Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?

We should round them up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WWII until the war against Islam is over. Or, they can go home.

thats a good idea for our bible thumping chist stains
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

True but his answer will be the same as it has been thus far, to wit:


He's a coward.
He is a coward, needlessly frightened of Muslims, a product of his diseased, delusional mind.

And again, the entire premise of his thread fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence that 'limiting' immigration from 'Muslim countries' will make the United States any safer.

Indeed, terrorist can come from any country and practice any religion.
We should round them up and put them in camps like we did to the Japs in WWII until the war against Islam is over. Or, they can go home.

thats a good idea for our bible thumping chist stains

You don't get to invoke moral equivalency here, gumo.

Christianity is the GOOD religion when compared to Islam.

You can't lie yourself out of the fact. And you can't deny it.

Just accept it.

Go ahead, and feeel the burn.
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

True but his answer will be the same as it has been thus far, to wit:


He's a coward.
He is a coward, needlessly frightened of Muslims, a product of his diseased, delusional mind.

And again, the entire premise of his thread fails as a post hoc fallacy, as there's no evidence that 'limiting' immigration from 'Muslim countries' will make the United States any safer.

Indeed, terrorist can come from any country and practice any religion.

Stage 1. Establish a Beachhead
Population density at 2% (US, Australia, Canada).

Muslims are conciliatory, deferential but request harmless special treatment (foot bath facilities, removal/elimination of that which is offensive to delicate Muslim sensibilities - like walking dogs near Mosques).

Stage 2. Establish Outposts
Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark). At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example[7] is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.
Stage 3. Establish Sectional Control of Major Cities.
Population density 5%-10% (France, Sweden, Netherlands).

First comes the demand for halal food in supermarkets, and the blocking of streets for prayers; then comes the demand for self rule (within their ghettos) under Sharia. When Muslims approach 10% of the population the demands turn to lawlessness. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any criticism of Islam results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam. In France which may be over the 10% range, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos.[8] There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.

Stage 4. Establish Regional Control.
Population density 20%-50% (Europe 2020?). After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.
Stage 5. Total Control, Brutal Suppression, and Dhimmitude.
Population density > 50%.
Unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and jizya, the tax placed on infidels. As Muslim population levels increase and all infidels cower in submission there will peace at last. Dar al-Islam is achieved and everyone lives under Sharia and the Koran is the only word.

Our current Western world leaders are suckered by taqiyya and kitman and steering us into stage 3. Allen West[9] seems to get it but I can't see that any of the crop of current GOP contenders really get it. Fear of bigotry at stage 2 is the Islamists' greatest weapon. Crucified on the cross of bigotry -- is that the future of the Western democracies? Bigotry is only bigotry if it is out of touch with reality and it is the suckers who believe the stage 1-2 peace pitch of Islam who are the ones who are out of touch with reality -- not to mention our mesmerized President. The first GOP candidate who announces to Imam Rauf and his supporters, "Fine. A Mosque at ground zero. But how about a cathedral in Mecca first? It is part of our Christian outreach program of bridge building." will be the first to get it and a big boost in the polls.


Let's adjust our immigration totals so that we never have more than a 2% total of Muslims in America to avoid all of the Stage 3, 4 or 5 problems.

That way everyone will be happy except the Jihadists.
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

No matter what we do there will always be an unacceptable islamic extremist element in any large population of Muslims.

And because we can't more precisely identify and excise those who would be problems we know that overall total Muslim populations have reliably resulted in measurable behaviors based on the % of their saturation in our country.

Therefore, in order to keep Muslims in line we need only prevent their population from growing higher than the stages already researched and delineated by Dr. hammond in the article, Five Stages of Islam.

And since there is no guarantee that immigration limits will prevent the Muslim population from exceeding your 2% limit (births and conversions) we'll just have to implement some other measures to control it, won't we?
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

No matter what we do there will always be an unacceptable islamic extremist element in any large population of Muslims.

And because we can't more precisely identify and excise those who would be problems we know that overall total Muslim populations have reliably resulted in measurable behaviors based on the % of their saturation in our country.

Therefore, in order to keep Muslims in line we need only prevent their population from growing higher than the stages already researched and delineated by Dr. hammond in the article, Five Stages of Islam.

And since there is no guarantee that immigration limits will prevent the Muslim population from exceeding your 2% limit (births and conversions) we'll just have to implement some other measures to control it, won't we?

And since there's no guarantee the sun will come up at its usual time tomorrow you'll just have to sleep late, won't you?

But let's assume it will rise like always, eh?

We know that immigration from countries with 80% or greater Muslim populations will usually have those many represented in their numbers of immigrants.

Immigration quotas will work.
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

No matter what we do there will always be an unacceptable islamic extremist element in any large population of Muslims.

And because we can't more precisely identify and excise those who would be problems we know that overall total Muslim populations have reliably resulted in measurable behaviors based on the % of their saturation in our country.

Therefore, in order to keep Muslims in line we need only prevent their population from growing higher than the stages already researched and delineated by Dr. hammond in the article, Five Stages of Islam.

And since there is no guarantee that immigration limits will prevent the Muslim population from exceeding your 2% limit (births and conversions) we'll just have to implement some other measures to control it, won't we?

And since there's no guarantee the sun will come up at its usual time tomorrow you'll just have to sleep late, won't you?

But let's assume it will rise like always, eh?

We know that immigration from countries with 80% or greater Muslim populations will usually have those many represented in their numbers of immigrants.

Immigration quotas will work.

And you believe that the birth rates among Muslim families and conversion rates to Islam will remain static, based on what exactly? Why do you assume immigration quotas are the only thing needed to prevent a greater Islamic population than you deem acceptable?

Or is it instead that immigration quotas are the only way you think you can stop the increase of Islam in the US constitutionally?
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

No matter what we do there will always be an unacceptable islamic extremist element in any large population of Muslims.

And because we can't more precisely identify and excise those who would be problems we know that overall total Muslim populations have reliably resulted in measurable behaviors based on the % of their saturation in our country.

Therefore, in order to keep Muslims in line we need only prevent their population from growing higher than the stages already researched and delineated by Dr. hammond in the article, Five Stages of Islam.

And since there is no guarantee that immigration limits will prevent the Muslim population from exceeding your 2% limit (births and conversions) we'll just have to implement some other measures to control it, won't we?

And since there's no guarantee the sun will come up at its usual time tomorrow you'll just have to sleep late, won't you?

But let's assume it will rise like always, eh?

We know that immigration from countries with 80% or greater Muslim populations will usually have those many represented in their numbers of immigrants.

Immigration quotas will work.

And you believe that the birth rates among Muslim families and conversion rates to Islam will remain static, based on what exactly? Why do you assume immigration quotas are the only thing needed to prevent a greater Islamic population than you deem acceptable?

Or is it instead that immigration quotas are the only way you think you can stop the increase of Islam in the US constitutionally?

Immigration quotas are the low hanging fruit. They don't touch American citizens, only foreigners and a nation owes nothing to foreigner with respect to how it governs itself.
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.

Pfft. Bigot please. That guy's a racist troll and a documented liar.
Convert to Islam.

Surrender to Islam and pay a Jizya tax.


This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

The actions of the few are not representative of the whole.

No matter what we do there will always be an unacceptable islamic extremist element in any large population of Muslims.

And because we can't more precisely identify and excise those who would be problems we know that overall total Muslim populations have reliably resulted in measurable behaviors based on the % of their saturation in our country.

Therefore, in order to keep Muslims in line we need only prevent their population from growing higher than the stages already researched and delineated by Dr. hammond in the article, Five Stages of Islam.

And since there is no guarantee that immigration limits will prevent the Muslim population from exceeding your 2% limit (births and conversions) we'll just have to implement some other measures to control it, won't we?

And since there's no guarantee the sun will come up at its usual time tomorrow you'll just have to sleep late, won't you?

But let's assume it will rise like always, eh?

We know that immigration from countries with 80% or greater Muslim populations will usually have those many represented in their numbers of immigrants.

Immigration quotas will work.

And you believe that the birth rates among Muslim families and conversion rates to Islam will remain static, based on what exactly? Why do you assume immigration quotas are the only thing needed to prevent a greater Islamic population than you deem acceptable?

Or is it instead that immigration quotas are the only way you think you can stop the increase of Islam in the US constitutionally?

And not even that way. Obviously he's not the deepest well in the field.
Apparently once their population increases (or others convert) he just passes laws outlawing some designated religion. He has yet to figure out how he ends-around the First Amendment. Nor, I suspect, to read it.
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.

Pfft. Bigot please. That guy's a racist troll and a documented liar.

Did you plagiarize that comment too? Racist troll = someone who regularly bests Pogo in an argument and upsets her.
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.

Pfft. Bigot please. That guy's a racist troll and a documented liar.

Not so. NoGo.
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.

Pfft. Bigot please. That guy's a racist troll and a documented liar.

Not so. NoGo.

'Fraid so, Tojo. I was there to see it.

Is this the extent of your wisdom then? Posting "Is not" over and over?
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.

Pfft. Bigot please. That guy's a racist troll and a documented liar.

Not so. NoGo.

'Fraid so, Tojo. I was there to see it.

Is this the extent of your wisdom then? Posting "Is not" over and over?

The pot calls the kettle black. Talk about being clueless. That on top of being a plagiarist, creationist, and liar. Now clueless too.
By Jove, I think the response to this suggestion is telling.

Lots of passionate responses and sustained attacks, too. Sustained and passionate. And by any numbers of them.

I think this is a point to exploit by RW'ers at every level:

Let's push for...

NMT 2% Muslims in America, regulated by immigration quotas.
The pot calls the kettle black. Talk about being clueless. That on top of being a plagiarist, creationist, and liar. Now clueless too.

The legendary USMB plagiarist Pogo has actually been "clueless" for a long time.

It's really nothing new. :badgrin:
Would Muslims be safer and happier in the USA if we limit their numbers to NMT 2% of our population?


American Muslim History

I don't really care about Islamic history or their participation in our founding or not.

I am concerned with preventing some 300,000,000 Muslims around the world religious ambitions from being realized.

A very good video. I wonder if any of the liberal critics have even bother to read the Quar'an and the Hadiths. It's funny that the critics of Islam keep telling people to read and the liberal defenders are totally unfamiliar with the topic and assume all the misperceptions noted by the video. I infer that the creators of the video have argued with clueless liberals a number of times in order to so accurately describe their textbook responses.

And the more intelligent of us just showed you how and why they are more intelligent.

Or the result of his greater intelligence.

Or a by-product of such a mind.

He watched the video and he thought about it.

It Liberals could and did do this consistently we'd be a unified nation.

Pfft. Bigot please. That guy's a racist troll and a documented liar.

Not so. NoGo.

'Fraid so, Tojo. I was there to see it.

Is this the extent of your wisdom then? Posting "Is not" over and over?

We could play the dozens, if you'd prefer.

I'll talk about yo' Momma til it make you hurt, boy.
By Jove, I think the response to thi sugestion is telling.

Lots of passionate responses and sustained attacks, too. Sustained and pqassionate. And by any number of them.

I think this is a point to exploit.

NMT 2% Muslims in America, regulated by immigration quotas.

I got your point to exploit right here pal...


It ain't going away Peewee. That's here for the duration.

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