Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if Abortion were Outlawed?

Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if Abortion were Outlawed?

  • 4.) Camel Toe.

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Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

Eat Shit, you Stain.


Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if Abortion were Outlawed?

Just Heard that Old Canard on Err Amerika as I was Enjoy the Incessant Whining of the Left about their Heretic Former Messiah and his Party's Failure to Deliver them the Socialism they Demand. :rofl:

So my Question is Simple...

Let's say Abortion is Outlawed, you get Pregnant and you don't want the Child... Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if that was your only Option as these Dishonest and Abjectly Hysterical Liberals on Err Amerika are Eluding to?



Actually, the liberals had the money to leave the country. Most of those abortions were from poor uneducated whites, or as they like to be called, "the Republican Base".
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Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if Abortion were Outlawed?

Why do illegal abortions always have to be done in a back alley?

Can't they be done inside a building? (Granted, maybe the building can face a back alley...or maybe railroad tracks.)
Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if Abortion were Outlawed?

Why do illegal abortions always have to be done in a back alley?

Can't they be done inside a building? (Granted, maybe the building can face a back alley...or maybe railroad tracks.)

I Forgot to Clarify that the Hanger must also be Rusty... ;)

^Liberals say it ALL of the Time when ANY Restrictions are Discussed on Abortion...

This Thread Illustrates just how Dishonest they are when they are Called on it out of their Comfort Zone.


No, I would let the unwanted bastard be born and then blame the Republicans and Conservatives every day of this poor kids life for him even being here! I would never stop to even consider my own foolish actions for getting pregnant with a child I didn't want. That would be taking personal responsibility for my actions and here in America I don't have to do that anymore.

If I were a Republican, back in the day, I would send my pregnant daughter off to a boarding house for wonton women who shamed their parents, and tell all my elitist friends at the Yacht Club that she's gone to Europe for a year to study at Sorbonne. The child would be adopted and never mentioned again.
No, I would let the unwanted bastard be born and then blame the Republicans and Conservatives every day of this poor kids life for him even being here! I would never stop to even consider my own foolish actions for getting pregnant with a child I didn't want. That would be taking personal responsibility for my actions and here in America I don't have to do that anymore.

so dog do you approve of abortion under any circumstances?

o and btw 8 years of a conservative president and abortion is still a big business, so what does that tell you?

I don't think you two have my exact opinions of abortion down pat. Here is the "official" Big Black Dog ideas and opinion of abortion. On one hand, I feel abortion is not such a good thing. In fact, I'm very much against it. However, on the other hand, I do not believe that the government has any business telling anybody, ladies included, what they can and can't do to or with their bodies. It's not government property. It's yours and you should have the freedom to use it as you wish. In the case of abortion, I have a few exceptions to that statement. I do believe that abortion is justified under a few conditions and they are these: (1) rape (2) certified health risk for the mother to go through with the pregnancy, and (3) in the case of incest. In the event of rape, if the rape has been reported and filed with the proper police officials, I believe the abortion should be paid for by the State in which the unlawful rape occurred. In the event of a certified health risk to the mother, the abortion should be paid for by either an insurance company or by Medicade if the woman is uninsured and cannot afford to pay for it, or the abortion could be paid in full by the woman if she was not indigent. In the event of incest, because it is an illegal activity, the abortion should be paid for by the State once the incest has been officially reported to the appropriate authorities. Abortion should never, ever be allowed to be used as a means of simple birth control. I believe that to be very immoral and this practice should be illegal.
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No, I'd find an unethical doctor. Safer than a back alley thing.

In the 40's and 50's, a woman might try sticking something far enough up her vagina to puncture the uterous, and she might also try a few bottles of caster oil. But for the most part, a woman knew who got her pregnant and they just got married. End of story.

In the 60's and 70's, women either just had their babies and took care of them, got married, or found a doctor who would do a D&C (employer insurance covered those).

By the 80's, the option of an abortion was available.

Another topic for the lame zone. I think Mal fantasizes all that blood pouring from some woman's vagina which is the only reason he thinks this subject would be interesting and worth discussing. I've provided all the options, and it isn't.
Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

yeah, tha malcontent's concern for wiiimmminfolk is legendary.
Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

yeah, tha malcontent's concern for wiiimmminfolk is legendary.

Illustrate it...

It's a Cute Juvenile Level Attack on a Message Board, but Aside from me Namecalling on Said ANONYMOUS Message Board AFTER I was Attacked, and of course NOT Knowing NOR Caring what ANYONE's Gender was, could you or someone else here Please Illustrate what's being Insinuated?...

And I'll add that a Few "Women" here Act FAR from the Lady Type, so they can Look in the Cyber Mirror if their Feelings are Hurt when someone Slaps Back at them.

People getting Personally BUTT HURT online on Message Boards about Words is the Weakest of Complaints, and I'd just like to see it Illustrated...

Since it's "Legendary" and all. :rofl:


Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

yeah, tha malcontent's concern for wiiimmminfolk is legendary.

Illustrate it...

It's a Cute Juvenile Level Attack on a Message Board, but Aside from me Namecalling on Said ANONYMOUS Message Board AFTER I was Attacked, and of course NOT Knowing NOR Caring what ANYONE's Gender was, could you or someone else here Please Illustrate what's being Insinuated?...

And I'll add that a Few "Women" here Act FAR from the Lady Type, so they can Look in the Cyber Mirror if their Feelings are Hurt when someone Slaps Back at them.

People getting Personally BUTT HURT online on Message Boards about Words is the Weakest of Complaints, and I'd just like to see it Illustrated...

Since it's "Legendary" and all. :rofl:



dude. get a grip. you know what you are doing, i hope.
one of your things is to try to push your weak agenda by hiding behind skirts.
then you forget this and show your typical weak macho pecker in another thread.
we have been through this.
Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

yeah, tha malcontent's concern for wiiimmminfolk is legendary.
I've noticed. He has a narrow window of "lady-like" women that he approves of...the rest are just tools to him.

Not that any actual woman would go near him. :lol:
Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if Abortion were Outlawed?

Just Heard that Old Canard on Err Amerika as I was Enjoy the Incessant Whining of the Left about their Heretic Former Messiah and his Party's Failure to Deliver them the Socialism they Demand. :rofl:

So my Question is Simple...

Let's say Abortion is Outlawed, you get Pregnant and you don't want the Child... Would you Use a Coat Hanger in a Back Alley if that was your only Option as these Dishonest and Abjectly Hysterical Liberals on Err Amerika are Eluding to?
Why don't you ask that of all the women who did chose to do that?

No surprise that you would make a poll asking who would have an abortion a public poll.

If abortion were outlawed today and I needed one, these day there are safer ways available to women with the means to obtain them. But if I was desperate enough and a coat hanger were my only option, I'd use it.
Why a back alley?

The only people aborting after an outlaw would be the homeless?

Or is there going to be a gestapo raiding houses looking for home-aborters and the back alley is the safest spot?

I don't get this thread.
Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

Women who follow the Amelia Warren school of wishful thinking, "I think of men as I want them to be", will be used by most men if given the chance.
If I were a Republican, back in the day, I would send my pregnant daughter off to a boarding house for wonton women who shamed their parents, and tell all my elitist friends at the Yacht Club that she's gone to Europe for a year to study at Sorbonne. The child would be adopted and never mentioned again.

That is what happened to a life friend of mine after the 8th grade. We saw her again in the 10th grade. She went to a very ritzy place run by joyless women for "shameless" young girls. She never saw her daughter after she left the place. Still, she thinks of her every day, even more than forty years later.
Men, and I say this tongue in cheek (after all, this is mal), that use women as tools are the biggest fucktards on the planet.

actually ravi....it was said on air america...i heard it the other day...they claimed that republicans want abortion illegal and this will force women into back alleys with a coat hanger.....

take off your partisan cap for just a second....k....:eusa_angel:
If I were a Republican, back in the day, I would send my pregnant daughter off to a boarding house for wonton women who shamed their parents, and tell all my elitist friends at the Yacht Club that she's gone to Europe for a year to study at Sorbonne. The child would be adopted and never mentioned again.

That is what happened to a life friend of mine after the 8th grade. We saw her again in the 10th grade. She went to a very ritzy place run by joyless women for "shameless" young girls. She never saw her daughter after she left the place. Still, she thinks of her every day, even more than forty years later.
Similar thing happened to a woman I used to know. As a teenager she was talked out of an abortion and talked into leaving school for six months. They allowed her to see but not touch the baby she gave birth to. She said it had haunted her all her life.
So she would have rather aborted? I think women who give up their babies to loving families that can't haave them are the bravest, most selfless people on earth. They are not given enough recognition.

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