Would you trade lives with Donald Trump? Why or why not?

Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
For the most part, you could not pay me a billion dollars to be Donald Trump.

However, there is one reason I would like to be Trump for just one day, and that is so I could "date" his daughter.
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
The problem with a narcissist who has delusions of grander is that they are a legend in their own mind.

Once reality catches up to them they go insane.

They look around at all the damage they caused and their mind tells him it’s someone else’s fault but reality tells them this is what you did. And they have a mental overload and break down.

We can all see it coming.
However, there is one reason I would like to be Trump for just one day, and that is so I could "date" his daughter.
Sure, like you'd ever date a woman, and even if you would she is way, way out of your class.
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?
The problem with a narcissist who has delusions of grander is that they are a legend in their own mind.

Once reality catches up to them they go insane.

They look around at all the damage they caused and their mind tells him it’s someone else’s fault but reality tells them this is what you did. And they have a mental overload and break down.

We can all see it coming.

i would add the word 'malignant' to narcissist...

Malignant Narcissism

I want to explore with you the darker side of narcissistic personality disorder, where aggression, antisocial behaviors, and suspiciousness are as prominent as their poor sense of self, fragility, and egocentricity. (Below is a video clip that explores the symptoms of malignant narcissism.)

A person with malignant narcissism has the potential to destroy families, communities, nations, and work environments. This condition reflects a hybrid or blending of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. Psychologist Eric Fromm termed the disorder in 1964. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg later delineated the symptoms of the condition and presented it as an intermediary between narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders.

Why is the behavior of malignant narcissism often considered dangerous?

Individuals with this profile can form connections with others. However, they process information in ways that can hurt society in general, but also the people who love or depend on them. Family, co-workers, employees, and others in their lives often have to walk on eggshells to appease a fragile ego and minimize the occurrence of their unstable, impulsive, or aggressive behaviors.

They lash out or humiliate others for infractions of even the most frivolous nature (for example, you gave an opinion that differed from theirs; you demonstrated confidence, and it made them look bad; you told a joke that involved poking fun at them).

For some, their grandiosity and protection of their fragile "true self" can be at such extreme levels that they will lie and give the impression that simply because they say it, that makes it reality. Many will become angered if their lies are challenged with truth or facts. Of course, this can create problems for the people close to them, as this pattern of behavior can easily veer into gaslighting.

Malignant narcissism is a blend of two disorders that pose problems interpersonally for their victims — narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. It is not uncommon for others to feel anxious, intimidated by, and fearful of people with this condition. The combination of poor empathy coupled with aggression, hypersensitivity, and suspiciousness can bring pain to others.

Those who interact with malignant narcissists often consider them jealous, petty, thin-skinned, punitive, hateful, cunning, and angry. Given their shallowness, they are not regulated emotionally and have beliefs that swing from one extreme to the next.

Their decisions can hurt others, because they rank relationships and people based on superficial standards and categories. They want to land on top, even when pretending to be altruistic or engaging in an activity that should not be "all about them." They often view the world through a primitive binary lens (for example, winner/loser; smart/dumb; rich/poor; pretty/ugly; black/white) — all the while sustaining the belief that they are superior. This is likely associated with problems processing emotional information, which reflects faulty neurobiology.

How to Tell You're Dealing with a Malignant Narcissist

sound familiar?
Honestly its a hard one for me, so I have listed the pros and cons of me trading lives with him

-He is a very high status individual
-Extremely powerful. Runs one of the most powerful countries
-Multi billionaire (imagine how many girls he can get)
-With his money and power, he can live an extravagant lifestyle most can only dream of. He can also retire and still live a crazy life
-One of the most famous people in the world

-One of the most hated people in the world
-Pretty old (72 years)
-Being a President is stressful, and dangerous. Has to be with security 24/7
-Can't do normal people things due to lack of privacy, e.g. walk in the streets or go to restaurants by himself. Will be huge crowds wherever he goes
-He is fat and ugly (He can still go to the gym and lose weight though)

What would you guys do? Would you trade lives with Donald Trump?

Why is this in politics?

While I voted for him, like him, and admire what he’s accomplished to date there’s no way I’d trade places because no interest whatsoever in playing in the political arena.
yes--for the sex and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

don'tcha mean having to pay out $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4 for the sex?

he's got it to spare--and then some

it's obvious he needs every penny to pay for it..
you can be the ugliest mfo/etc--but if you got $$$$--you got babes

but no matter how you slice it & dice it...money still doesn't buy one outa being pathetic & sad.
yes--for the sex and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

don'tcha mean having to pay out $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4 for the sex?

he's got it to spare--and then some

it's obvious he needs every penny to pay for it..
you can be the ugliest mfo/etc--but if you got $$$$--you got babes

but no matter how you slice it & dice it...money still doesn't buy one outa being pathetic & sad.
well-- I sure would be happy with $$$$$$$$
$$$$ does buy happiness
sure, everyone has their human problems--but with $$$$ there are no $$$$$ problems

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