros-Cabal-OWG-Illuminati. Period
Biden, because every other President was without mental disfunction.

Was Obama, Bush, or Trump lying to us at times?

Certainly they were. But Biden has no clue if he is lying or not. He can't remember his briefing from 3 hours ago, let alone from 3 days ago. He doesn't even realize that he created the biggest fiasco since the Bay of Pigs.

Personally, I feel sorry for him. He doesn't belong where he is, and any Democrat voting for him has to ask themselves.................is this what they expected!
Trump was the worst, followed at somewhat of a distance by Bush, Jr.

No one comes close to trump in terms of the damage he has done to our nation and our government, given that his actions have been willful. Bush, Jr. seems to have been easily manipulated by those around him.

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