Would you support eye or thumb scans to eliminate voter fraud?

Would you support eye or thumb scans when voting?

  • Total voters
Yes I know , but not like today, when we have 2 goldman sacks execs telling us about the new tax reformation.
The takeover is not even being hid.
Same group that Obama is getting $400,000 for speaking for one hour? Or perhaps all the speeches that Hillary and Bill gave where they expanded their net worth to over $200 mill. by working for the govt.?

Makes more sense than paying Sarah Palin for a speech....you betcha!
Yeah why not. Act like you're "against' Wall Street and Big Banks, while behind the scenes you're totally in bed with them, getting paid $400,000 for an hour of bullshit. I'm sure comrade Sanders would approve.
That would make Wall Street suckers wouldn't it?
He is out of office if you hadn't heard. Kinda like closing the barn door after the horse has left. They would be better off bribing a member of Trumps family. Let me think.......starts with a K
Yeah, well Bill and Hillary Clinton were out of office when they was getting bribed I mean paid as much as a million for speaking. It's foolish to think Wall Street people are "suckers"? In reality they won't spend a dime if they aren't getting something in return. Just as the "donors" got the quid pro quo when when giving money to the Clinton Foundation, the $400,000 for an hour of speaking is a form a pay to play with Obama's existing connections and power.



Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
I support a national ID that is linked to a biometric of your DNA, facial recognition, fingerprint and signature. It should be provided for free to all Americans

This ID would be used for a drivers license, passport, credit card, healthcare card, social security card, library card and any other card you may carry in your wallet

I would support a sub-epidermal electronic system, basically an implanted circuit that has all your information and such on it. We already have tatoo-like stickers that use a very similar set up as modern cellphone barcodes (that's the dotty square you can use your phone to look shit up with) for storing medical information and so forth. However, I'd like something that cannot be stolen and doesn't ever get lost personally. (I want to put my ID, credit cards, all of that stuff in it so I don't have to carry the damn things - I hate purses.)

But I'm sure that's just too much for some folks so we'll have to find another solution heh
I would support anything to eliminate voter fraud. ;)

Until your finger prints get lifted . Which is real easy to do . Your finger prints can be stolen right of your cell phone . That's easy.

Those credit cards/ATM cards, etc, someone can walk right past you and scan your cards while in your purse.

This leave one thing left " RFID CHIP" it would be like having a perm cell phone in your arm tracked with every move you make, every word you speak.
Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
free id to vote!
I don't care that Trump is imprisoned. Only that his plans are stopped. That's going well so far. Still a 3 1/2 years left, though possibly much less.
You're in for a rude awakening. You haven't stopped anything. These lineal judges will get slapped down.
Nobody believes you Trump rubes' nonsense anymore. Muslim ban = fail. ACA repeal = fail. Border wall = fail. Mexico paying for it = fail. Give Syria to Assad = fail. Tax reform = fail. Punishing sanctuary cities = fail. China being a currency manipulator = fail.
I would support anything to eliminate voter fraud. ;)

Until your finger prints get lifted . Which is real easy to do . Your finger prints can be stolen right of your cell phone . That's easy.

Those credit cards/ATM cards, etc, someone can walk right past you and scan your cards while in your purse.

This leave one thing left " RFID CHIP" it would be like having a perm cell phone in your arm tracked with every move you make, every word you speak.

you know what?

I settle for a simple paper ID.
I would support anything to eliminate voter fraud. ;)

Until your finger prints get lifted . Which is real easy to do . Your finger prints can be stolen right of your cell phone . That's easy.

Those credit cards/ATM cards, etc, someone can walk right past you and scan your cards while in your purse.

This leave one thing left " RFID CHIP" it would be like having a perm cell phone in your arm tracked with every move you make, every word you speak.

you know what?

I settle for a simple paper ID.

Check it out if u have time




Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
Illegals don't vote. Voter fraud occurs 0.006% of the time.
Not unless gerrymandering is taken away from state congress,
laws for voting are taking away from state congress, and given to an equal bipartisan group
they get rid of the EC
and the vote is counted by a bipartisan committee.

What does the Electoral College have to do with iris scans?

It's called liberal logic. Voter fraud has nothing to do with the EC, but most liberals have a permanent case of butthurt since the clown beat the bulldyke. The liberal sheep have been told to call for the elimination of the EC IN any thread that discusses voting. It's what they are told to do, and by god they're going to do it.
Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
This is a republic. Representatives is what we do. If the common man couldn't read his representative certainly could. You aren't going to ever get 4/5th of the states to allow California and NY to run the country.
That is true, but the liberals are trying to do an end run around the Constitution with this NPV National Popular Vote. That must be opposed everytime it's mentioned.
Never heard of it. Let them masturbate all they want, it's going nowhere. The SCOTUS will make sure of it.
Anyone believing the corrupt officials in sanctuary cities harboring illegals would break federal law by hiding them but wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote should probably check in for a lobotomy. This past election since there were numerous reports from nearly every state claiming voter fraud across the country, shouldn't more stringent measures be enforced to control this from happening?

If there is no way to get control and deport illegals holed up in predominately blue areas that continue to harbor them, then at the very least these sanctuary cities should be excluded from the voting process in upcoming elections until they can agree to abide by federal law. Beyond that, voter ID's should be required in all poll places. Maybe since most pollsters probably don't look at ID's good enough, the best way to get a handle on voter fraud which is no doubt rampant, each voter should have to undergo a thumb or eye scan when casting their vote. Also databases should be connected all across the U.S. to ensure people aren't voting multiple times using numerous addresses.
I am from a sanctuary city and an election worker. There is no fraud. The type of nation wide conspiracy you're talking about is far fetched, at best.
Bullshit, I voted in a "sanctuary city" and in order to vote in the appropriate polling station, all that the election worker requested from people who didn't have ID's, was a piece of US mail with a name and address on it. How does that prove you are the same person on that paper and if you are a citizen or not? It doesn't.
Vetting of the person is suppose to happen when the person registers to vote....not at the polling place e????

In the states I've lived in and voted, no Id at the polling spot was needed, not even your electric bill was needed.....
The feds have had my fingerprints for a long time so a thumb scan would be fine. The libs will fight it tooth and nail though.
Because they eally do not want anything that would end their voter fraud that has been going on since Tammany Hall days.
That is true, but the liberals are trying to do an end run around the Constitution with this NPV National Popular Vote. That must be opposed everytime it's mentioned.
Never heard of it. Let them masturbate all they want, it's going nowhere. The SCOTUS will make sure of it.
The SCOTUS cannot overturn an Amendment and that is the only way we lose the Electoral College.
Biometric Devices and Fingerprint Spoofing

During the Washington & Jefferson College January intersession, the students in ITL 233: Cyberattacks performed a variety of lab exercises to explore the properties of a variety of malware and security software. On January 26th, we worked as a group to investigate the numerous reports (1, 2, 3) that biometric fingerprint scanners can easily be spoofed with Play-doh, gummy bears, and other household materials. While we believed that fingerprint spoofing would be possible using plastic molds and latex or gelatin casts, we wanted to confirm that a less sophisticated method would work as well.

Biometric Devices and Fingerprint Spoofing


View attachment 123561
Your Smartphone's Fingerprint Scanner Can Easily Be 'Hacked' with a Printer « Smartphones

This is just general information and not directed at the voting issues, but finger prints systems can " ALL BE LIFTED".
Most states are now requiring digital fingerprinting in order to issue a driver's license or state ID anyhow. Next, they will start collecting our DNA. It won't be long before we are all issued a bar code which will allow us to drive, vote, and access our bank accounts.

It will be easier to carry just one card that does all functions and is nearly impossible to fake
Yes, perhaps they can tattoo each of us with our own individualized bar code at the "DMV". Wouldn't that be exciting. That way they can have total control over us, and we can finally become the "cattle" they are already treating us like. I'm sure the liberal commie fascists are looking forward to that day.
No, that would probably be excessive and unnecessary
All we need is a biological indicator of identity tied to your name

Hate to tell you, but they already know who you are
Of course they already know who I am, but do you want the govt. to know who you voted for?

Does your signature reveal who you voted for?
Once you are in the booth, nobody knows
Yes I know , but not like today, when we have 2 goldman sacks execs telling us about the new tax reformation.
The takeover is not even being hid.
Same group that Obama is getting $400,000 for speaking for one hour? Or perhaps all the speeches that Hillary and Bill gave where they expanded their net worth to over $200 mill. by working for the govt.?

Makes more sense than paying Sarah Palin for a speech....you betcha!
Yeah why not. Act like you're "against' Wall Street and Big Banks, while behind the scenes you're totally in bed with them, getting paid $400,000 for an hour of bullshit. I'm sure comrade Sanders would approve.
That would make Wall Street suckers wouldn't it?
He is out of office if you hadn't heard. Kinda like closing the barn door after the horse has left. They would be better off bribing a member of Trumps family. Let me think.......starts with a K
Yeah, well Bill and Hillary Clinton were out of office when they was getting bribed I mean paid as much as a million for speaking. It's foolish to think Wall Street people are "suckers"? In reality they won't spend a dime if they aren't getting something in return. Just as the "donors" got the quid pro quo when when giving money to the Clinton Foundation, the $400,000 for an hour of speaking is a form a pay to play with Obama's existing connections and power.

How many Wall Street executives are on the Trump cabinet.....that is where your corruption will come from

Obama will never hold elective office again. He cannot affect policy
I support a national ID that is linked to a biometric of your DNA, facial recognition, fingerprint and signature. It should be provided for free to all Americans

This ID would be used for a drivers license, passport, credit card, healthcare card, social security card, library card and any other card you may carry in your wallet
And checkpoints on all roads?

Can I see your papers.

They can run checkpoints right now and ask for ID

How is a biometric ID any different than the photo ID with your signature on it?

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