Would a Hilary run give cons the election?

It was a BFD because we had to borrow money to make up for the tax cut to the tune of $2 trillion

bullshit, revenue increased. we borrowed money for the stupidity in Iraq and Afghanistan, and BTW obozocare.


Bush cost us $2 trillion in lost revenue and then passed his tax rate on to the next President

When you cut taxes, you need a proportionate cut in spending. Something Republicans have never been able to do

as has been shown to you many times, govt revenue increased after the bush tax rates went into affect. Thats why obama kept them in place.
Hillary would never be accepted to today's Democrat Party as a presidential candidate. Far too conservative.

She would, however, win a Republican presidential nomination on the first ballot at their convention. Not by unanimous acclaim, however, as too many mainstreamers would find her far too conservative for their tastes.
Wow, HBH, you must've missed David Horowitz's outing of Lady MacBeth's I mean Hillary's past some years back and George Stephanopoulos' book as well on Hillary's domineering of every WH policy with her finger liberally into every policy pie Clinton considered. If you think Obamacare sucks, you should have gotten a load of Hillarycare that got fired back to its liberal hades when the Congress of the time read it. They used it for a blueprint for Obamacare, then blamed Romney for his Massachusetts health care makeover.

They made the bill longer, so nobody would understand the dismantling of Constitutional law Obamacare did.

In doing so, they hamstrung the Supreme Court, because it represented a bona-fide tax hike that signifies it is a purely congressional power structure, which is why the Supreme Court handed it back to Congress and said correctly they didn't have the authority to repeal taxes. Only Congress can do that.
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bullshit, revenue increased. we borrowed money for the stupidity in Iraq and Afghanistan, and BTW obozocare.


Bush cost us $2 trillion in lost revenue and then passed his tax rate on to the next President

When you cut taxes, you need a proportionate cut in spending. Something Republicans have never been able to do

as has been shown to you many times, govt revenue increased after the bush tax rates went into affect. Thats why obama kept them in place.

they were going up BEFORE THE TAX CUT. jfC

Bush cost us $2 trillion in lost revenue and then passed his tax rate on to the next President

When you cut taxes, you need a proportionate cut in spending. Something Republicans have never been able to do

as has been shown to you many times, govt revenue increased after the bush tax rates went into affect. Thats why obama kept them in place.

they were going up BEFORE THE TAX CUT. jfC

great, if congress had cut spending at that time, we would not be in the mess we are today.
It was a BFD because we had to borrow money to make up for the tax cut to the tune of $2 trillion

bullshit, revenue increased. we borrowed money for the stupidity in Iraq and Afghanistan, and BTW obozocare.


Bush cost us $2 trillion in lost revenue and then passed his tax rate on to the next President

When you cut taxes, you need a proportionate cut in spending. Something Republicans have never been able to do

Far left propaganda!
as has been shown to you many times, govt revenue increased after the bush tax rates went into affect. Thats why obama kept them in place.

they were going up BEFORE THE TAX CUT. jfC

great, if congress had cut spending at that time, we would not be in the mess we are today.

or perhaps if the gop hadn't opted for elective war and the presciption drug thingee.
or perhaps if the gop hadn't opted for elective war and the presciption drug thingee.

And not Democrat was involved,not one right?

Convenient memory failure is a symptom of dishonesty.

That's like saying there aren't any cons in the DNC, or the CIA doesn't spy on Americans.

So in other words,you would be pointing the finger at both parties, being the fair and balanced individual that you are right?
Do radical libs actually think Hillary is a feminist? In exchange for political power Hillary ruined or threatened to ruin the lives of women who were abused by her husband.
they were going up BEFORE THE TAX CUT. jfC

great, if congress had cut spending at that time, we would not be in the mess we are today.

or perhaps if the gop hadn't opted for elective war and the presciption drug thingee.

Both parties voted for and funded those two things. The only non bi-partisan vote in recent times is the vote for the terrible legislation known as ACA.
Can you imagine Obama talking for what 21+ hours without a teleprompter, he's a complete babbling idiot after 10 seconds....:lol:
We will not be running against Obama again.
For all of obama's ego, I doubt the though of talking to a teleprompter for days to shut down the govt would ever occur to him.

Cruz did not shut down the government, one senator does not have that power. Obama shut down 15% of the government to make a point that he would not negotiate on the implementation of his only accomplishment---then unilaterally ignored the implementation schedules in the law by delaying them and exempting his supporters.

That lie has been outed. The TeaPs held Boehner captive because they would not agree to the open vote. The government shut down because of that and they nearly defaulted the debt.

The American public overwhelmingly believe that the GOP messed up on this, not Obama.

The public overwhelmingly supports the budget deal, realizing it is time to move forward.

The mainstream portion of the GOP is delighted the TeaPs have gotten their comeuppance, which will continue right through the primaries.

And falsifying the narrative, Redfish, is not going to help you.
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Libs and Dems:

Is Hillary really the best you guys can come up with? if so, your party is pretty pathetic.

Being the best is no longer a requirement, it comes down to who's turn it is. :eusa_eh:

Well..... I don't know about that.

It was Hitlery's turn and then dimocraps saw what the Stuttering Clusterfuck had to offer and went, "Oooh, shiny" and that was that.

They dropped Hitlery like a bad habit. And if something new and shiny comes along? They'll dump her again.

Republicans have the disadvantage of being honorable. That's why we ran Bob Dole in '96. Good man, lousy candidate.

Same with Romney, good man but scared to death of being criticized or disliked.

We need a fire-breathing, take-no-prisoners, hell-raising candidate that isn't afraid to step on some toes.

IOW, we need to stop letting dimocraps and the media (the same thing) pick our candidates for us.

No matter WHO we nominate the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will do their best to destroy him. He or She will be pilloried by them, dimocraps will accuse them of everything from murder to treason and the far left will hate them.

We need to stop worrying about dimocraps and what they want. We need to stop caring what the 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients want. We need to stop caring what illegal immigrants, gay-wad butt rangers and abortionists think.

NOTHING will ever make them happy.

We nominate a candidate that can unite REPUBLICANS, and we obliterate dimocrap scum in national elections.

It wouldn't even be close.

dimocrap scum don't take the time to attack people in the Republican party that they aren't afraid of... They attack those they fear. Wanna see a candidate they fear? Look at who they attack.
they were going up BEFORE THE TAX CUT. jfC

great, if congress had cut spending at that time, we would not be in the mess we are today.

or perhaps if the gop hadn't opted for elective war and the presciption drug thingee.

I agree with that. Obama's doubled down, but at least he's aware he's liberal, Republicans claim to want smaller government and lower spending, but when they had the chance, they did nothing of the sort.
Hillary is the dems McCain and Dole. I hope they run her. I can't wait for the ad that shows her patronizing blacks with her fake black dialog and accent. "ah ain't no ways tarred".

Not to mention her "What difference does it make" comment in reference to those killed in Libya.

All those deaths at embassies and consultants didn't hurt "W" when he ran for his second term. But, but that was different! There weren't any Congressional hearings, go figure.
I agree than the Obama Administration really screwed up with the attack on Benghazi. But the usage of Hillary's quote should be taken in the entire context, not just as a found bite.
Anyway, quite bit on the battle between the Establishment Republicans and the Tea Party.. If the Tea Party prevails and runs one of their own,,Hillary wins, If the Establishment Republicans win the battle and nominate one of their own the GOP has a chance.
The things about Hillary is she'd dominated the women's vote, the minority vote and the moderate vote. Those a very big obstacles for anyone to overcome. Many people remember the economy under the first black president (Bill). It also seems that most people have push Bill's habit of thinking with his dick under the rug.
As someone who never voted for Bill Clinton (or "O"), who'd I vote for would depend on the GOP candidate.

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