Worst Movies made with a NAME actor...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
I want to see a list people can come up with of the worst possible movies ever made by actors that have had made a name for themselves. Even if its a crappy name, the point is you've heard of it. Try to steer clear of the obvious like any Steven Segal movie. Im talking movies that are so bad you cant stop laughing. Here's my first one

Alien Express
Starring Lou Diamond Phillips

I caught this movie on the Sci-fi channel this summer while down the shore. I literally laughed my ass off for 45 minutes watching this crap. My nephew, who is 13, and i dubbed this movie "super fast alien dogs" for the ridiculous looking alien hand puppet that is wreaking havoc on the cast. It was like our own Mystery Science Theater 3000. I have never laughed harder at a movie in my life which is saying something.

Here's the criteria to reach a bad movie.

Cheezy Love Scene: Check
Horrible Overeations: Check
Predictable and yet still horrible plot: Check
Evil bad guy that everyone knows is screwing them but go along with anyway: Check
Super ridiculous solution to a simple problem: check

Its got it all.
come on people. No one has a crappy movie with an actor we know?
I'll assume you're not looking for the obvious Stallones, etc., but I'll give it a try.

Bachelor Party - Tom Hanks
Battlefield Earth - John Travolta
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle - Robert De Niro
Gigli - Al Pacino, Christopher Walken
Look Who's Talking - Bruce Willis (voice-only, but he still did 3 of them)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head right now.
anything with jane fonda

anything with barbara streisand

anything with jlo

thanks abbey i forgot anything with tom cruise
Soultakers, starring Martin Sheen, though he uses his original, given name of Joe Estevez in the credits.

Basically, it's a crappy movie written by the star, a girl who would be fairly attractive if her nose wasn't so turned up that it looked like a pig's nose. Basically, "Joe Estevez" is a grim reaper and has to collect the souls of four guys in a drug-induced car wreck. Well, 3 of them get away, though one of those, the driver of the car, is eventually caught. Then, the other two, pig-nose and her disgustingly nerdish, spazztic boyfriend, must try to get back into their bodies before their parents pull the plug. The whole time, Sheen is trying to hunt them down to "preserve the balance," but hesitates because of a poorly developed side plot where she reminds him of somebody he loved or something when he was still alive. Oh, and, BIG TWIST, the driver shows up later as a soultaker in order to work off penance for killing three other people.
Tom Cruise in Mission Imposssible. That scene where he flings himself some huge distance onto a moving train or truck alone made it a total joke.
Dan said:
I'll assume you're not looking for the obvious Stallones, etc., but I'll give it a try.

Bachelor Party - Tom Hanks
Battlefield Earth - John Travolta
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle - Robert De Niro
Gigli - Al Pacino, Christopher Walken
Look Who's Talking - Bruce Willis (voice-only, but he still did 3 of them)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head right now.

Thats good stuff right there.
Stop, or my mom will shoot.

Sylvester stallone

I mean really, wth was this movie about. I saw five minutes on tv and got nausious. My head hurted real bad. :smoke:
Yurt said:
Stop, or my mom will shoot.

Sylvester stallone

I mean really, wth was this movie about. I saw five minutes on tv and got nausious. My head hurted real bad. :smoke:

Damn thats an all timer.
Dan said:
I just bought it for $5 at Wal Mart a couple weeks ago!

Man, you got robbed for about $27. The way i see it, i should have to be paid at least $22 to watch that damn thing.
Anything with triple Xs in the title or for that matter anything with Vin Diesel, snoop dog, ice cube, eminem, etc.etc.
Pretty much anything with Ben Stiller in it. He has master only one character and it sucks.
MtnBiker said:
Pretty much anything with Ben Stiller in it. He has master only one character and it sucks.

Come on you dont like Blue Steel, Red ferrari? How about Magnum.

Hah, insein beat me to it. Zoolander rules!

I actually like Ben Stiller, though I do agree that he basically just does that one character over and over again now. He's done a few different character styles in the past, though, he played a heroin addict pretty well in Permanent Midnight.

But, without a doubt, Zoolander is my favorite movie by him, followed closely by Meet the Parents.

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