Would President Trump Create An American Gestapo?

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Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

Donald Trump said Tuesday during a campaign stop in South Carolina that Americans should inform on each other and denounce their neighbors to the authorities:

“People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police.

“You’re pretty smart, right? We know if there’s something going on, report them. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK.

“That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way. You’ve got to do it. You’ve got to do it.”

You’ve got to do it. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK.

Does Trump know that as a recent book about Nazi Germany’ Gestapo (Secret State Police) tells us, “The Gestapo was not bound by any legal or administrative accountability or burden of proof.”

Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

The jokes need to stop. The memes need to die. Trump is not a punch line anymore. He is talking about dangerous things and needs to be stopped.

Trump Wants To Create An American Gestapo Called A 'Deportation Force'

Trump's rhetoric is scary and reminiscent of old Nazi Germany. He is clearly telling us who he is - so voters would have no excuse for buyer's remorse if they send him to the White House. Pay attention.

Is media matters so desperate that they have to go back to a speech given a month ago to try to resurrect their nazi narrative?

Also how does what he said differ from your dear leaders, "If you see something say something" campaign?

Fucking regressive hypocrites and liars, you must have a really pathetic life.
Lies on top of lies.
A fake quote from a fake book.
Hitler's 1938 German Weapons Act actually made it easier for non-Jews to get guns.

The actual quote was:

“To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens by re-inventing their collective memory of the past,”
-George Goebbels

Like everything from the worthless lying scum Right it is an out of context edited lie.
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And these lying scum CON$ervoFascists are always claiming that THAY are the ones being taken out of context by the evil media!!!! And these lying scum assholes wonder why no honest person believes anything they say.

The Full Context:

Obama, July 2, Colorado Springs, CO: [As] president I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots [from 75,000] and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals, like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their effort connected to a common purpose.

People of all ages, stations and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem – they are the answer. So we are going to send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We’ll call on Americans to join an energy corps, to conduct renewable energy and environmental clean-up projects in their neighborhoods all across the country.

We will enlist our veterans to find jobs and support for other vets, and to be there for our military families. And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.

We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. We need to use technology to connect people to service. We’ll expand USA Freedom Corps to create online networks where American can browse opportunities to volunteer. You’ll be able to search by category, time commitment and skill sets. You’ll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities.

This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda and make their own change from the bottom up.

And you would need DOD sized funding for volunteers, WHY?
Lies on top of lies.
A fake quote from a fake book.
Hitler's 1938 German Weapons Act actually made it easier for non-Jews to get guns.

The actual quote was:

“To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens by re-inventing their collective memory of the past,”
-George Goebbels

Like everything from the worthless lying scum Right it is an out of context edited lie.

“To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens by re-inventing their collective memory of the past,”
-George Goebbels

Damn, that exactly what you regressives have been doing for decades, rewriting history.

Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

Donald Trump said Tuesday during a campaign stop in South Carolina that Americans should inform on each other and denounce their neighbors to the authorities:

“People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police.

“You’re pretty smart, right? We know if there’s something going on, report them. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK.

“That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way. You’ve got to do it. You’ve got to do it.”

You’ve got to do it. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK.

Does Trump know that as a recent book about Nazi Germany’ Gestapo (Secret State Police) tells us, “The Gestapo was not bound by any legal or administrative accountability or burden of proof.”

Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

The jokes need to stop. The memes need to die. Trump is not a punch line anymore. He is talking about dangerous things and needs to be stopped.

Trump Wants To Create An American Gestapo Called A 'Deportation Force'

Trump's rhetoric is scary and reminiscent of old Nazi Germany. He is clearly telling us who he is - so voters would have no excuse for buyer's remorse if they send him to the White House. Pay attention.

We already have a gestapo, it's called the Department of Homeland Security. We also have the Stasi which is the NSA. Yep, USA.INC is nothing but one big prison with invisible bars. You can be taken off the streets and whisked away without due process and "disappeared" just like Nazi Germany. The similarities of today's America and pre-WWII is absolutely staggering.
Lies on top of lies.
A fake quote from a fake book.
Hitler's 1938 German Weapons Act actually made it easier for non-Jews to get guns.

The actual quote was:

“To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens by re-inventing their collective memory of the past,”
-George Goebbels

Like everything from the worthless lying scum Right it is an out of context edited lie.

Seems we were both mistaken.. I forgive you...your rant ... :lol:


"To conquer a nation, first diarm its citizens” was credited to Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) in 1933 (when he became chancellor of Germany) as cited on Twitter on June 15, 2012. There is no evidence that Hitler ever said it. “Guns, History, Nazis, and “Enemies of the State,” a 2009 post by Leonard Zeskind, concluded that “Thus, the Nazi regime’s restrictions were on citizenship and political reliability, not on guns per se. Hitler did not seize all the guns in 1934 or any other year.” Hitler did say in 1942:

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms.”

“To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens by re-inventing their collective memory of the past” has been infrequently credited (since about 2012) to Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. There is no evidence that Goebbels ever said this, either.


The Big Apple: “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens”
I think that anyone with a brain realizes that he would run the country like he ran his various business and entertainment ventures: TYRANNICALLY.
The far right here are following the Nazi Big Lie on perverting the videos in which Obama calls for expanding volunteer service into somehow a Gestapo.

Another lie is that Hitler was a socialist.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? Debunking a Historical Myth
By Robert Wilde. The Myth: Adolf Hitler, starter of World War 2 in Europe and driving force behind the Holocaust, was a socialist. The Truth: Hitler hated socialism ...

NazismSocialism Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda

A very good explanation here: The Nazis were a far right wing authoritarian anti-Democratic organization.Nazi means NATIONAL Socialist, with the key word there being "National" - Nationalism is a right-wing ideology. No serious political historians categorize Hitler as "left wing" - none. The first people Hitler went after were Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists, and communists, then minorities, other various liberals, gays, artists, philosophers - hello, people - does that sound like a liberal to you, or more of a typical right-wing minority-hating, gay-hating artist-hating, left-hating maniac? It s also a well-known fact that Hitler greatly admired the upper class and American capitalists like Ford. This is part of the reason Oscar Schindler was able to save so many lives - he had great respect & influence as a rich industrialist capitalist in Germany at the time, and wasn t questioned. Why did Hitler murder all the socialists in his government on the Night of Long Knives?
are you aware that the actual Pres wanted his own police force?
are you aware that the actual first lady asked kids to snitch on their parents?

yes you are aware

but Trump says it and you lose your hypocritical mind.

Got links to back up these allegations?

You know I cant count how many times the video of obama calling for a national police force as strong as the military has been posted on this board.
And I find it highly unlikely you haven't seen it.
So whats the motive for playing dumb?
Post it again, because all of us missed it

Are you some kind of dumbass?
It's been posted at least a dozen times.

There's this thing called Google,here's what you do....
Copy and paste these words to Google and see what comes up.

"obama calling for a national police force as strong as the military"
Calling or the expansion of an American volunteer service is not a Gestapo. :lol:

There is a clearing house for college teachers where silliness likes your can be sent, so that the professors and instructors can point out such silliness to their students,
are you aware that the actual Pres wanted his own police force?
are you aware that the actual first lady asked kids to snitch on their parents?

yes you are aware

but Trump says it and you lose your hypocritical mind.

Got links to back up these allegations?

No....they never do. They get their news from FOX News and the bible. That's why every time they utter a thought people laugh out loud!
Socialist are better at killing socialist than any other group in history. You do know that Nazi is an anagram, right ?
which translates to National Socialist German Workers Party and Fascist is a Italian word that means a bundle of sticks.
Nazism and fascism is not a far right concept, not in the American sense its a far left one. The Conservatives in this country want a less powerful Federal Goverment that has no say in how you conduct your affairs unlike the Liberal Progressives who believe in big Government control.
The far right conservatives are for authoritarian, ethnocentric, nationalistic, anti-immigrant, and anti-democratic government except when they are in the majority.
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The far right here are following the Nazi Big Lie on perverting the videos in which Obama calls for expanding volunteer service into somehow a Gestapo.

Another lie is that Hitler was a socialist.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? Debunking a Historical Myth
By Robert Wilde. The Myth: Adolf Hitler, starter of World War 2 in Europe and driving force behind the Holocaust, was a socialist. The Truth: Hitler hated socialism ...

NazismSocialism Hitler, Nazis, Socialism, and Rightwing Propaganda

A very good explanation here: The Nazis were a far right wing authoritarian anti-Democratic organization.Nazi means NATIONAL Socialist, with the key word there being "National" - Nationalism is a right-wing ideology. No serious political historians categorize Hitler as "left wing" - none. The first people Hitler went after were Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists, and communists, then minorities, other various liberals, gays, artists, philosophers - hello, people - does that sound like a liberal to you, or more of a typical right-wing minority-hating, gay-hating artist-hating, left-hating maniac? It s also a well-known fact that Hitler greatly admired the upper class and American capitalists like Ford. This is part of the reason Oscar Schindler was able to save so many lives - he had great respect & influence as a rich industrialist capitalist in Germany at the time, and wasn t questioned. Why did Hitler murder all the socialists in his government on the Night of Long Knives?

Kurt von Scleicher and Gustav Ritter von Kahr were German conservatives and anti Nazis that were also murdered so it wasn't just your beloved left-wing Strasserist faction of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) like Gregor Strasser that were murdered. Without the banking oligarchs that own both political parties here in USA.INC , the Vatican and in particular the Jesuit Order, there would have been no Adolph Hitler or Nazi Party. Dry your little eyes about a potential Donald Trump presidency because whether it is him or the Hildebeast nothing is going to improve in this country. It is lost and swirling the drain...dying a very slow death and I believe that there is nothing that can be done about it. I am a realist and I know the real history of this country and what kind of shape we are in.

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