Would You Eat Your Mother?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Over the last two days I have met 2 El Salvadorian males in different fields (Sales - Accounting), and you realize these new immigrants are far better people than most Americans can boast to be, on their best day of lying & bull****. A lot of it has to do with how they were raised, and the family values were instilled. I spent about an hour a piece just talking and quizzing them about their life's. No expert for sure, but worth a debate here for our gutsy cons.

They are superior hard driven workers who say they always give a 100% to anything they do. What strikes me is there compassion and apologetic way of communication in dealing with problems, the ability to draw on their family for examples of values and morals in dealing with problems.

Frankly, I wish all Americans had the tools these people brought to America, and their way of caring for humanity. Like both guys said they are working hard, going to schools, and planning their life's beyond themselves, but thinking of their needs to give back to their families and care for them someday in the future.

They are both grateful to be here, and I would take either one of them over any of you selfish self serving cons on this board.

Maybe we would be better off giving bonuses to red necks to leave America, or work out an exchange program to get rid of undesirable unAmerican bastards (mostly on the right) , in order to get some decent people in America. Hmmm, the El Salvadorian Seeds are sprouting.
You didn't mention whether the guys they are illegal or not. If illegal, they need to be deported because we're either a nation of laws, or we aren't. And if we're not a nation of laws I'm never paying income taxes again.

Getting back to the OP's rant. If you look you'll find all sorts of compassionate, caring, hardworking Americans. You sound just like the typical self-loathing, America hating Liberal.

And stop watching MSNBC.

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