Would the world be better off


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Would the world be better off if we brought up our sons the same way we bring up our daughters? The prime minister of Canada seems to think so.

Men shouldn't be taught that they're to die in war. Maybe we'd have far less of such violence in our world if we agreed not to lit the flame in the first place. Do you agree?

Maybe Justin is right.
Justin Trudeau is importing large amounts of the most violent, war-like, woman-brutalizing, LGBT-brutalizing slaughter house on this planet, Islam. So his judgment on anything means no more to me than the wind farting out of a duck's ass.

I don't know why you've become such a self-hating male,. Matty, but masculinity serves an extremely vital role in society: it gets shit done that requires risk and ambition. Without masculinity we never would have landed on the moon, or even invented the airplane

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