Would Jeb Bush Be A Good President?

No dynastic politics for me, please.

and that includes Paul, son of Paul.
How is Rand a dynasty of Ron in terms of being President? I agree with the first part of your post but the second seems illogical and ignorant to me.

It related to dynastic politics, not being president.

I do not vote for career politicians who are the children of career politicians.
Just the mere suggestion that a Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, or Obama should be elected AGAIN demonstrates the abysmal status of the Executive Branch.

It would mean that voters are idiots who are incapable of learning from mistakes.

It would also mean that political parties have lost every shred of creative thinking they may ever have possessed.

Or they're just following a long-planned script. Those Bush's never seem to go away huh? And Clinton is a NWO Globalist Elite asshole too. It's a Win/Win for the Elites.
Judging someone on his last name is absurd.
Would Bush be a good president? Yes, probably. Would he be the kind of president I'd want? No, probably not.
But anything is better than the raging clown car of incompetents the Dems are producing.
Judging someone on his last name is absurd.
Would Bush be a good president? Yes, probably. Would he be the kind of president I'd want? No, probably not.
But anything is better than the raging clown car of incompetents the Dems are producing.

He's a fraud like his brother. He'll get in there and grant that Amnesty and go after the guns. And then the Neocons will whine for years about how he screwed them. He's a very bad choice. He can never be trusted.
Better than Obama, not as good as Cruz or Perry. The only way I would vote for him for President is if Hillary or another Liberal like her is running on the Dem side.
Jeb loves Mexicans. In fact, he married one. Illegal aliens would love having Jeb as president. Go for it.

At the age of 17, he taught English as a second language in León, Guanajuato, Mexico, as part of Phillips Academy's student exchange program. While in Mexico, he met his future wife, Columba Garnica Gallo.

Jeb Bush - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Columba Bush (born August 17, 1953) is a Mexican-born American philanthropist. She is the wife of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

Columba Bush was born as Columba Garnica Gallo in León, Guanajuato, Mexico, where she grew up and attended high school. Her parents were José María Garnica, a migrant worker, and Josefina Gallo.

Columba Bush - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He's too open borders to get the nomination. So far the laughable immigration policies have resulted in obama's open border flu which is paralyzing children and ebola. We don't need worse.
I doubt if he'd be another Reagan, but compared to what else I've seen, I'd say yes, he'd be a decent president. I like the fact that he is white.

Look, a liberal pretending to be a conservative while spouting racist crap. Gotta make the right seem racist one way or another, even if that means making it up and doing it yourself.
Is it racist when blacks vote for black candidates because they're black? There are black and white issues, and because I'm white, I take the white side of race issues. Like, I'm against welfare, affirmative action, political correctness, I would vote for a black candidate if I thought he was the best candidate for me and my views. Being a free thinker, my views on some issues are liberal, but I'm mostly hard core conservative.
He would be as good as anyone else I don't see anyone Republican or Democrat who stands out they are all so controlled, managed, and scripted now they are indistinguishable from one another.

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