Would you trade lives with Donald Trump? Why or why not?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
no, because i'd rather have a soul & be a humane individual who actually cares about other people & this planet, & who is not a traitorous rat bastard with something that looks like a tribble sitting his head.
I have character and emotions as well as moral standards that run absolutely counter to his so there is no way I would or could trade with such a coward.
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
I wouldn't trade lives with you let alone the Donald or anyone else, kinda silly to even think about it unless you have nothing better to do. Oh and Tiddlywinks and tic-tac-toe would be somethings better to do, mindlessly staring off into space is more mentally challenging......... :eusa_whistle:
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
No. I wouldn't want the responsibility of President for any amount of love or money.
I was raised in the SBC during the 1960s & 1970s; went on to the COC.
I don't consider myself to be 'religious' by any means BUT I do have a good moral base.

A few years ago, just before my mother passed in hospice, she stated, "you have to take what you get."
She always had that view in life & she had that same view facing her own mortality.

No matter if one believes in some 'here after' I believe we all have to face our own selves, accept our own failures, our successes, and I believe we all have to do that being able to look our selves in the mirror & know that we have some moral compass that actually means something. Some humans IMO do not have that within themselves.

IMO Trump does not have the ability to do that, because Trump is an amoral human. He is the modern day poster child for the 'dark triad' and worse. I would never trade places with anyone BUT Trump would be the last person on this giant spinning rock that I would trade places with, if I were so inclined. Wisdom tells us to flee evil. Trump is nothing but evil.
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
I would love to! Other than him being old I have no problems trading places. I would have false flag attack done on congress,declare martial law and start cleaning house!
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?

Hell no. Trump is a highly motivated man who basically sleeps just a few hours a day. Sure, he's the healthiest man in America, and without a doubt the healthiest person ever to serve as President as determined by one of our nation's premiere medical experts.

But still, I appreciate sleep and taking it easy to a degree. All that "go go go" would be too much for me. I'd rather continue on as a millionaire as opposed to becoming a billionaire.
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
He is obese, liar, bully, cheater, conman, idiot, narcissist, show off, hated by most of the world and most Americans....and he is 72. No thank you!!!
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
He is obese, liar, bully, cheater, conman, idiot, narcissist, show off, hated by most of the world and most Americans....and he is 72. No thank you!!!
most Americans??!!hahahahahhahah
prove that please

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