Would you support...

Would you support granting illegal aliens permanent legal resident alien status?

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Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
...granting the 12 million illegals here now permanent legal resident alien status?

If not, why not?

Poll to follow.
Crap. I meant to vote yes. Coffee hasn't kicked in. :tongue:

Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible. I could get behind granting them permanent resident alien status. They can legally work and pay taxes.

But they wouldn't be able to vote.
Illegal immigrants are to immigration what shoplifters are to shopping. The immigrants who went through the legal process by the numbers are the ones getting screwed.
Illegal immigrants are to immigration what shoplifters are to shopping. The immigrants who went through the legal process by the numbers are the ones getting screwed.
Indeed. And the left, who claim to support immigrants, are the ones doing the screwing.

But they don't really give a shit. They just want more reliable Dem voters. It's all about political power. To hell with what's best for the country.
Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible.

Actually, yes it is.

Using a combination of things such as...

-Stripping illegal immigrants of any benefits
-Making the use of Everify mandatory by all employers
-Making the punishment for hiring illegals more severe
-Enforcing laws on the books by deporting illlegals arrested for committing any crimes, minor or serious

...deportation of all illegal immigrants in the United States is possible.
Crap. I meant to vote yes. Coffee hasn't kicked in. :tongue:

Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible. I could get behind granting them permanent resident alien status. They can legally work and pay taxes.

But they wouldn't be able to vote.

Illegal immigrants already can't vote by the metric used to declare that resident aliens can't; and any tax evasion that results from their presence is perpetrated by the employer.

I hate to say it, but it's more beneficial to have them here 'illegally.' That way, when you think they're up to no good, there's no lengthy and costly due process or burden of proof involved... They are here illegally after all... So see ya...

Betcha never thought of it that way eh Dave? Betcha damn sure didn't expect to hear it from me. :)

But I truly believe that's why administration after administration says they've got the fix, but precisely jack shit ever happens... It's just plain easier to have them here illegally.
Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible.

Actually, yes it is.

Using a combination of things such as...

-Stripping illegal immigrants of any benefits
-Making the use of Everify mandatory by all employers
-Making the punishment for hiring illegals more severe
-Enforcing laws on the books by deporting illlegals arrested for committing any crimes, minor or serious

...deportation of all illegal immigrants in the United States is possible.

It's not only possible, but it would be downright EASY. Just make mandatory jail time for anyone who hires one, and enforce it. *POOF* GONE!

But you have to acknowledge that we as a people don't want that. The economy would suffer dearly...
Good example of a skewed, biased poll designed to achieve a determined answer.

There many other options between trampling on human rights and deporting everyone left, right and center -- and throwing the borders open to all comers.

Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible.

Actually, yes it is.

Using a combination of things such as...

-Stripping illegal immigrants of any benefits
-Making the use of Everify mandatory by all employers
-Making the punishment for hiring illegals more severe
-Enforcing laws on the books by deporting illlegals arrested for committing any crimes, minor or serious

...deportation of all illegal immigrants in the United States is possible.
Ultimately, that would be the best course. I'd add making it illegal for anyone who couldn't prove legally-sanctioned presence to wire money overseas.

But none of that is ever going to happen.
Crap. I meant to vote yes. Coffee hasn't kicked in. :tongue:

Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible. I could get behind granting them permanent resident alien status. They can legally work and pay taxes.

But they wouldn't be able to vote.

Illegal immigrants already can't vote by the metric used to declare that resident aliens can't; and any tax evasion that results from their presence is perpetrated by the employer.
Illegal aliens can't vote? Because they have to show proof of citizenship?

Oh, wait -- your site hates that idea.

Meanwhile, in the real world, illegals DO vote:

How many noncitizens are registered to vote? | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Complaint Filed over Illegal Alien Voters | FrontPage Magazine

5000 illegal aliens voted in election last November :: Northern Colorado Gazette
I hate to say it, but it's more beneficial to have them here 'illegally.' That way, when you think they're up to no good, there's no lengthy and costly due process or burden of proof involved... They are here illegally after all... So see ya...

Betcha never thought of it that way eh Dave? Betcha damn sure didn't expect to hear it from me. :)
Believe it or not, I don't lose sleep wondering what you're going to say next. :cool:
But I truly believe that's why administration after administration says they've got the fix, but precisely jack shit ever happens... It's just plain easier to have them here illegally.
And to hell with what's best for American citizens.
And to hell with what's best for American citizens.
Well, there would be a certain justice in that since, for the better part of a century, the USA has said To Hell With What Is Best for Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Cuba, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Iran, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands Trust Territory, Philippines, Okinawa, Diego Garcia, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Congo, South Africa, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Yugoslavia....
I voted no because I do not want to see them rewarded for coming here illegally. I know too many from Mexico that busted ass to learn our language, get visas to work here and go to school and learn our government, then proudly stand before a judge and be proclaimed citizens. The others trample what those people busted butt to do. Let them do what they did. Or be deported.
Crap. I meant to vote yes. Coffee hasn't kicked in. :tongue:

Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible. I could get behind granting them permanent resident alien status. They can legally work and pay taxes.

But they wouldn't be able to vote.

Illegal immigrants already can't vote by the metric used to declare that resident aliens can't; and any tax evasion that results from their presence is perpetrated by the employer.
Illegal aliens can't vote? Because they have to show proof of citizenship?

Oh, wait -- your site hates that idea.

Meanwhile, in the real world, illegals DO vote:

How many noncitizens are registered to vote? | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Complaint Filed over Illegal Alien Voters | FrontPage Magazine

5000 illegal aliens voted in election last November :: Northern Colorado Gazette
I hate to say it, but it's more beneficial to have them here 'illegally.' That way, when you think they're up to no good, there's no lengthy and costly due process or burden of proof involved... They are here illegally after all... So see ya...

Betcha never thought of it that way eh Dave? Betcha damn sure didn't expect to hear it from me. :)
Believe it or not, I don't lose sleep wondering what you're going to say next. :cool:
Wow... You're a dick! :thup:

In any event, if they're voting via fraud, there is nothing that will prevent your "Permanent residents" from doing exactly the same thing. In that context, there is *NO* benefit to your proposal.
But I truly believe that's why administration after administration says they've got the fix, but precisely jack shit ever happens... It's just plain easier to have them here illegally.
And to hell with what's best for American citizens.

You've shown no evidence whatsoever - let alone compelling evidence - that your plan is any better than the current status quo. It does not accomplish what you seem to suggest it accomplishes. :cool:

Whether or not their presence is a net positive or net negative does not seem to have even entered the dialogue.
Crap. I meant to vote yes. Coffee hasn't kicked in. :tongue:

Deporting millions of illegals, while desirable, is simply not possible. I could get behind granting them permanent resident alien status. They can legally work and pay taxes.

But they wouldn't be able to vote.

i have gotten to know too many of them....many have been here well over 15 years and lots work harder than most Americans around here....the guy a few garages down played the game years ago the way you are supposed to and it cost him something like 5-6 thousand bucks.....and he said if they just let these others in without any conditions like he had.....he is going to be pissed,as will others like him....
Illegal immigrants already can't vote by the metric used to declare that resident aliens can't; and any tax evasion that results from their presence is perpetrated by the employer.
Illegal aliens can't vote? Because they have to show proof of citizenship?

Oh, wait -- your site hates that idea.

Meanwhile, in the real world, illegals DO vote:

How many noncitizens are registered to vote? | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Complaint Filed over Illegal Alien Voters | FrontPage Magazine

5000 illegal aliens voted in election last November :: Northern Colorado Gazette

Believe it or not, I don't lose sleep wondering what you're going to say next. :cool:
Wow... You're a dick! :thup:

In any event, if they're voting via fraud, there is nothing that will prevent your "Permanent residents" from doing exactly the same thing. In that context, there is *NO* benefit to your proposal.
But I truly believe that's why administration after administration says they've got the fix, but precisely jack shit ever happens... It's just plain easier to have them here illegally.
And to hell with what's best for American citizens.

You've shown no evidence whatsoever - let alone compelling evidence - that your plan is any better than the current status quo. It does not accomplish what you seem to suggest it accomplishes. :cool:

Whether or not their presence is a net positive or net negative does not seem to have even entered the dialogue.

Dave ....you being a Dick again?.....i cant leave you anywhere.....now be nice....quit being a pecker....
My "NO!" vote is because illegals have undermined wages for blue collar US citizens ever since Reagan led the charge to open the borders with his amnesty in 1986.
...granting the 12 million illegals here now permanent legal resident alien status?

If not, why not?

Poll to follow.

No. Better to have legal Americans than second class citizens.
...granting the 12 million illegals here now permanent legal resident alien status?

If not, why not?

Poll to follow.

It's nothing more than back-door amnesty that will further have a huge negative impact on the American economy. The job market would be saturated with these people, causing more and more people to go on welfare, which in turn would simply overload the system.
...deportation of all illegal immigrants in the United States is possible.

It is possible, but we're not going to do it, so it's a moot question. Whatever 'reforms' are decided upon (if any, if ever) they should include much tighter control of the borders, and there should be NO possibility of any "pathway to citizenship" for those who entered the country illegally outside - perhaps - of a significant length of military service.

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